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196 results found.
20 pages of results. 111. Prehistory and Earth Models [Books]
... collision of Arabia, the Caucasus and the Plateau of Iran. The general arc of mountains surrounding the great ice sheet before continental drift may then have extended from Tien Shan, across the front of the Mongolian Plateau (Altai and Sayan Mountains) and continuing through the great arcuate system of eastern Asia. This description supposes that the Chishima and Japanese Arcs were then much more closely related to the corresponding arcs across the Okhotsk and Japan seas, respectively, namely the Kolyma, Stanovi and Yablonoi ranges. The corresponding shield area related to these welt and sedimentary thrust structures is, of course, the Angara shield. The geometrical relations between it and Fennoscandia are not completely clear, although ...
... Otto, and Parker, R. A. Egyptian Astronomical Texts. Brown University Bicentennial Publications. Vol. 1: The Early Decans (1960); vol 2: The Ramesside Star Clocks (1964). London. Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the earliest times to A.D . 697. Translated from the original Chinese and Japanese by W. G. Aston. London, 1956. Reprint. Noldeke, Theodor. "Sieben Brunnen," ARW, vol. 7 (1904), pp. 340-44. Nonnos. Dionysiaca, W. H. D. Rouse, trans. 1955-56. First printing 1940. 3 vols. LCL. Normann, Friedrich ...
113. Eden's Flaming Sword by Isaac Vail [Books]
... of Heaven", but this bridge is plainly the vapor canopy, for it was a "floating bridge", and moreover it was in the sky. The bridge of heaven is not infrequently an expression in old- world thought, and it must mean, in all cases, the vapor sky in its revolution around the earth. The Japanese annals tell how, in remote antiquity, two solar genii, Izanagi and Izanami, "stood on heaven's bridge" and made the deep revolve, and how "at that time the heavens were very close to the earth". In course of time disorder and strife took place in the skies, and the old sun deity sent ...
114. My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science [Journals] [Pensee]
... religious myth, the ancients desperately tried to convey to their descendants, ourselves included, the record of events that took place in circumstances that left a strong imprint on the witnesses. There were physical upheavals on a global scale in historical times; the grandiosity of the events inspired awe. From the Far East to the Far West- the Japanese, Chinese and Hindu civilizations; the Iranian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hitto-Chaldean, Israelite and Egyptian records; the Etruscan, Attic and Roman theogonies and philosophies; Scandinavian and Icelandic epics; Mayan, Toltec and Olmec art and legends- all, with no exception, were dominated by the knowledge of events and circumstances that only ...
115. Confessions Of A Philosophical Velikovskian [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... me not to pursue my interest in Velikovsky's ideas and writings. In 1994, there appeared a well-written and well-researched book by an Australian scientist. 3 Its upshot was that the collision with the Earth of a comet or asteroid capable of inflicting rather large-scale damage was to be expected at intervals of at most a few hundred years. (A Japanese scientist was quoted as saying that there was about one chance in a hundred that the cities in the Pacific Rim would all be inundated during the next century, due to the impact of a sufficiently large extra-terrestrial body on the Pacific Ocean. Now that our science was in principle capable of producing the technology not only to anticipate, but ...
116. My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science [Journals] [Kronos]
... and religious myth, the ancients desperately tried to convey to their descendants, ourselves included, the record of events that took place in circumstances that left a strong imprint on the witnesses. There were physical upheavals on a global scale in historical times; the grandiosity of the events inspired awe. From the Far East to the Far West- the Japanese, Chinese and Hindu civilizations; the Iranian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hitto-Chaldean, Israelite and Egyptian records; the Etruscan, Attic and Roman theogonies and philosophies; Scandinavian and Icelandic epics; Mayan, Toltec and Olmec art and legends- all, with no exception, were dominated by the knowledge of events and circumstances that only the ...
117. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ground have been investigated by Paul Devereux but his work is largely ignored by because of its UFO associations. He makes out a good case that many earthlights are associated with stress in the Earth's crust at fault lines. In view of abundant evidence that earthlights are associated with earthquakes it is strange that most scientists are so dismissive. However one Japanese team is taking the idea seriously. There is also a vast literature of reports of inexplicable light phenomena, including a series of luminous bodies in the atmosphere over Russia in 1977 during electromagnetic disturbances, blue lights on a beach when trodden on, an orange glowing tornado funnel, tiny flickers of lightning inside a tornado funnel, ball lightning ...
118. Planetary Observations of the T'ang [Articles]
... THE T'ANG There are 15 of these observations; 9 of them are Islamic. Anomalies do appear amongst them. To whit: 1. 682, month 8, day 3. In the annals of Japan, the Nihongi, a body that a gloss identifies with Venus appears at twilight and passes from east to west . From analysis of Japanese solar eclipse data that appears in these annals, I've found the corresponding Gregorian date to be probably 8/12/682. By retrocalculation, Venus was a couple of asterisms west of the sun, a morning star. 2. 692, month 7, day 28, Japan. Mars and Jupiter approach and recede from each other ...
119. The Quantavolutionary Scan [Books] [de Grazia books]
... quasars are close, not exceedingly remote, relative to our galaxy. (Daily Telegraph report 9 March 1982). 5. Critique of N. Hembest's attack on 3 different theories of rapid (i .e . catastrophic) shifts of Earth's poles. (The Unexplained, magazine). 6. Some birds (e .g . Japanese quail and zebra finches) are unexpectedly in-breeders, not out-breeders, contra "need" for genetic variability. (New Scientist). 7. Two newly spotted asteroids make total of 40 on Earthcrossing orbits, ergo potential encounters. (New Scientist). 8. Soviet Venera 13 and 14 results show solar radiation is absorbed by Venus ...
120. Metals, Salt and Oil [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , it would possibly assemble itself into the form of an iron ore deposit as deluges of water and dust would fill the interstices. Strange objects have been found in the midst of iron ores being mined, such as wood of recent date [10]. Much that is meteoritic may not be discovered. On an Antarctic ice field, Japanese explorers found over 1000 meteorites, of which only one was composed of iron [11]. Were the field of stone, instead of ice, the stone meteorites would probably go undetected. Obviously we could not test all the Earth's rocks for exoterrestrial origin, especially since the tests themselves might beg the question. Masses of iron were ...
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