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20 pages of results. 101. "Proofs" of the Stability of the Solar System [Journals] [Kronos]
... the Solar System," Chapter 4, volume III, The Solar System, ed. by G. P. Kuiper, University of Chicago Press, 1961. Hagihara's entire five volume treatise on celestial mechanics has not yet appeared; volumes I and II have recently been published by MIT Press; volumes III and IV are available from a Japanese publisher. From the one volume that I have seen, and the announced outline, it is evident that this will be the most exhaustively thorough and definitive treatment of celestial mechanics for decades to come. Evidently (in a 1944 Japanese journal which I have been unable to obtain as yet) Hagihara presented a very elegant and possibly definitive ...
102. Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record [Journals] [Horus]
... within heartland China or in heartland Asia at all. In an attempt to explain these difficulties, Newton suggests that many of the recorded eclipses were actually predictions, not real observations. Newton adds a rationale that many analysts of Chinese astronomy offer; that eclipse announcements could be fabrications created by opponents of the emperor. Newton has also analyzed some Japanese eclipse records of the 7th Century, A. D., that appear in the Japanese annals, The Nihongi. A cluster of three of them, April 10, 628; April 11, 636; and April 1, 63 7, are acceptable. But a cluster of eight others from the end of the century present a ...
... tidal waves crossed the Pacific Ocean, struck the California coast 4,750 miles distant from the point of impact, and broke small boats from their bearings. Islands off Yokohama were submerged and the island of Oshima, it was said, sank into the sea and reappeared larger than before with a volcano in full eruption. Fujiyama, the Japanese volcano to the west of Tokio, it is interesting to note, was unaffected. 12A. The theory of the Central Observatory of Tokio was that the earthquake originated in a landslip undersea, half way between the Atami hot springs and Oshima Island. Mr. Shaw, the British seismologist, was also of opinion that the earthquake had ...
104. The Heavenly Host [Books] [de Grazia books]
... notes the psychic need, that science cannot fill, to displace blame to a divine party, to turn punishment by the God back upon the self, and to propitiate and thank the divinity for not exerting its full powers if bestowing evil. Divinity has often been assigned to kings and emperors. Egyptian, Assyrian, Roman, Chinese, Japanese, and the rulers of other cultures were considered gods, and worshiped in life and death. They have been pronounced by themselves and their associated elites as a relatives of gods or even one of the gods. This practice, so repulsive to democrats, is a means by which an elite and the people it rules can deal with ...
105. As the Cross of the Cardinal Points [Books]
... the other female. Connected with this concept may have been the custom referred to in Khafra's tale in one of the old Egyptian collections. The wife of Uba-aner is unfaithful: And they brought forth the wife of Uba-aner to the side of the harem, and burnt her with fire, and cast her ashes in the river.5 The Japanese regard the East and South as male and the West and North as fernale.6 In Japanese "medical folklore", A hiccough is driven away by applying under the knee a sheet of ha-hi, folded to the left in the case of a man and to the right in the case of a woman.7 In the next ...
106. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... illtreatment for its selfish indifference to its duty. Nor must I forget to mention that the trouble in the royal household originated from the Prince's unfortunate investment of the paternal sapekes in a very promising scheme to tap the Milky Way and divert the fluid to nourish distant stars. Another version is given by the Reverend Doctor William Elliot Griffis in his Japanese Fairy World, where the Spinning Damsel is the industrious princess Shokujo, separated by the Heavenly River from her herd-boy lover, Kinjin. But here the narrator makes Capricorn and the star Wega represent the lovers. The native Australians knew the whole of Aquila as Totyarguil, one of their mythical personages, who, while bathing, was killed ...
... Toltecs, who, arriving on Mexican soil, built several of these colossal structures, truncated pyramids, divided by layers, like the temple of Belus at Babylon. Whence did they take the model of these edifices? were they of the Mongol race? did they descend from a common stock with the Chinese, the Hiong-nu, and the Japanese?"19 That the practice of erecting these colossal montiform temples was necessarily derivative, is not admitted; there is, however, not, only a general identity between the American and Asiatic structure of this class, but there are detailed resemblances, which could hardly be the result of accident, and which go further than any monumental ...
108. On testing The Polar configuration [Journals] [Aeon]
... mount, Kwen-lun, the "Pearl Mountain," or "Great Peak of Perfect Harmony." (100) On the summit of Kwen-Lun stood the great palace of Shang-ti, the universal emperor at the celestial Pole, the palace itself being described as Tze-wei, "a celestial space around the north Pole." (101) The Japanese recalled the world mountain Shumi, described as "a fabulous mountain of wonderful height, forming the axis of every Universe, and the center around which all the heavenly bodies revolve." (102) The Iranian sun god shone atop the cosmic mountain Hera Berezaiti. According to the Zend Avesta, "The Maker Ahura Mazda has built ...
109. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... Indians; the Seven Spirits of the Great Bear found in Egypt, China, and Japan; the Seven Khnemu or Pygmy sons of Ptah; the Seven Kabiri; the Seven Sons of Sydik, the Seven Dwarf Sons of Pinga, in the Mangaian mythology; the Seven Dancing Indians of the North American tribes; the Seven SINTOS of the Japanese, the Seven Amshaspands of the Persians, the Seven Sons of Aish, the Seven Sons of Jesse, the Seven Princes of the Chariot, the Seven Titans with Kronus, the Seven Heliadae of the Greeks, the Seven Companions in the Ark with the British Arthur, the Seven Associates with St. George, the Seven Spirits before ...
110. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... Knowledge of Good and Evil, and man is the Knower thereof. "The Garden of Eden on the Euphrates became the garden of the Astrologers and the Magi." "China, 2000 B. C., had such a primitive garden in Central Asia, inhabited by the Dragons of Wisdom'," the Wise Ones. The Japanese also had their Garden of Eden "on the Plateau of Pamir between the highest peaks of the Himalayan ranges," a culminating point of Central Asia, where four rivers flowed from a common source called "The Lake of the Dragons."[1 ] The Light descended at these places in the past. The Jewish Eden was ...
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