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44 pages of results. 31. Mycenae, the Danube, and Homeric Troy [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. X No. 2 (Winter 1985) Home | Issue Contents Mycenae, the Danube, and Homeric Troy Jan N. Sammer In Danube in Prehistory, Gordon Childe tells of the fierce controversy" occasioned by the various attempts at dating the Hungarian urnfields. Did they belong to the Late Bronze Age (before ca. 1100 B.C .) as some authorities argued, or should the indications of their close relation to the Iron Age or the Halstatt period that begins ca. 800 B.C . be considered decisive, as another group of scholars urged?(1 ) There is much to be said for the Iron Age dating - ...
32. Greek History Begins in the Sixth Century B.C. [Journals] [Aeon]
... for his true period of legislation. Accordingly, Callimachos placed him in 828 B.C .; Vallegos in 840 B.C .; Tatian in 876 B.C .; Eratosthenes and Cicero in 884 B.C .; Plutarch in around 900 B.C .; Clemens of Alexandria, who made him a contemporary of Homer, placed Lycurgos in 926 B.C .; Xenophon saw him in 1080 B.C . and Hellanicus, too, synchronized Lycurgos with a Dorian invasion of that date. (14) It is noteworthy that in antiquity a widespread tradition existed which claimed Lycurgos to have been a contemporary of Thales (Aristotle, Pol. II ...
33. KA [Books]
... and Roman sacrifices. Chapter Seven reviewed the Greek and Hebrew apotropaic practices- red-haired men being killed to avert the red Typhon, and the driving by the Israelites of a scapegoat into the wilderness. We have also studied the earthing technique (trench filled with water, sprinkling of water and blood, etc.), and details of an Homeric sacrifice and sacred meal, with slices of thigh wrapped up in fat, entrails and tongues burnt in the fire, and other meat roasted on spits. Chapter Eight described the apotropaic nature of the origins of dithyramb and tragedy, and the significance of the axe was discussed in Chapter Eighteen, with reference to the Etruscans and the Roman ...
... a sealed book, and the hieroglyphics of -Egypt and the wedges of Babylonia were still unread, we had to depend for the earliest traces of astronomical observation upon the literatures of Greece and Syria, and according to these sources the asterisms first specialised and named were as follows: - - The Great Bear Job (xxxviii. 31), Homer. Orion Job (ix. 9), Homer, Hesiod. Pleiades, Hyades Job (xxxviii. 31), Homer, Hesiod. Sinus and the Great Dog Hesiod (viii.), the name; Homer called it the Star of Autumn. Aldebaran, the Bull Homer, Hesiod. Arcturus Job (ix. 9 ...
35. Apollo and the Planet Mars [Journals] [Aeon]
... fly a shaft; terrible was the twang of his silver bow. The mules he assailed first and the swift dogs, but thereafter on the men themselves he let fly his stinging arrows, and smote; and ever did the pyres of the dead burn thick." (2 ) It is the plague-bringing Apollo, in fact, whom Homer blames for the outbreak of the Trojan War. (3 ) Apollo's darker nature can also be glimpsed from a curious passage contained in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo, hinting of that god's assault upon Olympus. There Apollo is said to have once caused the gods to tremble and jump from their seats amidst a volley of arrows: " ...
36. The Rape of Helen [Books] [de Grazia books]
... events, battles, and decisions of leaders. Whole sections of the Iliad are devoted to the warring of the gods. On the Achaean side there range Athena, Hera, Poseidon, Hephaestus. On the Trojan side, the line-up includes Ares, Aphrodite, and Apollo. The victory is with the Achaeans and their gods, although the Homeric element ends with Achilles' killing of Hector, the burial of Hector, and a mere pause in the struggle; however, all known versions of the rest of the story, occupying the tenth year, agree that the Achaeans "won the war" and razed Troy. Whether or not Troy was actually destroyed by the Achaeans cannot ...
37. Pallas Athene, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... slaying of the monster by a planet-god is the way in which the peoples perceived the convulsion of the pillar of smoke when the earth and the comet Venus disturbed each other in their orbits, and the head of the comet and its tail leaped against each other in violent electrical discharges. The birth of the planet Athene is sung in the Homeric hymn dedicated to her, "the glorious goddess, virgin, Tritogeneia." When she was born, the vault of the sky- the great Olympus"- began to reel horribly," "earth round about cried fearfully," "the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves, while foam burst forth suddenly," ...
38. KA [Books]
... tells us that the young slave-boy Servius Tullius was seen asleep with fire round his head. This was taken by Tanaquil, the queen, as a sign that he would be the saviour of the royal household, even that he would be the king [11]. Plutarch writes that the same thing happened to the young Romulus. In Homer, Iliad: XVIII, flames are seen round the head of Achilles. Livy tells a story of the augur Attus Navius. The king, Lucius Tarquinius, challenged him to say whether what he, the king, had in mind could be done. When Attus said yes, the king said that he was thinking of Attus cleaving ...
39. The Birth of Athena [Journals] [Aeon]
... the heaven itself... The Greeks call them comets. (1 ) By all accounts the birth of Athena from the head of her father was a tumultuous occasion. "Athena sprang from the skull of Zeus with an earth-shattering battle-cry, so that the heavens shook and the mother earth." (2 ) The account in the Homeric Hymn of Athena is of a comparable nature: And before Zeus the aegis-holder she sprang swiftly from his immortal head, brandishing a sharp-pointed spear. Great Olympos quaked dreadfully under the might of the gray-eyed goddess, as the earth all about resounded awesomely, and the sea moved and heaved with purple waves. (3 ) The spectacular nature ...
40. Aphrodite - The Moon or Venus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . This article examines the identity of one of these and suggests an answer to the question: - Aphrodite - The Moon or Venus?Peter James IMMANUEL VELIKOVSKY's reconstruction of the solar system's recent history has thrown a completely new light on the question of the origin of religions. In "Worlds in Collision" he draws our attention to the Homeric Hymn to Ares" (1 ), which explicitly refers to that deity as a planet god - the hymn leaves no doubt that one of Ares' most important aspects was as the god of the planet he named, Ares to the Greeks, Mars to the Romans. Velikovsky has also made an excellent case for identifying the goddess ...
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