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74 results found.
8 pages of results. 41. A Cosmic Debate [Books] [de Grazia books]
... to cope with disastrous ecological experience. Mythanalysis goes hand in hand with a reconstructed natural history to permit great advances in translating symbols and making sense out of the apparently senseless. This will be true not only of so-called primitive and ancient myth. But also of the great bodies of material summed up in the Bible, the Vedas, the Koran, and other sacred religio-moral-historical works. If the effect of massive collective shock is the suppression of memory, another effect is the partly conscious and vigorous design of methods for ridding humans of the impressions and anxieties bubbling up from the repressed memories. This is commonly accomplished by divisionary, symbolically loaded activity. The study of religious worship and ...
42. Thoth Vol III, No. 6: March 31, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... , which is central to modern cosmology, I agree with Gregg Easterbrook who wrote in The New Republic of last October 12; ". .. for sheer extravagant implausibility, nothing in theology or metaphysics can hold a candle to the [Big] Bang. Surely, if this description of the cosmic genesis came from the Bible or the Koran rather than the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it would surely be treated as a preposterous myth." CARDONA OFFERS: But the theory DID come from a religious work. Here's a short selection from [not yet published] Chapter 1 of GOD STAR by Dwardu Cardona: Begin quote: In fact, even that so-called pillar of astrophysics ...
43. AD Ages in Chaos: A Russian Point of View [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Antique 1530 century Arabic 14th century Arithmetic 15th century Astrology 14th century Astronomy 13th century August 1664 Bible 14th century Byzantine 1794 Caesar 1567 Cathedra 14th century Catholic 14th century Celtic 1590 Chinese 1606 Crusaders 1732 Dutch 14th century Education 1531 Etruscan 1706 Gallic 1672 German 14th century Golden age 1555 Gothic 1591 History 14th century Iberian 1601 Indian 14th century Iron Age 1879 Koran 1615 Mogul 1588 Mongol 1698 Muslim 1615 Orthodox 15th century Philosophy 14th century Platonic 1533 Pyramid 1549 Renaissance 1845 Roman 14th century Roman law 1660 Russian 1538 Spanish 15th century Swedish 1605 Tartar 14th century Trojan 14th century Turkish 1545 Zodiac 14th century Fig. 4 Very late genesis of the most important historical' conceptions. This table from the Book of ...
44. Interviewing Immanuel Velikovsky: An Introduction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , it was in the entire Bible- in the Psalms and the books of the prophets. Again and again the orator, the prophet, tells you of the terrific phenomena that took place about the time Israel left Egypt. Now, when you look into Egyptian textbooks and you find nothing, yet you go into Egyptian original sources in the Koran and find that in some papyrus, which is already for over 100 years in the University Library of Leiden in Holland, there is some mention of water turning into blood. Well, this is one of the plagues; you wish to see its translation. Now you find that many of the plagues are reported sometimes in an identical ...
45. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... S' and R', in that order, comprise a verb meaning to make a sacrifice'. An altar of sacrifice is one of the first things Noah undertook upon disembarking from the Ark according to the Genesis record. (3 ) MT. JUDI. Whatever his source, Mohammed wrote in the decade of 620 AD in his Koran that the Ark landed on Mt. Judi. Fasold's site is Mt. Cudi' in Turkish. The Turkish letter C' is pronounced like the J' in English. Mt. Cudi is Mt. Judi phonetically. (4 ) PLACE OF PILGRIMAGE. Ziyaret Dagi, the mountain immediately to the west of Mt. Judi, ...
46. Man: The Past, The Present, and the Future [Books]
... , who survived a great Flood which destroyed all others. They landed on Mount Parnassus in an Ark or chest. The Jews have given us the story of Noah, who with his wife, three son and their wives were carried safely through a great Flood which destroyed all others. They landed on Mount Ararat in present-day Armenia. The Koran informs us that Noah and other believers were the only ones to survive a great Flood. The Ark in which they were saved came to rest on AI-Djoudi. Noah's son perished in the great waves, because he was too late in embarking. Remains of a vessel-declared to be the Ark-were found on Mt. Judi, on the left ...
47. The Great Flood -- the Myth in Genesis [Books]
... in their myths the surprising temperature of the waters which, as they correctly report, were surging towards the north. The Jews were not ignorant of this trait as their myths record that many' of the corrupt antediluvians might perhaps not have perished in the flood had not the Lord made the waters hot (Note 67). In the Koran a reference to the temperature of the waters of the flood is to be found in the otherwise senseless statement that the source of the deluge was in an oven'. Out of the myths telling that the waters of the deluge were salt speaks the surprise of inland dwellers who only knew sweet water up till then. The Kwakiutl Indians ...
48. The Myth of the Tower [Books]
... occur, Xelhua built a zacuali, or " tower of great height ", which was to reach up to heaven. But the gods, offended at his presumption, hurled fire from heaven, which killed many of the workmen. Therefore the pyramid of Cholula remained unfinished, ' In the Surah ' Of the Mount', of the Koran (Iii) an Arabian myth is referred to which told that the devils climb up to the gate of heaven by means of a ladder and listen for scraps of he knowledge of futurity. When they are detected by the angels they are pelted with shooting-stars. ' The Papago Indians of California tell in one of their myths that the ...
49. Myths of the Great Flood (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... tells of the tradition among the people of Hierapolis that once in the olden times enormous volumes of water issued on a sudden from the Earth, rains of extraordinary abundance began to fall, the rivers left their beds and the sea overflowed its shores. The waters thus augmented at last covered the whole Earth and all men perished. In the Koran we find the story that an oven' (a volcano) suddenly began to disgorge tremendous water masses which covered all land in the neighbourhood with water. This inundation was followed by the deluge proper. The Gros Ventre Indians have the following myth. When the god Nichant wanted to cleanse the old world and make a new one, ...
... more than to challenge such a perfect science by recourse, horribile dictu, to the Scriptures as a historical document. That Worlds in Collision contains much folklore, or old wives' tales, ' was not so ludicrous as the fact that it brought the Old Testament back into the debate. The citation of passages from the Vedas, the Koran, and Mexican holy books was not so insulting as quotation from the Hebrew Bible. It is irrelevant that this book is among the most ancient of written literary documents in existence. As the theologian believes with blind faith that the Scriptures contain only truth, that their authorship is from God, and therefore, that every verse in them ...
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