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72 pages of results. 31. Fossils In Florida. Ch.10 Thirty-five Centuries Ago (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... From "Earth in Upheaval" © 1955 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Fossils In Florida On the Atlantic coast of Florida, at Vero in the Indian River region, in 1915 and 1916, human remains were found in association with the bones of Ice Age (Pleistocene) animals, many of which either became extinct, like the sabre-toothed tiger, or have disappeared from the Americas, like the camel. The find caused immediate excitement among geologists and anthropologists. Beside the human bones pottery was found, as well as bone implements and worked stone. Ales Hrdlicka, of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington, D.C ., a renowned anthropologist (who ...
32. The Origin of Mankind [Books]
... example of the first group is, of course, that of Genesis ii. 7 which we have just discussed. According to the Greek poet, Asios; the Earth threw up a man of its own accord that there might be a human race. This earth-born man was Pelasgus the ancestor of the earliest inhabitants of Greece. The Salinan Indians of California tell that the eagle-deity made the first man out of mud which a diving-bird had fetched from the bottom of the waters when the Earth was lost in the great deluge. The Karens of Burma, the Tahitians, and the Maoris also tell that the first human being made from clay was of male sex. Myths which tell ...
33. Cosmic Catastrophes and the Ballgame of the Sky Gods in Mesoamerican Mythology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the moon [7 ]. Krickeberg focused on the antagonism between the forces of brightness and darkness [8 ] while other Americanists believe to have discovered evidence that the ballgame was a re-enactment of cosmic conflict between Venus and the sun' [9 ]. In spite of these differences, almost all scholars start from the assumption that the native Indians modelled their ballgame on the same regular and harmonious astronomical events which can be observed today. In this paper I will document that the mythological record of the Mesoamerican peoples link the origins of the ritual ballgame to natural disasters rather than a well-ordered nature [10]. The actualistic interpretation of the Mesoamerican ballgame According to generally accepted views, ...
34. The Cosmology Of Tawantinsuyu [Journals] [Kronos]
... prided themselves on being descended from the Sun. The sacrifices to the Sun are described at length (II.8 ). While Garcilaso makes mention of the deus otiosus Pachacamac, and includes a passing reference to Viracocha, we learn almost nothing of the real nature of these divinities. Bartolome de las Casas, the great defender of the Indians, comes closer to the truth when he portrays the solar cult as an outgrowth of the cult of Viracocha, the Sun being worshipped as the most glorious of the manifestations of Viracocha's creation, and a constant reminder of his supreme power. The establishment of the solar cult is ascribed to the Inca Pachacuti, its principal seat being " ...
35. Myths of the Great Flood (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... to that of a blazing mountain- the biggest. Mandans or Numangkake, a tribe of North American of Siouan stock, significantly call the Flood Mihnihrokahasha, or the Sinking of the Waters. Also the Muspilli Epic (cf. p. 57) stresses the disappearance of the sea at the time when the moon falls'. The Quiché, Indians of Mayan stock, say that in the beginning there was nothing under the darkness of heaven except the sea(and, of course, the refuge mountain which sheltered their ancestors, but which is not mentioned). At the creative command their highest deity, the Feathered Serpent (the dying Tertiary satellite), the mountains emerged like ...
36. Mars Gods of the New World [Journals] [Aeon]
... , whereupon that planet would have come to be looked upon as the war-god par excellence. The end result of this fortuitous set of circumstances, culminating in the identification of Nergal with the planet Mars- so the argument goes- was that such traditions ultimately became diffused throughout the Old World upon the inheritance of Babylonian science by the Greeks and Indians. At first sight this argument has some appeal. Certainly there is no denying the fact that Babylonian astronomy had an enormous influence upon the early astronomical conceptions of the Greeks and other Old World cultures. The Greeks themselves admitted as much. (2 ) And analysis of the Greek and Indian traditions surrounding the various celestial bodies confirms that ...
37. Sagan's fourth problem: Terrestrial Geology And Lunar Craters (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... diameter) whose presently accepted age is 50,000 years, once had it age fixed at 2,000 to 3,000 years by Barringer and from 5,000 to 10,000 years by Tilghman. (See E.L . Krinov, Giant Meteorites, Oxford, (1966), p. 104). The Indians who settled in this district are well acquainted with the crater's existence. They have a legend that at one time one of their gods descended from Heaven in blazing magnificence to find rest beneath the ground. ' (Krinov pp. 82-83) Since archaeologists estimate that man did not appear in this region until 20-25,000 years ago, ...
38. Deluge Warnings (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... could get through? And, in the event of the waters descending from above, they had sponges to suck up all moisture! Disregard of the warning words of a divinity or hero is the subject of a great number of myths of different peoples. To mention only one more example in addition to the above, the Passamaquoddy, Algonkian Indians settling in Maine, have the following tale. Kuloskap, or Glooscap, told the people of the impending deluge. They said that such news did not bother them a bit. He said that the water would get over their heads. That would be a very wet business, was the reply. He advised them to be good ...
39. The Creation of Man (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... other accidental circumstances altered the conditions fundamentally. The third class of survivors, an old man and a young woman, occurs rather frequently. The old man, of course, being of an older generation, often appears as a deity, sometimes even in the shape of an animal, evidently the totem of the man-god. Thus the Cashinaua Indians of Western Brazil tell, in one of their deluge myths: At that time, when heaven and Earth changed their places, when the heavens burst and fell down on the Earth, all men were killed, nothing that had life remained. In heaven, however, was a woman who was big with child. She was killed ...
40. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... us, keep us from sickness, keep us in health and safety. O Sun! Thou who hast said let there be Cuzec and Tampu, grant that these children may conquer all other people. We beseech thee that thy children the Incas may always be conquerors since it is for this thou hast created them." Our North American Indians have most uplifting and beautiful myths of the Sun, which to them was the wigwam of the Great Spirit. A solar personification of the North American Indians was a great White Hare. In their legend of the catching of the sun, a fierce battle takes place when Ta-Wats pursues the Hare-god as he takes his appointed course across the ...
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