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438 results found.
44 pages of results. 231. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... (reported in Workshop 1988:1 ), David Rohl presented a stimulating talk on Early Greek History in the Light of the New Chronology' at David Roth's home in June. Based on a seminar previously given to a London University audience, David outlined the contradictions posed by the orthodox view of Greek history, stressed the pivotal importance of Homer in his thesis and, perhaps most significantly, that the later Greeks had no conception of a Dark Age' in their history. Due mainly to the postal strikes the planned August meeting had to be abandoned, and so the last meeting of the year was held at the home of Clarice Morgan on November 19th. In addition to ...
232. German Conference: from Gunnar Heinsohn [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... ' -5th c. as well as in Strabo's -1st c. Even Ismaros recovered splendidly. Orpheus the Thracian is also called a Kikonian by Greeks and Romans (Vergil, Ovid) alike. To mainstream all these references to Ismaros and the Kikonians are mere boastings of learnedness, i.e ., of how well the boasters knew their Homer. In short, no good reason so far to reinvent the Dark Age of Greece abolished by Velikovsky in 1945. The finest papers were on scientific dating. The most original was given by a forest botanist- Menting- who tried to explain how his field sees the reforestation of Europe after the end of the Ice Age 12, ...
233. A Boy From Texas. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... historical studies you will be someday a great historian. I gave him some clues. I advised him to compare the record of Ramses III about his war with intruding Pereset with Diodorus's account of the wars of the pharaoh of the Thirtieth Dynasty, Nectanebo I, with the Persians. I also advised him to contemplate these questions: Why did Homer, who lived in Asia Minor and who mentioned in the Iliad every small tribe of that area, know nothing of the Hittites, and why did no other Greek author know anything of their empire or late kingdoms? And why were the remains of the empire always found above the Phrygian level (of the seventh century)? Or ...
234. Amenhotep III and Tiy. Part 1 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... youth were so general and the people of Athens were so little scandalized by it that Solon, one of the seven wise men of ancient Greece, referred to pederasty as the privilege of a free man.8 Before ascribing to their gods this unnatural urge, the Greeks had to come to regard it as respectable. It is true that Homer did not attribute to the warriors of the Achaean host relations that were later called "Greek love," but he tells how the gods abducted the youth Ganymede, with whom, according to many sources, Zeus fell in love. What, then, did the Greek mind find so wrong with Laius, who carried off to his ...
235. Epic Postscript [Journals] [Kronos]
... The Bible A Man for All Seasons To the above list of movies, one could also add Julius Caesar, Ulysses, War and Peace, Macbeth, and Hamlet, all of which appeared between 1953 and 1964. This group, along with the previously cited Helen of Troy, constitutes a significant compendium of the literary work of Shakespeare, Homer, and Tolstoi, translated to the film media. The possible psychological importance of these three authors in wartime or in a war-filled atmosphere has already been mentioned in footnote #11 of the preceding article. REFERENCES 1. In 1973, Paramount Pictures released the sensitive motion picture Brother Sun, Sister Moon - a story of St. Francis ...
236. Editorial Statement [Journals] [Kronos]
... State College Glassboro, N. J. 08028. Subscription Rates $7 .00 A Year- $11.00 Overseas Airmail- $2 .00 Single Issue After June 1, 1975 Single Issue Cost Will Be $2 .50 CORRIGENDA Page 81, line 15 for obivous, read obvious line 19 read: obvious- of Homer, Lucretius, and Ovid alone. I have in mind the . . . [Other minor typographical errors do not alter basic sensibility.] Page 70, Material taken from: Myths to Live By, by Joseph Campbell Copyright (c ) 1972 by Joseph Campbell. Reprinted by Permission of the Viking Press, Inc. \cdrom ...
237. The Tertiary Satellite immediately before its Cataclysmic Breakdown (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes' (a description of a phase and of the surface of the satellite). The exalted Vedic deity Varuna, the Thousand-Eyed', the AII-Enveloper', or Encompasser', is revered as the Regent of the West'. The Cyclopes, according to Homer, lived' in the far west, as did also the Gorgons, the Graeae, and Cerberus; and these, as we shall see in later pages, are personifications of the huge Tertiary satellite. The west as the point whence all evil came is still faithfully preserved in many myths. So Apepi, the great Egyptian cosmic ...
238. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Polotzki, who headed the Egyptological Department of the Hebrew University and is considered an authority in linguistics warned us: he did not know a living soul who knew how to pronounce Egyptian. (Incidentally, my Greek teacher pronounced the same warning in respect of the Greek language: modern Greek cannot be used as a key for the pronunciation of Homeric Greek.) DR EVA DANELIUS Nof Yam, Israel MALCOLM LOWERY replies: The amendments mentioned were my responsibility, and I would like to offer the following comments: (1 ) I apologise for missing the significance of the link between the ibis, the standard and the fly, and for replacing the interpretation of Dhwtyms by the usual ...
239. The Cyclic Nature of Ancient Catastrophes [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... celestial dragon). The vertical orientation of the Angel of the Lord from Jerusalem, already above a range of hills. I have no doubt this was a cosmic holocaust, and right on schedule; both of these questions have long been resolved. I do wonder whether this particular incident of the October case is the same one viewed by Homer while he reported Greeks landing on the Mediterranean shore, preparing to assault Troy. Research indicates that years of expected cosmic upheavals and their associated earthquakes and interplanetary lightning bolts were viewed as opportune occasions for armies intent on sacking walled cities. Quakes might breech- even collapse- sections of defenses; cosmic fear might destroy the defenders' volition ...
240. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... cones, a horse's mane, torch-shaped, sword-shaped, spear-shaped, bearded and "horrorproducing." The various gases sometimes combine to give a comet the appearance of a human head with rough, unkempt hair and beard, whence must have arisen the imagery of the satyrs, the boon companions of Dionysus, with their bristling hair and beards. Homer speaks of the " flaming hair "of a comet which shakes down disease, pestilence and war, and Juvenal, of the blazing star which menaced the Parthian King, as having "bloody hairs, all over rough and shaggy like a bushy head of hair." In 1728 the French were terrified of a comet described by a ...
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