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72 pages of results. 171. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... by how Mr Brooksbank interpreted it, let me add four points of my own together with what I consider to be a scientific explanation of the cause of the EGRR. (1 ) The EGRR went in the wrong direction to have been the split of Pangaea. This is clear from the forks along it; those at Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean, and the south end of the Atlantic. There was also a fork at the northwest tip of Ethiopia that generated the Great African Rift. Forks generate two branches from one, not the reverse, and this fact establishes the direction of propagation of a fracture. (2 ) The starting point of the EGRR was in Palestine ...
172. On the Recent Discoveries Concerning Jupiter and Venus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... deprived of their arms, the troops fled in panic. [Velikovsky also drew attention to the neglected fact that both versions - in the Scriptures and in Herodotus - include a story of a disturbance (reversal) of the sun's movement in immediate sequence with the above narratives.] [In a chapter dealing with the folklore of the American Indians, Velikovsky relates a tale preserved by the Mnemoni tribe of the Algonquin nation. The sun had been caught in a noose and restrained from proceeding on its path:] . '. .The Mouse came up and gnawed at the string...the Sun breathed again and the darkness disappeared. If the Mouse had not succeeded ...
173. Mysterious Ancient America, by Paul Devereux (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... or rowed boats along the edge of the ice-sheet, living off marine life in the process. This idea drew a sceptical reception and his theories are now in a state of limbo and do not have a large following. Devereux then looks beyond archaeology at DNA research and blood-group diffusion. Anthropological geneticists have looked at living members of the American Indian population and found that they seem to consist overwhelmingly of four haplogroups', all traceable back to Siberia and East Asia. However, a new haplogroup, known as X, has recently been found and is reputed to have arrived in the Americas sometime in the region of 13,000 to 28,000 years ago. Haplogroup X ...
174. Earth without a Moon [Journals] [Pensee]
... Of course, it is of no use to counter this psalm with the myth of the first chapter of Genesis, a tale brought down from exotic and later sources. It is probably the most remote remembrance of mankind: the time when there was no moon. The memory of a world without a moon lives in oral tradition among the Indians. The Indians of the Bogota highland in the eastern Cordilleras of Columbia relate some of their tribal reminiscences to the time before there was a moon. "In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens," say the tribesmen of Chibchas (9 ). The traditions of diverse people offer corroborative testimony to ...
175. The Hamon-Gabriel-Mars Connection (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... genealogy from Adam (called "Adam") and Eve (called "Havyavati", Hebrew: Hava) to Noah (called "Nyuah") and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japhet (called "Sima", "Shama", and "Bhava"). Wherever possible, the Biblical names have been Indianized but are still easily recognizable (e .g ., "Shvetha" for Seth, "Anuha" for Enoch, "Kinasha" for Kenan, "Lomaka" for Lamekh, "Matocchila" for Methuselah, etc.). The ages ascribed to all these personages in the B.P . closely agree with those of ...
176. The Answer to Clapham's Question: Revise! [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... error. After all, inscriptions from Assyria, Babylonia, and Moab provide strong confirmation of the basic accuracy of the chronological framework of Kings- at least from Omri onward. And Herodotus provides independent confirmation of Kings on several points. All that should be non-controversial. I have also argued that a number of independent literary sources- Chinese, Indian, Persian, and Roman- strongly suggest that the Biblical flood was an historical event that took place around 1700 BC, a time frame one can also reach via Biblical genealogies using an estimate of thirty years to a generation.54 The physical evidence suggests that this Flood took place in the Indus Valley and devastated the Harappan Civilization, ...
177. On the Pendulum Experiment (Vox Popvli) [Journals] [Kronos]
... escape notice? While Sanderson asserted the inadequacy of fur and fat, he did not mention the lack of oil glands. In The Path of the Pole, Charles H. Hapgood quotes H. Neuville on the lack of the oil glands.(8 ) Neuville, a French zoologist and dermatologist, compared the skin of the mammoth and Indian elephant and found them to be identical except for the amount of hair.(9 ) Neuville was not pursuing catastrophic ends so he attributed the mammoths' extinction to progressive degeneration and lack of adaptation to cold, aggravated by other causes. Now, according to Farrand, I. P. Tolmachoff "wrote a very complete summary of ...
... steps led down to the stone floor. In one corner of the tiny room was a raised hearth; the smoke escaped through a circular hole above this fireplace. The size of the room allowed the inmate – there can hardly have been more than one – only to squat, and he could only have slept in the posture in which Indians of this region sleep in our days: wrapped in a poncho, with his knees drawn up towards the chin and head lying on the arms which rested on the knees. Whether these dwellings were typical for Tiahuanacans is not known. The site of the prehistoric profane' settlement is now covered by the modern sprawling village of Tiahuanaco which ...
179. A World with One Season: Part II [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 40 years. And on Io, the night temperature is similar at the poles and equator. But none of the preceding demands a Saturn-Earth system. However, it has been commented on that some animals in the polar regions evolved 4-million years ahead of their time. The Saturn-Earth alignment supports this from at least the Eocene period. The Papago Indian believe that "Back [then] the sun was closer to the earth", [Erdoes, Richard and Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths and Legends, 1984, p.487] and they thought that there were no seasons. Dave Talbott (left) and Dwardu Cardona ...
180. The Creation of the Earth -- the Third Account [Books]
... race. The Namoluk Islanders say that when their chief god, Lukeilan, decided to recreate the Earth after the cataclysm referred to on p64, he took trees from heaven and planted them on the Earth. A special subdivision of the plant re-creation myths deals with the accidental or premeditated salvaging of the seed of cereals and other plants. The Indian deluge hero, Manu; is reported to have taken the seeds of every living being into his ark'. The great Egyptian goddess Isis, like also the deluge heroine of the Wichita Indians; discovered corn-ears, and planted them. In those areas of the world where rice is the staple cereal, rice, of course, is ...
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