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44 pages of results. 351. Of the Moon and Mars, Part 2 [Journals] [Pensee]
... well to remember that Mars tangled with Venus and with the Earth, too, according to Velikovsky. I can only wonder: Is it possible that Mars was bled of several million cubic kilometers of soil and rock in a single encounter with another planetary body? Might the Canyonlands of Mars have been created in an event perhaps hinted at by Homer when he wrote: "Athena [Venus) drove the spear straight into his [Ares' (Mars')] belly where the kilt was girded: the point ran in and tore the flesh....... [and] Ares roared like a trumpet......... ( ...
352. Venus in Ancient Myth and Language: Part Two [Journals] [Aeon]
... the sky, the heavenly light, shining bright like the day, the queen of heaven." (45) Hecate, similarly, was given the epithet of Phosphorus, the "torch-bearer" or "light-bringer", a name elsewhere applied by the Greeks to the planet Venus. (46) Indeed Phosphorus was the name employed by Homer for Venus and thus is the oldest attested name for that planet in the Greek sources. Comparative mythology is not the only source of evidence for identifying the planet Venus as the celestial prototype of the witch. The astronomical lore of several lands compared the planet Venus to a witch. In ancient Babylon, for example, Venus was known ...
353. In Defence of the Revised Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... meaningless statement. An "exact contemporaneity" between Ras Shamra and Amenhotep II's time with that of Asa of Judah is supported by the following: "The sepulchral chambers of Ugarit influenced the architecture of sepulchral chambers on Cyprus - but not until more than half a millennium had elapsed. The naval catalogue of Ugarit reappeared in the epic creations of Homer after an interlude of several centuries. Jewels identical with those of Ugarit were worn by maidens of Jerusalem six or seven hundred years after the destruction of Ugarit. The poetic style and meter, the legal ordinances and sacerdotal practices, even the system or weights, re-emerged after an equally long period. Dividing strokes between written words were introduced ...
354. Planets in the Bible: I -- The Cosmology of Job [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Orion - a wicked individual chained to heaven. Comments Gaster (op. cit., II, 790): "The Hebrew word for Orion' (viz. K'sil') means properly a lumbering gawk, clod' (not simply fool', as commonly rendered). . . In Classical tradition Orion was a giant. Homer speaks of him as prodigious in size', and he is so portrayed in Greek art. Latin writers called him gigas', and in Arabic literature he is termed analogously the Giant' ( 'al jabber')." We have here a motif of great impact and significance discernable in many mythologies. De Santillana and von ...
355. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and the place of Man in the universe". In a polytheist universe, Man was a very insignificant creature, whereas with the development of monotheism he became much more important. The process by which this came about lay in the personalisation of the formerly relentless power of Fate. In a polytheist world Fate was the overall power: in Homer, for example, even the gods were powerless before Fate, and they became simply creatures more powerful than Man - a kind of aristocracy above the mortal aristocracy. With the development of monotheism, all but the One God were denied, and this God was identified with the guiding power of the universe. This put Man into a ...
356. Venus in Ancient Myth and Language [Journals] [Aeon]
... of Venus. Quite common is the name Veneti, the oldest philologically attested name of the Slavs. (58) On the North Adriatic coast there also lived a people known to classical writers as the Veneti, whose name survives in the modern Venice. (59) There was a tribe of the same name in Asia Minor mentioned by Homer. (60) Julius Caesar wrote of a Celtic tribe Veneti, whose name survives in the French city Vannes. (61) The original name of the inhabitants of Ireland- the Feniens- would also appear to be cognate with Venus. Finally, there was a Latin tribe Venetuluni mentioned by Plinus. (62) At least one noted ...
357. 'Worlds in Collision' and the Prince of Denmark [Journals] [SIS Review]
... He contributes his talent, his energy, his creativity, but the kernel of his work is the catastrophic prototype, reborn essentially intact in his new creation. In this way, the prototype perpetuates itself by being passed from the creative genes of one artist to another, from one age to another: literature may produce Shakespeare, Dante, Homer and Milton, but it may be our way of accommodating certain horrible racial memories in peaceful coexistence with the rational functioning of our daily lives. That is to say, from a certain point of view Shakespeare, Rembrandt and Mozart (for all art is involved) are responses to the pressure of achieving this goal, as a rainbow ...
358. Exodus Or Exile. Ch. 7. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... were translated and interpreted in the above manner; the influx was called the invasion of Egypt by the Aryan peoples in the thirteenth century. This participation of the north Mediterranean peoples in the wars in Libya and Egypt in the thirteenth century before this era, before the siege of Troy, and half a millennium or so before the time of Homer, was regarded as a most strange and remarkable fact. It became a matter of major importance for the entire field of Hellenic studies. Greek sources know nothing of an invasion of Egypt by the Hellenic or any other people in the thirteenth century. Now it was postulated that what had been concealed from the sight of the Greek historians ...
359. Si-Amon. Part 2 Ch.4 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... ( -1020 to -830), the Tanitic ( -663 to -525), and the Sebennytic (ca. -391 to -341) Dynasties, altogether something like 380 years out of 1420. [1 ] The Dark Age of Greece and the Assyrian conquest may be dealt with in a single volume, In the Time of Isaiah and Homer. CHRONOLOGICAL CHARTS PERSIA PALESTINE and SYRIA 550 545 Cyrus conquers Lydia, captures Croesus 540 535 Cyrus conquers Babylon with Nabonidos Cyrus' edict concerning the return of Jewish exiles or bis son co-ruler. Belshazzar comes. The end of the Neo-Babylonian (Chaldean) Empire 530 535 Cambyses (529-521) conquers Egypt 520 Darius I (521-485) the ...
360. "Worlds in Collision" and the Prince of Denmark: II. Hamlet and Meso-American Myth [Journals] [SIS Review]
... originated during the period -1500 to -600 and earlier. This makes the origin of the Hunter and Jaguar Deer story possibly contemporaneous with the origin of the Orestes, Oedipus and Junius Brutus stories, for we have seen that the Brutus story is based largely on events from -800 to -500, while Dr Velikovsky assorts in Worlds in Collision that the Homeric tales which precede the murder of Agamemnon must also be dated in the eighth or ninth centuries BC [54], and in Oedipus and Akhnaton that the historical Oedipus existed in the same general period [55]. That is to say, if we collate the dates for the Popol Vuh, Orestes, Oedipus and Junius Brutus offered ...
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