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44 pages of results. 261. Samson Revealed [Journals] [Aeon]
... Indeed, Philostratus reported that Heracles' pillars supported heaven. (50) In the Western World, the theme of the World Pillar is most familiar in the traditions surrounding Atlas. Of him, Aeschylus wrote: "He in the far western ways stands bearing on his shoulders the mighty pillar of earth and sky." (51) Homer knew Atlas as "that scanner of the depths of all the sea and upholder of the tall pillars that keep heaven and earth apart." (52) Hesiod wrote of Atlas that he "supports the broad sky of mighty necessity at the edge of the earth near the clear-voiced Hesperides, supporting it with his head and wearying hands ...
262. The Female Star [Journals] [Aeon]
... traditions to objective events involving Venus and Mars. The fact that the love affair of Venus and Mars was also celebrated by Old World cultures would appear to support this view. The Greek writer Lucian, with reference to the torrid love affair of Aphrodite and Ares, had this to say several thousand years back: "All that he [Homer] hath said of Venus and of Mars his passion, is also manifestly composed from no other source than this science [astrology]. Indeed, it is the conjuncture of Venus and Mars that creates the poetry of Homer." [51] As Aphrodite Urania, the Greek goddess is an acknowledged parallel to the Sumerian Inanna, ...
263. Sky Woman [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Latin god Mars was specifically identified with Herakles is also relevant here given the Greek strongman's immolation on Mount Oeta and identification with the red planet. The scene on the Praenestan cista naturally recalls the Greek myth of Demophon. Demeter's attempt to gain strength and immortality for Demophon by roasting him in fire is most famous from the description in the Homeric Hymn to the goddess: "She nurtured him in the palace, and he grew up like a dáimõn, not eating food, not sucking from the breast...She used to anoint him with ambrosia, as if he had been born of the goddess, and she would breathe down her sweet breath on him as she ...
264. Chapter 16 Hittites ? Lydians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... of Hittite allies at the battle of Kadesh mentions several peoples who all . . . are hitherto already familiar and recognizable from the Hittite imperial records as being the names of peoples of Western and Central Anatolia. ' The writer of these words, R.D . Barnett, offers the following identifications of these names: Drdny = Dardanoi (Homeric name for Trojans) Ms = Mysia (a region of Asia Minor) Pds = Pitassa (either Pedasa, near Miletus, or Pedasos, in the Troad) Krks = Karkisa (Caria) Lk = Lukka (Lycia) 500 VELIKOVSKIAN Vol. VI, Nos. 1, 2, 3 If these identifications are broadly correct, ...
265. Citing the Work of Others: A Critique [Journals] [Aeon]
... Melos had Minoan seals in front of them as they carved their own." [42] And yet, for all that and more, Hurwit could not accept the contemporaneity of the artistic material he was discussing. Besides the references to the work of Benny Peiser (the second of which had to be editorially provided) on "The Homeric Question" and the Greek Dark Age, the scholarly work of certain "establishment" authors should have been considered. Among these, a few carefully chosen names should suffice: J. S. Burgess, [43] M. I. Finley, [44] S. B. Pomeroy, et al., [45 ...
266. The Oracle of Cadmus [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... myth material to support his "visitors from Sirius" theory, it is a mine of fascinating information and stimulating discussion. This quotation is from his discussion of Stecchini's work (op. cit.) on the oracle centers. 50. Oedipus and Akhnaton, "The Seven-Gated Thebes and the Hundred-Gated Thebes." 51. In his 1876 Homeric Svnchronisms: An Enquiry into the Time and Place of Homer, the great Victorian English Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone developed the thesis that many of the Greek legendary motifs originated in oriental countries and "more especially in Egypt." Gladstone curiously did not think in this connection of the Theban cycle of legends and of the Oedipus drama. ...
267. The Egyptian Prince Moses [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Baal as the "ultimate." A similar view of Lucifer crops up in Isaiah.[35] Lucifer is quoted as saying, "I will be like the Most High." When we come again to the Iliad we find that the Greek warrior-kings were required to acknowledge Apollo as their master.[36] Moving to the Homeric hymn to Delian Apollo, we learn that, when the pantheon meets, the gods below Zeus tremble in the presence of Apollo, and, indeed, Zeus himself serves Apollo nectar as the other gods watch.[37] Apollo in fact assumes equality with Zeus by virtue of his name being attached to the latter, as in ...
268. Freud and Velikovsky Part I [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... The influence of Greek philosophy on Freud reflected the secret spread of the cult of pederasty across Europe ever since Johann Winckelmann and later John Addington Symonds made their alleged revelation that Hellenic culture had been bottomed on homosexuality. Freud's collegiate study of the culture, especially in Aristophanes' comedies, led him to contend that ancient Greece despised homosexuality, compelling Homer to hide it, and Plato to invent fanciful justifications for his vice.32 Yet the Platonic lust burned inside Freud in his earliest youth, when he wrestled with his nephew John among the flowers of Freiberg in Moravia, and he wondered how his parents had dared to violate his sex by circumcision, all for the sake of a ...
269. The New Science of Immanuel Velikovsky [Journals] [Kronos]
... against the backdrop of heavenly spectacle of Mars (Ares) and Venus (Pallas Athene) appearing to take sides in the battle below, the former with the Trojans, the latter with the Greeks. As the two heavenly bodies appeared to contend with one another in the skies above, the earth was not immune from the struggle, as Homer notes: Discord the mighty barrier of nations, loud shouted Athena, standing outside the wall on the edge of the moat, or moving upon the seashore: Ares shouted aloud from the other side, black as a storm cloud, crying his commands from the citadel of Troy, or speeding over Callicolone by Simoeis river. So the ...
270. Alexander At The Oracle [Journals] [Kronos]
... ." Diodorus said the same of the oracle of Amon visited by Alexander: "The god by a nod of his head directs them." Strabo, too, dwelt on this peculiarity: The oracular responses were not, as at Delphi and among the Branchidae, given in words, but mostly by nods and tokens, as in Homer, "Cronion spoke and nodded assent with Ms dark brows," the prophet having assumed the role of Zeus; however, the fellow expressly told the king that he, Alexander, was son of Zeus. Here is a further reason why the priest spoke to his idol and to Alexander in similar fashion (calling both god Amon ...
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