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44 pages of results. 331. Velikovsky and Venus: A Preliminary Report on the Pioneer Probes [Journals] [Kronos]
... over six months before the fission (atom) bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and years before a fusion (thermonuclear) process was worked out. In my understanding, the phenomenon of brimstone (sulfur) falling from the sky (or filling the air) in the course of great discharges, as narrated in ancient sources (Old Testament and Homer among them), resulted from smashing two oxygen atoms into one atom of sulfur. I assumed that, on Jupiter and on Venus, sulfur must be present; on Jupiter because it acquired much of the water of Saturn after Saturn exploded, and in great thunderbolts [see Science News, Vol. 115, 3/17/ ...
332. The Inconstant Sun [Journals] [Kronos]
... monthly or yearly flickers TABLE I Extreme periods of solar activity since 3000 B.C . Event Duration Magnitude Sumerian Maximum 2720-2610 B.C .+ 1.3 Pyramid Maximum 2370-2060 B.C .+ 1.1 Stonehenge Maximum 1870-1760 B.C .+ 1.3 Egyptian Minimum 1420-1260 B.C . - 1.4 Homeric Minimum 820-640 B.C . - 2.0 Grecian Minimum 440-360 B.C . - 2.1 Roman Maximum 20 B.C . -A.D . 80 + 0.7 Medieval Minimum A.D . 640-710 - 0.7 Medieval Maximum A.D . 1120-1280 + 0.8 Spörer Minimum A ...
333. The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah [Journals] [Kronos]
... undeveloped area which has yet to include electromagnetic effects. Velikovsky's statement above and the preceding comments only apply if the apparent motion of other celestial bodies also changed.- CLE] THE TRANSMUTATION OF OXYGEN INTO SULPHUR It has been observed since ancient times that lightning is attended by an odor of sulphur. In the twelfth book of the Odyssey, Homer says: "Zeus thundered and hurled his bolt upon the ship, and she quivered from stem to stern, smitten by the bolt of Zeus, and was filled with sulphurous smoke."(1 ) Again, in the Iliad: "When beneath the blast of father Zeus an oak falleth uprooted, and a dread reek of ...
... forms of life ; must cause new distribution and condition of oceanic waters, and caused great folding and crumpling of strata. In the disolving of glaciers a vast pressure was lifted from the continents and transferred to the ocean beds, causing them to go down and the land to be elevated. SEED BED OF ORGANISMS . From the days of Homer until the present time we read of dust-storms of living organisms falling upon the earth, and colored snow, the coloring matter being microscopic forms of life. The dust is doubtless of cosmic origin. There must be micro- cosmic clouds moving in interplanetary space, which meeting the earth in its path, are precipitated upon its surface. ...
335. Jupiter -- God of Abraham (Part II) [Journals] [Kronos]
... 139. S. Burder in W. Whiston's translation of The Works of Flavius Josephus (N .Y . revised edition), p. 26. 140. W. R. Smith, Religion of the Semites (London, 1894), new edition, p. 480. 141. Euripedes, Helena, 1235. 142. Homer, Iliad, ii, 124; idem, Odyssey, xxiv, 483; Herodotus, Historiae, vii, 132. 143. Dictys Cretensis, Bellum Trojanum, i, 15. 144. Plutarch, Quaestiones Romanae, III. 145. Titus Livius, History of Rome, xl, 6; Quintus Curtius, De Gestis Alexandri ...
... .77 #4 ) T. E. Haevernick, "Hallstatt-Tassen" (1958), in Haervernick, Beitrage, op. cit., 104. (p .77 #5 ) M. C. Calvi, op. cit., p. 2. 105. (p .77 #6 ) Thus termed by Homer. 106. (p .77 #7 ) J. Dayton, op. cit., p. 84. 107. (p .77 #8 ) E. Fossing, op. cit., pp. 24 ff; T. E. Haevernick, "Beitrage zur Geschichte des antiken Glasses III. Mykenisches Glas ...
337. SERVANT OF THE SUN GOD [Journals] [Aeon]
... 1977), p. 267, citing Böllenrucher, Gebete und Hymnen an Nergal, p. 8. 36. (p .50 #1 ). Hesiod, Theogony 930 ff., H. G. Evelyn-White trans. (Loeb Classical Library: Harvard, 1970). 37. (p .50 #2 ). Homer, The Little Iliad 2, H. G. Evelyn-White trans. (Loeb Classical Library: Harvard, 1970). 38. (p .50 #3 ). Pindar, Nemean Odes X. 84, Sir John Sandys trans. (Loeb Classical Library: Harvard, 1957). 39. (p .50 # ...
338. Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Concluded) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , Rabkin says, creative expression is empirical truth. Great art is not a turning away from life's problems, but a facing up to what the real problems are.(50) I agree, but with several reservations. First, when Rabkin and Bodkin speak of poetry, both refer to the works of giants such as Shakespeare, Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Chaucer. But I think the same dicta can be applied to collective subconscious folk art like the soap opera. Ultimately, it says what Shakespeare says, but in its own way. Second, Rabkin seems to restrict poetry's insights primarily to the realm of ethical and metaphysical problems, but I think his ...
339. On Comets, Comet-Like Luminous Apparitions and Meteors [Journals] [Kronos]
... one in every respect. J. Plassmann, Die Kometen, p. 32. 6. Polanski, Der Halley'sche Komet, pp. 32-33. [Cf. N V. E. Nordenmark, Stjärnorna (Stockholm, 1923), p. 654. - RCV] 7. Gundel in Realencyclopadie XXXI, col. 1145. - Homer compares the especially outstanding heroes with a star, Sirius; deities, by comparison, he presents as comets. Only Athene, the most exalted goddess of the Greek pantheon, was not assigned a single star, something which the Greeks never failed to do even with minor gods. 8. Comets seem to have been viewed as terrifying ...
340. Karl Popper and Evolutionary Theory (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... ), p. 44. 8. See T. Kiang, "On the Date Used in Chinese Historical Annals when Recording Observations Made During the Latter Half of the Night, "Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 5 (1981), pp. 111-121. 9 Pan Ku, History of the Former Han Dynasty, tr. Homer H. Dubs (Baltimore, 1938), Vol. 2, p. 403, note 11.9 . 10. Charles P. Olivier, Meteors (Baltimore, 1925), p. 63. 11. Ibid., p. 64. THE HOUSE OF SOLOMON To the Editor of KRONOS: In his article titled ...
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