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72 pages of results. 121. The Newark Holy Stones [Journals] [Horus]
... . Alrutz I think we have to put everything in time and place. In order to understand an event you have to know its history, particularly with the respect to the mounds in this area. This area was part of the Northwest Territory -explored basically in the latter half of the eighteenth century. Most the individuals coming through followed the Indian trails that existed, and of course, many of those were buffalo trails. We are, for those of you who are not familiar with the area, in the town of Newark, Ohio. Down just South on 1-79 is Buckeye Lake, and we will be talking about a site near there. It lay along a major ...
122. The Wayward Sun [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and fell."14 Along the Gila and Salt River valleys of Arizona live the remnants of the A'a'tam tribe, who have been misnamed by outsiders not once, but twice. Because an Italian explorer sailing under the Spanish flag in 1492 didn't know where he as, the entire native population of the Americas was christened, wrongly, "Indians." And when the early missionaries demanded that the A'a'tam tribe identify themselves they refused, answering in their native tongue with the single word, "pima," meaning "no." From this exchange a misunderstanding arose that remains to this day. The missionaries took the "pima" response as an answer to their question rather ...
... conception, however, with its three "domains," with seven or nine skies, one above the other, and with corresponding "underworlds," with the "world-pillar" running through the center of the whole system, crowned by the "north Nail," or "World Nail" (Polaris), goes farther back than Indian and Iranian culture, namely to the most ancient Near East, whence India and Iran derived their idea of a "cosmos" --a cosmos being in itself by no means an obvious assumption. The shaman climbing the "stairs" or notches of his post or tree, pretending that his soul ascends at the same time to the highest ...
124. Solar System Studies (Part 2) [Journals] [Aeon]
... the X, Y and Z radii are each different from the others. In a hemisphere centered over Tahiti most of the solid surface is 5 km below the sea level of the Pacific Ocean except for continental fringes and a host of volcanic islands. The opposite hemisphere centered within Sudan contains almost all the continental land area plus the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The lithosphere in the latter hemisphere is up to 7 km higher than the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, including its deep trenches. The interface between these two hemispheres is the famed volcanic ring of fire which extends in a great circle along the west coasts of the Americas, the Aleutian Islands and down the East coasts of ...
... "The Goddess of Life and Wisdom," AJSL, vol. 36 (191_20), pp. 258-64. Albright, William Foxwell. "Gilgamesh and Engidu," JAOS, vol. 40 (1920), pp. 307-35. Albright, William Foxwell, and Dumont, P. E. "A Parallel Between Indian and Babylonian Sacrificial Ritual," JAOS, vol. 54 (1934), pp. 107-28. Alexander, Hartley Burr. North American Mythology. MAR, vol. 10 ( 1916). Alexander, Hartley Burr. Latin American Mythology. MAR, vol. 11 (1920). Alfoldi, Andreas. "Smith as a ...
126. The Timna Test [Journals] [Aeon]
... be no trace of three hundred years of a nation's history where, for so much of that time, the subject region was an integral part of her sovereign territory? Moreover, this territory did not merely serve as a corridor to the Red Sea port of Ezion-Geber, which had been substantially upgraded to accommodate the comings and goings of an Indian Ocean fleet, but also as one leading to the many governed dependencies listed as having dotted the region. Scholarly acceptance of such peculiar dictums is really quite incredible and should have immediately signaled that some of the criteria leading to the accepted conclusion were awry. While Timna does serve as a tour de force of the best in archaeological techniques ...
127. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1989 No 2 (Feb 1990) Home | Issue Contents Monitor Impact site in Indian Ocean?source: New Scientist 23.9 .88, p. 24 Geophysicists have found a hole in the northwest Indian Ocean almost as deep as Mount Everest is high. Impacts and the Ice Ages source: New Scientist 21.10.89, p. 70 A review of a book on mass extinctions mentions that a meteorite approximately 500 metres in diameter fell into the Pacific Ocean about 2.3 million years ago, shooting billions of tonnes of water into the stratosphere and probably triggering glaciation in the northern hemisphere. Rapid Climate Change source ...
128. Heracles as Cross-Dresser [Journals] [Aeon]
... and must go through the ceremony in an angry, or warlike, mood. They must at least pretend to be angry. Morning Star is the war god and they are to act as if filled with his spirit." [37] Analogous beliefs are reported from South America. The anthropologist Lehmann-Nitsche collected the following tradition from the Toba Indians: "At times of battle he [the planet Mars] had to help and allocate weapons and sharpen them and put poison on them, and endow the Toba warriors with fighting spirit." [38] That Mars was universally regarded as the planet of war is well known. That it was frequently accorded a bellicose spirit is ...
129. The Crescent [Books]
... it is of no small significance that Babylonian symbolism also represented the assembly by the sign . Needless to say, the heavens familiar to us today offer no conceivable source of the image. 49. Sun-in-crescent, on the Ur-Nammu stele from Ur. 50. Hawaiian cross design showing alternate positions of the crescent around the central sun 51. American Indian mounds, conveying the image of the revolving crescent. Such identities point emphatically to an underlying relation of the ancient signs and . While the former depicts the entire Saturnian enclosure, the latter portrays only the brightly illuminated portion of the band- so that one might appropriately speak of Saturn's "crescent-enclosure" and schematically render the idea this way ...
130. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... world appear to show that there is a 400,000 year connection between villagers in Oxfordshire and early man in Asia. If all modern people are descended from humans who came out of Africa only 100,000 years ago, then these African migrants must have interbred with even earlier man in Asia before their descendants migrated back west. Northern Indians from the east New Scientist 8.3 .97, p. 9 The physical appearance of the people of northern India has led to the belief that their ancestry lies with western Caucasoid populations but this is belied by recent genetic studies which indicates that they have much more in common with the Chinese and Japanese to the east. Did ...
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