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20 pages of results. 41. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Life revives on Mars New Scientist 4.11.00, p. 27, 13.1 .01, p.23, 19.5 .01, pp. 38-40 More work on that Martian meteorite has revealed that its centre never got too hot to fry any microbes in it and even if it had been hot a Japanese team reckons that the common ancestor of all living things was able to survive in almost boiling water. Research on the controversial Martian meteorite has revealed tiny magnetic crystals which seem too pure to have been made by geological processes. They have the properties of magnetite crystals made by certain bacteria on Earth, which use them to navigate around dark ...
42. A Catastrophist Reading of Religious Systems [Journals] [SIS Review]
... subconsciously on a racial scale, modern Japan provides a blunt refutation. As everyone knows, Japan had been at war in Asia since 1933 and its surprise attack on Pearl Harbor brought it swiftly into World War Two in 1941, which led to the atomic bombing of 1945 and Japan's surrender. We have only begun to learn now how the Japanese mentality responded to these events. It turns out that the Second World War is virtually ignored in Japanese education, as is Pearl Harbor, Manchuria and the bloody prisoner-of-war camps. They were eliminated from the history textbooks and therefore, for the Japanese, it is as if they never happened. All they remember is Hiroshima and Nagasaki unconnected ...
43. Darkness and the Deep [Journals] [Aeon]
... , and a turbid chaos dark as Erebus; and these were boundless and for long ages had no limit." (78) It was out of this dark and turbid chaos that creation was said to have progressed, a description that has more in common with a dark whirlpool than an auroral effect. Something similar is recounted in the Japanese Nihongi as paraphrased by Raymond Van Over: Before Heaven and Earth were produced, there was something which might be compared to a cloud floating over the sea. It had no place of attachment for its root. (79) And so, also, among the Chinese as we learn from the Tao Te Ching: There is [ ...
44. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... tidal waves crossed the Pacific Ocean, struck the California coast 4,750 miles distant from the point of impact, and broke small boats from their bearings. Islands off Yokohama were submerged and the island of Oshima, it was said, sank into the sea and reappeared larger than before with a volcano in full eruption. Fujiyama, the Japanese volcano to the west of Tokio, it is interesting to note, was unaffected. 12A. The theory of the Central Observatory of Tokio was that the earthquake originated in a landslip undersea, half way between the Atami hot springs and Oshima Island. Mr. Shaw, the British seismologist, was also of opinion that the earthquake had ...
45. Saturn's Cosmos [Books]
... his dwelling at the cosmic centre. (12) "In diagrams of the Cosmos" observes J. C. Cirlot, "the central space is always reserved for the Creator, so that he appears as if surrounded by a circular or almond-shaped halo." (13) 8. Mithraic Saturn, with surrounding halo. 9. Japanese Buddha, with surrounding halo. If one accepts the immediate sense of the archaic terminology, the enclosure was no abstraction. It was Saturn's shining band. The Babylonian Anu- Saturn- was "the High One of the Enclosure of Life," (14) his dwelling "the brilliant enclosure." (Here, too, ...
46. Sagan's Folly Part 1 [Journals] [Kronos]
... , pp. 68-69. What makes Sagan's "diffusionist" posture especially vulnerable is his later commentary about the Crab Supernova event of the year 1054 A.D . "Impressive evidence has been uncovered in cave paintings in the American Southwest of contemporary observations of the Crab Supernova event of the year 1054, which was also recorded in Chinese, Japanese and Korean annals" (pp. 18-19). For this cosmic event, recorded hemispheres apart, Sagan breathes not a word of "diffusion". [Why is it that Europe and Islam have left no record of the Crab Supernova?] Instead, he wonders why there are "no [sic] contemporary graphic records" ...
47. The Dragon in Myth and Folklore [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... 20. Holliday, op. cit., p.128. 21. Opening lines of DRAGONS AND DRAGON LORE, Ingersoll, quoted in Sutherland, loc. cit., note 20. [This article was first submitted in 1976 and is printed here in its original form. In July 1977, in a celebrated incident, a Japanese trawler, fishing off the coast of New Zealand, recovered the decaying body of a huge and mysterious sea creature. This recently dead monster was thought to resemble a marine plesiosaur, but was unfortunately lost to science when the Japanese threw it back into the sea. - Ed.] \cdrom\pubs\journals\workshop\ ...
48. Catastrophes in the period 5th cent. BC to 14th cent. AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... epidemic is recorded). The late Han period flourished until the 6th century, when it is said to have lost the mandate of heaven'. In Japan a fierce epidemic in 552 was recorded by Buddhist monks from Korea. The subsequent recorded history of Japan is dotted with outbreaks of disease with parallels in Britain in many respects. The Japanese even have a legend that resembles the Arthur story and the Kusanagi sword is almost a replica of Excalibur [20]. The Black Death The Black Death shows up in the European tree ring record as a building hiatus [21] but a frost ring event has been discovered in Sierra Nevada foxtail pines, dated at 1331. By ...
49. Epic Postscript [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. I No. 2 (Summer 1975) Home | Issue Contents Epic Postscript In contrast to the outpouring of Japanese Monster movies in the years immediately following World War 11, American film-making was crowned by the "Epic Age" whose major constituent was the Biblical Blockbuster. it was not until the box-office triumph of the war, violence, crime, and disaster movies - beginning in the late sixties - that Religious Spectaculars capitulated and virtually disappeared from the repertoire of American cinema.(1 ) Here is an interesting psychological phenomenon indeed, for while American movies have always been well represented by the horror, monster, science-fiction, war, crime, violence ...
50. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Comets. Ch.9 Axis Shifted (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... in Mexico, over 18 000 feet high, was active for the last time three centuries ago. In the United States few volcanoes are active, though many became extinct very recently, in the geological sense. Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, the Kamchatka Peninsula, and the Kurile Islands encircle the northern Pacific with a volcanic arc. The Japanese islands contain volcanoes by the score; most of them are extinct, some only recently so. Formosa, the Philippines, the so called Volcano Islands -one of which is Iwo Jima, the Moluccas, northern New Zealand, the Sunda Archipelago-all are crowded with volcanoes, most of them only recently extinct. In the centre of this chain ...
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