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20 pages of results. 51. Spatters And Planetary Iconography [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... in Figures 12 and 16, found in my pictorial catalogue of trisms.(19) Figure 100 is my depiction of a 13th century manuscript scene showing Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival and Hector. Spatters adorn the lower borders. Note the sprouting trees and their trismatic leaves. Figure 101 Figure 102 Figure 103 Figure 101 is my tracing of the Japanese spirit of the pine tree. Spatters appear on the spirit's cloak. Our geographical scope has now expanded into the Orient. Figure 102 is my sketch of a Japanese portrayal of Amida (also known as Amitabha). Amida is an incarnation of the Buddha and often appears flanked by two hvdhisattvas or "buddhas-to-be," entitities whose abode ...
52. Rocks From Where? [Journals] [Horus]
... have to go to the Moon? Or to send probes to Mars to get them? An article in the 17 March, 1983 issue of the British magazine New Scientist announces in its title: Extraterrestrials have landed on Antarctica. Before 1969, all the expeditions to Antarctica had together found only four meteorites. Then, in December 1969, Japanese scientists stumbled upon nine black fragments within a short distance from each other. After studies of these finds were reported at a meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Davos, Switzerland, in August 1973, excitement gripped the Antarctic scientific community, and many more finds have come to fight since then. Among them, one meteorite stands out: ...
53. Velikovsky's 360 days/year calendar [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1996:2 (Feb 1997) Home | Issue Contents Newsgroups: sci.archaeology Velikovsky's 360 days/year calendar From: Ykon, Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 13:45:40 + 0900 Recently I've read Japanese translation of the "Fingerprint of the Gods". I was felt this is very interesting readings. And also I thought arguments in this book is something look like Velikovsky's "World in Collision". I hardly say which part is same but they are same kind of thinking on ancient catastrophic event such as "Water Flood" myth. I know Velikovsky's argument is very dangerous ...
54. Samson Revealed [Journals] [Aeon]
... by the ancient Israelites themselves (or by modern Jews or Biblical scholars, for that matter). Indeed, it must be said that the evidence presented by de Santillana and von Dechend would hardly stand up in court. Their entire case rests upon a couple of motifs shared in common between Samson and various heroes. Both Samson and the Japanese Susanowo, for example, participate in an episode involving the bringing down of palatial beams. Yet at no time do the authors offer any convincing evidence that Susanowo is to be identified with the red planet, as one might otherwise expect to be necessary in order to make their case. Just how the authors would understand the archetypal Martian ...
55. Binomial Coefficients, Permutations and Combinations in Elam and Babylon [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... study of permutations and combinations. While no hard data of binomial and combination study can be shown, it is generally conceded by many that knowledge of the binomial coefficients lies, of course, fully within the reach of Babylonian algebra.(4 ) The first evidence of the study of permutations comes in the mystic trigrams of the Chinese and Japanese, which appear in one of the oldest Chinese classics, the I-King. This consists of the various permutations of straight and broken lines taken three at a time. This arrangement of lines is seen on amulets and charms in China and India, and it is also used as an ornament on objects where it can have no mystical significance ...
56. Velikovsky: The Open Minded Approach [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Velikovsky was published in Britain and the United States in 1950. The thesis of the book was that the Earth had been ravaged by global catastrophes caused by planetary interactions within historical times; that these disasters provided the miracles and apocalyptic imagery of the Bible and the inspiration for the cosmologies of the ancient world. Velikovsky culled his reconstruction from the Japanese, Chinese, and Hindu civilisations, the Iranian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Hitto-Chaldean, Israelite, and Egyptian records; the Etruscan, Attic, and Roman theogonies and philosophies; Scandinavian and Icelandic epics, Mayan, Toltec, and Olmec art and legends. ' (1 ) This picture he drew from them was that around 1500 BC ...
57. The Origami of Species [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. I No. 4 (Winter 1976) Home | Issue Contents The Origami of Species The Japanese art of paper folding- Origami- shows how many beautiful complex shapes can be formed from an essentially two dimensional object. One can appreciate the difficulties by attempting some of the more complicated patterns, where the paper convolutions almost seem to vanish within themselves in mobius-like fashion. In somewhat the same way, the genetic structure of biological organisms exhibits a conformation that appears to be, fundamentally, a three-dimensional geometric pattern- with its chemical properties as a natural outgrowth of the physical topology. Any changes in the molecular bits and pieces can radically affect the geometry, and this ...
... eastern edge of Asia, the outermost fringe coming off completely and moving south-eastwards and eastwards, in great arcs, which became split up into islands' as they widened out. Thus the peculiar well-rounded festoons of islands which adorn the Pacific coasts in the north-western quadrant of the Pacific were formed: the Aleutian Islands, the Kurile Islands, the Japanese main islands, the Ryukyu Islands, the Marianas, and the Philippine Islands. All these island arcs characteristically point towards the south-east, thus eloquently revealing their genesis. As the south-eastward flow of the plastic magma was quicker than the outward movement of the rigid crustal segments which had become segregated from the Asiatic continent, great rifts, clefts ...
59. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The Navels [Books]
... . Scythian pappa, Armenian pap, Phrygian Zeus Papas (which is almost an equation with the Phrygian Attis being also called Pappas). Papa is the Mangaian (South Pacific) first-mother. Papa is also the Earth of the Maoris, and she and the heavens, Rangi, are the all-parents. I have already stated that the archaic Japanese form of haha mother must have been papa. This is on all fours with the Lydian name Ma 68 (DeMeter) the consort of the god Attis, which ua still survives in our ma and ma-ma doublets of mother. Kubelc and Attius (whence, I say, the Latin adjectival Attius) were of course the Phrygian first ...
60. Sinking and Rising Lands [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the west it flew into the air like a boat's stern. Since then all the rivers in China have flowed eastwards. Kondratov inquired of geologist Yuri Reshetov concerning this myth and received the following in reply: Geological, geophysical, paleontological, archaeological and anthropological studies have shown that up until at least the middle of the last Ice Age the Japanese Islands and Indonesia were Asian peninsulas. During the second half of the Ice Age (from 40,000 to 20,000 years ago), vast areas of land subsided into the sea and were replaced by what are the Sea of Japan and the south China Sea. The sinking was accompanied by powerful volcanism and by earthquakes. ...
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