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20 pages of results. 151. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... was produced the same way although there are no references to it and it seems to have then disappeared. Meanwhile, descriptions of purple bronzes in Indian and Tibetan classical literature indicate that the process moved east and there are early Chinese references to purple gold in the 5th century AD, finally reaching Japan by the 14th century. By the time Japanese articles reached the west in the 19th century the process had long been forgotten in the area in which it started. MYTHOLOGY Glastonbury myth The Times Literary Supplement 22.10.93, p. 91 Despite several archaeological endeavours, there is absolutely no evidence for all the stories about the area's association with early Christianity. The whole mythos ...
152. Tunguska-Type Impacts Over the Pacific Basin Around the Year 1178 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... control of central Mexico till the 12th century, also went through a crisis, intriguingly characterised by the suicide of its last king, as a result of signs and wonders in the sky, which the king may have interpreted as presaging the end of his dynasty [22]. Japan Around 1178 there is an important political discontinuity in the Japanese history, given by the passage of the political power after a period of intense fighting from the southern Taira dynasty (with capital Miako, now Kyoto), to the northern Minamoto dynasty (with capital Kamakura, near Edo, now Tokyo). The fighting ended around 1182. This political event might be a chance occurrence in our ...
153. The Spiral and Birth [Books]
... umbilicand Sanskrit nabhi. The sacred cities and sites of many ancient cults were supposed to be situated on the "navel" of the earth. Ctizco, the Inca capital, was the "navel" and Jerusalem, Athens, etc. were supposed to mark the "navel ". The navel was connected with the bowels, and the Japanese hara, belly, is used like our word "heart" for centre, but it is also "mind". Various peoples regard the belly as the seat of life and intelligence. To the Egyptians of the Pyramid Age, the "heart" or the "belly" furnished the chief designation's for the inteiligence.18 The ...
154. Comalcalco: A Case for Early Pre-Columbian Contact and Influence? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and if Comalcalco reflects elements of Indus civilisation, an Asian intermediary culture was possibly responsible. The majority of serious scholars of diffusion agree that if there was contact between Amerindians and voyagers from other parts of the world, it was via the Pacific. Evidence for Transpacific Contact This is a vast and complex area of study. The eastward flowing Japanese Current flows northward along Asia to Siberia and Alaska and south towards Mexico and the maritime capabilities of the Asiatics were far in advance of the Europeans during the first millennia BC; the evidence for transpacific contact over a long period of time is substantial and diverse. Fingerhut [36] provides a useful introduction. Certain factors point to a ...
155. Night of the Gods: The Pillar-Axis as Tower [Books]
... 1890). The whole sacred symbol is two feet high, and stands on a round base. The hollow ball is of thin wood, and about eight inches in diameter, with two slits in it like those on the front of a fiddle. Is not this a sort of bull-roarer? See also what is said as to the Japanese nu-hoko on p. 67. Lord Dunraven75 gave some particulars of the capstones of the Round-tower roofs. At Antrim "a portion of the original stone which crowned the conical top is still preserved. There is a square hole in the centre, into which a small wedge-shaped stone fitted" (" probably a cross " is added, ...
156. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... for the northern region of the world [147]. More than that, as Lord of the Centre, Shang-ti was also revered as Huang-ti [148], who is perhaps better known as the Yellow Lord [149] or Yellow Emperor [150], long acknowledged to be an avatar of Saturn [151]. In the Japanese Kojiki we learn of the Heavenly Jewelled Spear which joined heaven to Earth and which acted as the churning stick responsible for the surfacing of the mythical (one might as well say celestial) island of Onogoro [152]. The reason behind the churning of the milk ocean seems to be variously given. Thus, according to Veronica Ions ...
157. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... burials are also found in India and the period in question coincides with a warm phase of climate and an expansionist culture. Similar jars have been found in Indonesia, where small statues found with them bear a resemblance to the statues of Easter Island. This has no stone jars, but large pits were carved into solid rock instead. Early Japanese (Current World Archaeology, No. 11, June/July 2005, pp. 48-59) The earliest people to inhabit Japan were the Jomon, Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers who do not strictly fit into any standard archaeological category because, like Neolithic peoples, they lived in villages and used pottery from as early as 13,000 BC. They ...
158. Apocalyptic Imagery In Modern Political Spectacle [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , thrust into huge turmoil and fear and cannot understand or condone or tolerate it, then the unconscious can come to the fore and take over the life of a person or a nation. Standard trauma theory today says as much but restricts it to the personal unconscious. It was observed, for example, in Hiroshima survivors, for many Japanese apparently individually developed the same vision of divine destiny. If we expand this to the (more problematical) dimension of the collective unconscious, then this was the situation with Nazi Germany. Having experienced sudden and inexplicable complete disorder and meaninglessness from the end of World War I, it was propelled by the resultant cosmic terror into becoming a ...
159. Ice Cores and Common Sense (Part II) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... defiant ignorance represented by Rose. Velikovskians use the word "catastrophist" to describe themselves almost interchangeably with "Velikovskian," as though the two were synonymous. They are proud of the label, as though it conferred some special virtue. There has to be a catastrophist explanation of everything, it seems- Shakespeare's imagery, human sacrifice, Japanese monster movies, soap opera- you name it. Velikovskians seem to think they are the only real catastrophists. The proponents of catastrophe by cometary impact are resented, largely because their catastrophism is not robust enough to turn the solar system inside out every few thousand years. An anonymous editor of SIS Workshop expressed it this way: The ...
160. The Inconstant Heavens [Books] [de Grazia books]
... also wrote L'Antiquité dévoilée par ses usages, ou examen critique des principales opinions, cérémonies et institutions religieuses et politiques des différents peuples de la terre (Amsterdam, 1766). In this work he analyzed the cosmogonies and mythologies of several farspread peoples of the Earth, such as Germans, Greeks, Jews, Arabs, Hindus, Chinese, Japanese, Peruvians, Mexicans, and Caribs, concluding that rites, ceremonials, and myths reflect the fact that the human race was subjected to a series of cosmic convulsions for which he also considered the geological and paleontological evidence. He argued that these catastrophes shaped the human mind, causing among other things a deepseated psychological trauma: We still ...
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