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72 pages of results. 101. The Enigma of Tiahuanaco (Built Before the Flood) [Books]
... bigoted inquisitor-missionaries who had come in their wake had dealt equally efficiently, if less violently, with any who obdurately treasured ancient lore and knowledge. However, as happens in all similar cases at all times, a certain amount of traditional material must have been driven underground' and handed on secretly in the form of Myths'. But the Indians of the Tiahuanaco region are not communicative, and only little is known about their folklore and cosmology. All that has hitherto been coaxed out of those proud and silent men is that the great ruined city was built prior to a terrible cataclysm, which they call Chamak-Pacha, the Age of Darkness, and that formerly most of what is ...
102. Scientific Prehistory [Books]
... ice sheet model would be described in Orowan type analysis as a shallow convection cell model with outward flow within the continents and an opposite or compensating flow in the rheosphere with the driving force acting along the trailing edge. However, it would act, not just along the ridge, but also over the entire rift basin. Referring to the Indian Ocean Ridge, Orowan considered that the force causing sea floor spreading would act only from the crest of the "Y-shaped ridge" and thus `press Madagascar to Africa". He also considered that it could not explain "the Seychelles, Amirante, Mauritius and Reunion islands connected by the Saya de Malha and Cargados Carajos banks". ...
103. Floods and Tides [Books] [de Grazia books]
... spare the most incongruous as well as precious things. Cows have been picked up by cyclones and set down miles away without injury. When Krakatoa exploded, the people of Batavia a few miles away braced for a gigantic tidal wave that never came. Yet the wave wiped out other villages not far away and raced across the oceans to frighten Indians and Africans. There are parts of the Aegean islands that were scarcely mounted by the towering wall of water that set out with hurricane speed from Thera-Santorini around 1000 B.C . Tides rip, cross, translate, and in other ways convey their force. During the flood of Manu (Saturnian flood, probably about 4000 B. ...
104. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [Aeon]
... movement." [62] And so, again, I will ask: If Ra was the Sun, as mythologists would have us believe, why was it said to have been without movement? Osiris- who was not only described as a sun that shone at night but one that did not move. Thus, when the Makiritare Indians of Venezuela speak of Wanadi, a celestial being "in the highest sky" who "lit everything down to the very bottom" without ever setting, we can be sure that they are referring to the same planet Saturn. "Wanadi is like a sun that never sets," they say. [63] Unless I am ...
105. The Garden, the Fall, and the Restoration [Journals] [Kronos]
... as Epicurus, Origen, Plutarch, Lucretius, Philo of Alexandria, and Plato believed that their ancestors were superior to themselves. It is now recognized that during some periods this belief had a foundation in fact: the European civilization of 600 years ago, for example, was in many ways more primitive than the Near Eastern, Chinese, Indian, and Meso-American cultures of centuries earlier. Velikovsky was fascinated by the ingenuity and acumen of the ancients: in an unpublished manuscript titled Shamir*, he cites evidence that radioactive material, hypnosis, and atmospheric electricity were understood and used millennia ago. He respected what ancient peoples conveyed to us about their experiences: if they could build ...
106. The Milky Way [Journals] [Aeon]
... preserves a reminiscence of this theme: "There is a lofty road, plain to see in a clear sky; it has the name milky', and is famous for its brilliance. This is the way taken by Those Above to the roofs and royal house of the great Thunderer." (44) Similar ideas prevailed among the Indians of the New World. The Maya, as we have seen, regarded the Milky Way as the road of the souls journeying to the otherworld. (45) Among the Taulipang Indians of the Amazon, the band of heaven was known as the way of the souls. (46) Analogous traditions were found amongst the Chumash Indians ...
... refers to the Egyptians, who always depicted themselves with complexions of a bright burnt sienna. Note 20. - Besides blood also other magically potent bodily fluids are mentioned as having been used to moisten the clay out of which the original human beings were moulded: the Creator of the Bagobos of south-eastern Mindanao used spittle, that of the Pima Indians of Arizona mixed the clay with his sweat, etc. Note 21 - Consider, however, the myth of Lot's wife turning to a pillar of salt', that is a hard, rock-like substance, which features the opposite process. And compare also the reference to the creation of man out of stone (and out of clay ...
... itself out and gradually return along much the same direction as a south-west wind, so that sooner or later the new atmospherics are dispersed over a very considerable area. Weather conditions in the British Isles are generally affected only very indirectly, if at all, by meteoric phenomena in regions far distant, such as, say, the Pacific or Indian Oceans. But there are occasions, such as the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, when its effects were thought to be felt in parts as far distant as Europe and Australia. My records of the year 1925 embrace a considerable variety of phenomena. Not that 1925 was a very exceptional year, not like 1880, 1889, and ...
109. Kessinger Publishing [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 7 Ancient Persia; Vol. 8 Medieval Persia; Vol. 9 India & Brahmanism; Vol. 10 India & Buddhism; Vol. 11 Ancient China; Vol. 12 Medieval China; Vol. 13 Japan; Vol. 14 The Great Rejected Books of the Biblical Apocrypha. Spence, Lewis, Myths and Legends of the North American Indians, Contents: Divisions, Customs, and History of the Race; The Mythologies of the North American Indians; Algonquian Myths and Legends; Iroquois Myths and Legends; Sioux Myths and Legends; Myths and Legends of the Pawnees; Myths and Legends of the Northern and Northwestern Indians; Bibliography. ISBN 0-7661-0119-3, 474 pages, $35 ...
110. Child of Saturn (Part IV) [Journals] [Kronos]
... and processes of evolution in the various regions within which they settled. The religious concepts of the indigenous populations, which they either conquered or assimilated, in turn infiltrated their original dogmas. Today there is little extant that can be considered common to the mythologies of the Indo-Aryans, the ancient Medes, and later Persians. Judging by Vedic (Indian) and Avestan (Persian) literature, the Aryans seem to have brought the worship of Indra, Mit(h )ra, Agni, and Soma with them. In the kingdom of the Mitanni, the gods Mit(h )ra, Varuna, Indra, and the Nasatyas were mentioned in an extant treaty. If there ...
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