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... which could be interpreted in a very Velikovskian way- and (although they were often discounted in the light of later research) they were so interpreted by Velikovsky or, at his urging, by his disciples. On January 16, 1950, just a few days after the January Harper's containing Eric Larrabee's introduction to Velikovskianism appeared on the newsstands, Japanese astronomer, Tsuneo Saheki, observed a colossal cloud rise up from the Martian surface, which Estonian-Irish astronomer E. J. Oepik interpreted as the first scientific observation of a cosmic collision. Fred Whipple, Shapley's successor at Harvard, retrocalculating the orbits of Encke's comet and the asteroids, described other collisions that he assumed to have occurred as ...
172. Trisms and Planetary Iconography [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . Ellis (1969), Scandanavian Mythology, Paul Hamlyn, London, page 61. 97. Ibid., page 100. 98. The source is Cavendish, R., op. cit., "Krishna" 99. Ibid., "Parsifal". 100. The source is Piggott, Julie (1969), Japanese Mythology, The Hamlyn Publishing Group, LTD, London, frontispiece. 101. Ibid., page 73. 102. Christ in Majesty, ceiling painting found in the pantheon de los Reyes in Leon. 103. Buddha Preaching the Law, North Wei Dynasty; my source is Sullivan, Michael (1973), The Arts of ...
173. Vox Popvli [Journals] [Aeon]
... signaling systems, this citation is doubly unfortunate. First, Pei, though a respected Romance philologist, belonged rather conspicuously to the avoidant stage of glossogonies. He ignored work being done by contemporary ornithologists and primatologists, which showed clearly that crows, for example, can and do learn radically different vocal dialects when they change flocks; and that Japanese macaque troops develop new dietary and ablutory traditions over periods measurable in decades. Recognizing the importance of communicative behavior among primates generally, Strickling illustrates one section of his article with the picture of a mandrill. He would have done far better, however, to picture any one of the great apes, all of whom are communicatively more like ...
174. Lamarckism: Still Alive and Thriving [Journals] [Aeon]
... do that, and control for every conceivable thing like that, you are still left with this effect coming through the male line. I also did some induced-diabetes experiments, where I set up acquired diabetes by chemical induction and asked whether the father could transmit any type of diabetogenic influence to offspring. And there was a reason for this. Japanese and American workers, about 10 to 15 years beforehand, had actually shown that in rats. I was basically trying to repeat that in mice. And the long and the short of that was that, yes, I did see effects. I eventually published all of that in a major paper in Diabetes in 1988. And the ...
175. Conclusion: Entropy [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... change significantly in a few days, weeks or months. However, if the orbit of the ball should change significantly in a few days, weeks or months, then it will prove that magnetism is a potent force in celestial motion. I have submitted the test offered in the following Appendix to NASA, the European Space Agency, The Japanese Space Agency, and the Israeli Space Agency. Each of these authorities have refused to carry out this test. At a meeting in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Tom Van Flandern informed me that all kinds of tests, even tests submitted by public school children have been accepted and tested in space by NASA. Thus, it is ...
176. Chapter 9 Mesopotamian Stratigraphy [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... large extent this period of time was suppressed. The historians who now fail to relate to their students the evidence that there is no settlement gap at Tell Munbaqa and teach that there is nothing amiss with respect to Mesopotamian chronology will be taking part in a deliberate falsification of historical truth, similarly to those who wrote those textbooks for German and Japanese students. Based on the established chronology, the Mitanni are said to have ruled in northern Mesopotamia from around 1500 to 1360 B.C . The Old Akkadians or First Babylonians had to have ruled from about 700 to 800 years earlier which allows for the settlement gap. But since that settlement gap does not exist, the history of ...
... The Hebrews called this heaven Shamayim, "there waters"; the Greeks called it Ouranos, " water heaven "; the Hindus called it Varuna, " water heaven "; the Latins called it Cnelum, and this, too, was a watery heaven, for it passed away. So did the heaven of the ancient Egyptians, Japanese, Scandinavians and Mexicans. But the Last Earth Canopy must fall. It opens at the equator (e , e), and the vapors slowly float to the poles, and begin to fall. Again, as in ages gone by, snows begin to chill the earth. The sun shines in upon the equatorial earth through the ...
178. Tree Symbols [Books]
... garden: Precious stones it bore as fruit, Branches hung from it which were beautilul to behold The top of the tree was lapis lazuli And it was laden with fruit which dazzled the eye of him that beheld.41 Trees of silver and gold, with gems instead of blossoms or fruit, are met with in Hindu, Chinese and Japanese stories regarding Paradise. Hercules saw apples of pure gold in Those Hesperian gardens found of old, Fortunate fields, and groves and flowery vales. Among the many wonders referred to in Chinese writings isa starry milk-stone. Laufer writes regarding stone from a mountain on Sumatra: Ma Ci describes this stone as being green in colour and without speckles ...
179. The Spiral and Birth [Books]
... umbilicand Sanskrit nabhi. The sacred cities and sites of many ancient cults were supposed to be situated on the "navel" of the earth. Ctizco, the Inca capital, was the "navel" and Jerusalem, Athens, etc. were supposed to mark the "navel ". The navel was connected with the bowels, and the Japanese hara, belly, is used like our word "heart" for centre, but it is also "mind". Various peoples regard the belly as the seat of life and intelligence. To the Egyptians of the Pyramid Age, the "heart" or the "belly" furnished the chief designation's for the inteiligence.18 The ...
180. The Evolution of the Cosmogonic Egg [Journals] [Aeon]
... regarded as the upper and lower halves of the vast egg..." (162) The Orphic theogony concerning the snake Herakles cited above also declares that, "filled with his force," the egg this being produced "cracked and broke into halves- the upper heaven, the lower earth." (163) From the Japanese Nihongi we have the following: Of old, Heaven and Earth were not yet separated, and the In and Yo not yet divided. They formed a chaotic mass like an egg which was of obscurely defined limits... The purer and clearer part [of this egg-like mass] was thinly drawn out, and formed Heaven, ...
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