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... , a shepherd was upset in his boat and drowned; his body, long sought for, turned up at last in the foamy cream, when they were churning, and was buried in a cavity which bees had constructed of honeycombs as large as town-gates.]. And the same goes for the "creation" brought forth by the Japanese "parents of the world," who, standing upon the Celestial Bridge, stirred with the celestial jewel-spear the primordial sea until parts of it thickened and became islands. The Amritamanthana survived also in Greece, in the beginning of Iliad 8, and in the myth of Plato's Statesman, and Plutarch spotted it in Egypt: but this ...
82. Transcontinental Contact [Journals] [Aeon]
... that contact and a certain amount of trade passed between the two cultures. Meanwhile, analysis of characters found in Central American carvings have shown them to be identical to those of Chinese writing employed during the Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. Comparison of South American pottery with that of Asia has also led to the conclusion that Japanese sailors must have made contact with the indigenes of Ecuador some 5,000 years ago. French archaeologists working in Brazil unearthed a skull, claimed to be at least 9,000 years old, which, on examination through a three-dimensional catscan at a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, turned out to be Negroid. Granted that the wheels ...
83. Dragons [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... defeated them by first getting them drunk on mead. Shah nama by Ferdowsi [Arkana, London, 1967, pp. 26-27]- King Faridun assumed dragon shape to test the spirit of his three sons. Mackenzie, Donald A., China and Japan [Braken Books, London, 1986]- much information on dragons. For Japanese legend, see esp. the legend of Susa-no-wo, god of the Ocean and brother of the sun-goddess, who slew a huge dragon which was annually devoured daughters of an earth-god. From this dragon, he got the Kusangi sword. Much later, this sword was lost, and (in another legend), an emperor recovered it ...
84. Canopy Skies of Ancient Man by Isaac Vail [Books]
... unmindful of the fact that it is considered a name for the sun, but as here brought out it is not the true sun's name but the name of the Sun regent or shining vapors. Thus Hesiod's statement of Ouranos coming down from afar to wed Mother Earth comes dangerously near making him a canopist. As it perpetuates and enlarges the Japanese idea of a "heaven close to the earth" so will it enlarge the oriental conception of its final utter recession. Ancient Greek cosmology is continually manifesting this union of Heaven and Earth, and by this cosmic coming together of these two ancient deities all the gods and demi- gods were produced, and were called "earth born" ...
85. The Ring of Truth by Isaac Vail [Books]
... . Afterwards all they produced or can produce is one eternal repetition of day and night; summer and winter, cold and heat; seed time and harvest; wind and storm; life and death; sun, moon and stars- the immortal products of the agitated vast abyss. This same agitation of the celestial waters is shown in primitive Japanese legends. The creator of the world, Iranagi and his spouse, took their stand on the "bridge of heaven" and, stirring the deep, produced "The Island of the Congealed Drop". What this island was, will be understood when we reflect that during the reign of canopies, in the far north there must ...
86. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... inevitable consequence of molecular genetics." From the shades can you hear a Velikovskian chuckle - or two? ' Great balls of fire New Scientist 23.3 .91, p. 24 and The Economist 17.8 .91, pp.74-75 Scientists sceptical about the existence of ball lightning must now sit up and take note of Japanese researchers who have not only created ball lightning in the laboratory but observed it passing through non-conducting solids without causing any damage, and hovering near electrical conductors, just as countless tales, previously regarded as simply folklore, have described. The Japanese scientists were testing a theory that ball lightning may be produced by a plasma discharge caused by interference ...
87. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... water is hit. Another strange phenomenon is that of booming sands from certain deserts and dunes around the world. Electrical charges can build up in dry sand and may be part of the explanation for why these sands emit sounds from time to time. The Moses coil defies gravity New Scientist 26.7 .97, pp. 42-43 Two Japanese researchers succeeded in recreating the Red Sea phenomenon by surrounding a tube of water with a coil of superconducting wire. When a current flowed in the wire, creating a magnetic field in the tube, the water parted and moved to the ends of the tube leaving the centre dry. Since then, more work with the coil has shown ...
88. Sagan's Pseudo-sagacity: Style As A Reflection Of Character (Or The Lack Thereof) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and maenad." Know what dryads and maenads are? Betcha don't. Well I do. ( 'course I've also got a very thick, unabridged dictionary handy.) I'll give you a hint: there must have been a hell of a lot of goddesses and priests in Ancient Greece. Dr. Sagan tells us about an ancient Japanese myth that describes the creation of the world. According to the myth, in the beginning a huge bird separated the land from the water by beating its wings. We can expect an island people to have such a myth, he says. In his words, "The distillation of land from water is a natural enough idea for ...
89. Megalithic Circles and Star Charts [Journals] [SIS Review]
... expediency [16]. A representative case for this region is the megalithic structures found near Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, consisting of one ellipse and two ovals, with a number of stones placed within one of the large ovals. The stones show alignments with the Sun and Moon at the solstices and equinoxes and intermediate dates significant to the Japanese. Based on analysis of the sightings relative to the Earth's precession, the site is dated to 2100 BC [17]. Cultures on the north American continent had their own version of stone circles. The Plains people of the northwest United States and southwest Canada left what is considered by one author to be enigmatic' large wheel patterns ...
90. Evolution, Darwinism, Popper, and Fort - Again (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... same interval as that of the ice. 2. The meteorites fell to Earth at the same time as the snow (become ice) exposed along a mountainside. 3. The ice and the meteorites are as old as 600,000 years.(l ) The proposed age for the ice has, however, "been challenged by Japanese scientists who suggest that the ice is far younger".(2 ) According to Immanuel Velikovsky, in Worlds in Collision, the Earth's encounter with cometary Venus in the middle of the second millennium B.C . and the later encounters of Venus with the Moon and Mars produced meteorites which fell to Earth in great numbers.( ...
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