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72 pages of results. 361. Coal. Ch.13 Collapsing Schemes (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... the insects are preserved so well, it is difficult to find a complete insect: mostly only torn parts are found (Voigt). Nilsson is convinced that the animals and plants found in Geiseltal coal were carried there by onrushing water from all parts of the world, but mainly from the coasts of the equatorial belt of the Pacific and Indian oceans-from Madagascar, Indonesia, Australia, and the west coast of the Americas. One thing is, however, evident: coal originated in cataclysmic circumstances. Notes. 1. Price, The New Geology, pp. 468-69. 2. See Suess, The Face of the Earth, II, 244. 3. Chamberlin, in ...
362. Incest. Part 1 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... century, compared the language of Akhnmaton's hymns to that of the Vedas and traced the origin of the idea of picturing the sun with rays ending in hands to the long golden arms of the Vedic sun god Surya.11 H. R. Hall added: "We remember that Mitanni had an Indo-Iranian element in its population which venerated the Indian gods Mitra, Varuna, Indra." In "handed rays" traceable to Mitanni we have another proof that Mitannian or Indo-Iranian concepts made their way into the palace of Thebes. The sacredness of incestuous relations was one of these concepts. After his complete rupture with the priests of Amon, Akhnaton apparently did not wish to keep his ...
363. Noah's Flood: Mars Flyby [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of sound in water (not in air). The speed of sound in water is 3000 miles per hour. Oceanic tides swept in from the 5 million cubic mile reservoir, the Arctic Ocean, and swept south by southwest across upper Siberia. Even more fearful were the tides that swept north by northwest, up and out of the Indian Ocean, a 75 million cubic mile reservoir. These were the tides that swept across Southern Asia and Eastern Africa, including Armenia. Noah's Ark was swept up in this maelstrom, along with its very necessary drogue stones (dragging and reducing its speed in the rushing waters). After the waters trickled out of the Armenian Knot complex ...
364. A Note on the "Land of Punt" [Journals] [Kronos]
... and palatal ch . . ." ; W. S. Allen, Vox Graeca (Cambridge Univ. Press: N. Y., 1968), p. 16- " . . . in classical Attic the sounds written ¢, e x were aspirated plosives, like the ph, th, kh of Sanskrit and the modern Indian languages (and similar to the initial p, t, k of English or German) and not fricatives as in modern Greek . . ." ; Stanford, Ibid., p. 125- "On the other hand, the fact that Sanskrit had aspirated kh, ph, and th strengthens the evidence for pronouncing chi, ...
365. Venus. Supplement: Astronomy And Chronology Ch.3 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... ask: Why should a festival return once in eight years or four years if nothing in the agricultural life of peoples is tied up with these periods? In Mexico, too, according to an early authority, Bernardino de Sahagun, "every eight years these natives celebrated a feast which they called Atamalqualizti".[8 ] Among American Indians festivities connected with the heliacal rising of Venus have continued down to our own times, and their description indicates that many rites observed among the Mayas celebrating the heliacal appearance of Venus have survived unchanged.[9 ] The eight-, later the four-, year period of the festivals had the same origin in Mexico, in Greece ...
366. The Prophetic Tradition [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 203) and the earth suffered the consequences. But the Greeks and Romans were not the only ones who knew of Phaethon. Plato's citation of the Egyptian priest suggests that the Egyptian also knew the story: ". .. the story current also in your part of the world..." In pre-Columbian America, the Bella Coola Indians relate a story, where a child of the Sun asks to carry his father's torches. The Sun acquiesced. Unfortunately, this "Phaethon" kindled all the torches and did so too early. As a result, the earth became red hot, forests burned, rocks split, and waters boiled. Like Phaethon, this offspring of ...
367. Velikovsky at Harvard [Journals] [Pensee]
... suspicion that maybe it was a natural phenomenon, because the ancients could not know the connection between the rotation of the earth- of which they had no inkling- and the disturbance caused by meeting a shower of meteorites in the tail of a large comet. "But then we have to go to the legends across the oceans and find whether the Indians have the same stories. They saw the sun rising over the eastern horizon, remaining standing or even going down a little, and all the forests were burning. How could they know the connection between a disturbance in the rotation of the Earth and the conversion of motion to heat? Our suspicion grows, but we are still not ...
368. Atlantis Rising [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... America; Alan Alford; Moira Timms. #18 The Electric Universe; Linda Moulton Howe; Joe McMoneagle; Caribbean Stargate; Premonitions of Disaster. #19 Atlantis; Cold fusion proven; Power of water; Dowsing; Robert Schoch defends catastrophes; Isaac Newton and the Occult. #20 The Miami Circle; Underwater towers near Japan; Indian 30,000 BC; Can Psi Archaeology Solve Earth's Mysteries; Secrecy in High Places: Free energy; The Mythic Jean Houston; Templar Treasure in America? The Oak Island Mystery; Live from Heaven: Instrumental Transcommunication; UFOs as time machines. Publisher: J Douglas Kenyon, Atlantis Rising, PO Box 441, Livingston, MT59047 ...
369. Poleshift [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... The Harappans grew, among other crops, wheat and barley, peas, melons, and on some of the seals there are representations of what may have been banana trees. They were also [live] stock farmers raising sheep and cattle, pigs, and goats. The camel appears to have been known, also the buffalo, the Indian bison, the bear, and spotted deer."62 The most nearly precise dating of the change in climate in India and elsewhere discussed is presented by climatologist Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin. From the pollen found in varves in salt marshes around Harappa in India he found: "Between 10,000 and 3,600 ...
370. The Red World, Part 1 Venus Ch.2 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... (1861). 11. H. S. Palmer, Sinai (1892). Probably at that time the mountainous land of Seir, upon which the Israelites wandered, received the name Edom (Red), and Erythrea (erythraios-red in Greek) its name ; Erythrean Sea was in antiquity the name of the Arabian Gulf of the Indian Ocean, applied also to the Red Sea. 12. Pliny, Natural History, ii, 57. Another instance, according to Plutarch, occurred in the reign of Romulus. 13. F. X. Kugler, "Babylonische Zeitordnung" (Vol. II of his Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel) (1909-1910), p ...
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