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44 pages of results. 181. Odin [Journals] [Kronos]
... that the celestial portents which the Hindus personified as the Maruts were associated not only with Mars but also with Jupiter and Saturn.(21) If Odin/Woden's furious army was the same as the Maruts, it does not therefore necessarily identify the god as Mars. Shining breast-plates and golden helmets might be thought to compare favorably with the Homeric armor of the Achaeans who, according to Velikovsky, fought their Trojan war during Mars' bloody reign. Odin's armor might also bring to mind Greek and Roman depictions of the god of war. Flowing mantles and wide-brimmed hats, however, leave us with something of a Medieval impression. One can hardly visualize this apparel encumbering a god ...
182. Kronos Vol. X, No. 2 Winter 1985: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... on the Solar System (Part II) Michael E. Brandt 42 The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part III) J. M. McCanney 54 Ejections, Resonances, and Inversions Dwardu Cardona 71 Aster and Disaster: The Golden Age - II Roger W. Wescott 84 Mycenae, the Danube, and Homeric Troy Jan N. Sammer 86 Bet Shulman Dwardu Cardona 94 Jerusalem - City of Saturn Lewis M. Greenberg 99 "Mankind in Amnesia": An Overview David Griffard 102 Forum Oberg, Brandt, Mewhinney, and Rose 110 Vox Populi Robert A. Bureau 112 Contributors Cover iii Notices Cover Illustration: Aerial view of Jerusalem EDITORS Editor-in-Chief Lewis ...
183. Straka: Science or Anti-Science? [Journals] [Pensee]
... claims not to know any such phenomena, but then he does not claim to have read Earth in Upheaval Neither is he familiar with Worlds in Collision, since after three alleged readings he asks why Velikovsky omits mentioning Atlantis. NASA did not print its report on the Mariner II mission by gleaning from newspaper accounts. The announcement by Dr. Homer Newell of NASA on February 26, 1963, and later the official publication of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, were based on observation of the physical properties of the cloud enshrouding the planet: this cloud was found to be 15 miles thick and situated 45 miles above the ground, ca. -25 F at the top, and over+ ...
184. A Fraud Called Schliemann [Journals] [Aeon]
... external sources and testimonials. "Schliemann never wrote a dissertation in ancient Greek," Calder asserts. "He never met with two U.S . presidents or the governor of Panama." Worse still: "He fabricated his childhood dream of Troy, ' so envied by Freud, after he had already decided to excavate the ancient Homeric city." Wolfgang Schindler and David Traill claim that Schliemann "never found a portrait of Cleopatra in an excavation in central Alexandria; rather, he bought it, and the statue isn't Cleopatra anyway." Susan Heuck Allen has even more recently disclosed that it was not Schliemann who discovered Troy. An Englishman named Frank Calvert did. ...
185. About 'Where Troy Once Stood' (Letter) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... to the names of the Iliad. However, he does contrive a lot of connections which do not fit. For example he tries to show a connection between Colchester and Colchis. He does not at least mention the traditional explanation of Colchester to be the camp-chester of King Cole. I recommend the book to those who are intersted in the Homeric Epics and the linguistic sites in Western Europe, however, I am certainly [based on context probably means not convinced] convinced that he is right. While I do not completely throw out his thesis he certainly is fighting an uphill battle. For example he theorized that Crete in Western Europe is Scandinavia, which to those have not ...
186. The Steeds Of Mars, Part 2 Mars Ch.5 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... of Swift aroused the literary critics' won der. It is an even chance that Swift invented the two satellites of Mars and thus by a rare accident came close to the truth. But it may also have been that Swift had read about the trabants in some text not known to us or to his contemporaries. The fact is that Homer knew about the "two steeds of Mars" that drew his chariot; Virgil also wrote about them.6 When Mars was very close to the earth, its two trabants were visible. They rushed in front of and around Mars; in the disturbances that took place, they probably snatched some of Mars' atmosphere, dispersed as ...
187. Catastrophism and the Old Testament: The Mars-Earth Conflicts [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... effects of catastrophism. He makes a special case for integrating catastrophic events on Mars, Greek mythology, and Old Testament accounts. In fact, Patten frequently goes beyond biblical traditions by citing prime sources other than the Old Testament for his findings. He refers extensively, for example, to the Assyrian Epic of Gilgamesh, to Hesiod, to Homer of ancient Greece, and to Josephus. Within the framework of Mars-Earth Conflicts Patten treats the Old Testament as history rather than as theology, which might not sit well with some critics. The underlying thrust of Patten's arguments is that in the relatively recent past the planet Mars occupied a radically different orbit from its present one. Mars and ...
188. Baal Zevuv (Beelzebub), Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... about great heaven pealed as with a trumpet," And Ares spoke to Athene: "Wherefore now again, thou dog-fly, art making gods to clash with gods in strife?"(88) The people of Bororo in central Brazil call the planet Venus "the sand fly,"(89) an appellation similar to that which Homer used for Athene. The Bantu tribes of central Africa relate that the "sand fly brought fire from the sky,"(90) which appears to be a reference to the Promethean role of Beelzebub, the planet Venus. The Zend-Avesta, describing the battle of Tistrya, "the leader of the stars against the planets" ( ...
189. Ambrosia, Part 1 Venus Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... divine clouds and the great dew" that bring the earth into contact with the heavens.(51) The Greeks called the heavenly bread ambrosia. It is described by the Greek poets in identical terms with manna; it had the taste of honey and a fragrance. This heavenly bread has given classical scholars many headaches. Greek authors from Homer and Hesiod down through the ages continually referred to ambrosia as the heavenly food which in its fluid state is called nectar.(52) But it was used also as ointment(53) (it had the fragrance of a lily), and as food for the horses of Hera when she visited Zeus in the sky.( ...
190. Night of the Gods: The Axis and the Universe-Tree [Books]
... ) Deukalicon prophesied in an oak.109Zeus, according to Hesiod dwelt in the trunk of the oak-tree. Leto, that is Latona, grasped the trunlc of a palm-tree as she brought forth Apollo and Artemis, the children of Zeus. This was in the floating island of Delos, which I have paralleled with the Japanese Onogoro. So Homer, but Tacitus later laid the venue in Ephesus, " leaning against an olive-tree."110Dionusos was adored in Boiotia as endendros,111 " in the tree," as well as Zeus. Dionusos, Artemis and Helens of Troy were all called dendrites or tree-beings; the last however (in a variant) because of her hanging ...
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