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44 pages of results. 121. A Note on the "Land of Punt" [Journals] [Kronos]
... 4, Oct., p, 348 (emphasis added) - Cp. D. Harden, The Phoenicians (N . Y. 1962), pp 21-22 8. Astour, Ibid., pp. 348-3i9 (emphasis added). 9. Ibid., p. 350: Cp. J. D. Muhly, "Homer & the Phoenicians," Berytus, 19, 1970, pp. 19-64. 10. J. Hadley, A Greek Grammar (N . Y., 1869), p. 7; W. B. Stanford, The Sound of Greek (Los Angeles, 1967), p. 140- "The Greek comic writers ...
122. Khima And Kesil [Journals] [Kronos]
... Venus, much more massive and stronger than itself. To the peoples of the world this prolonged combat must have appeared as a very valiant action of Mars, not resting, but coming up again and again to attack the stupendous Venus, or it must have appeared as a foolish action of going again and again against the stronger planet. Homer described the celestial battles as actions of foolishness on the part of Mars. Thus Kesil, or "fool," among the planets named in the Old Testament is most probably Mars. "If not for the heat of Kesil the world would not fare well, because it counterbalances the cooling effect of Khima" This sentence is found ...
123. The Immanuel Velikovsky Archive [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Worship of Jupiter 8. Jupiter of the Thunderbolt 9. Where a Planetary Bolt Struck the Ground 10. The Origin of Nitrate Deposits 11. The Transmutation of Oxygen into Sulphur 12. Jupiter, Gold and the Birth of Athene. The Dark Age of Greece: Reconsidering the Dark Ages of Greece. Chapters include: Chapter I: The Homeric Question. 1. The Setting of the Stage 2. Why No Literary Relics from Five Centuries? 3. Troy in the Dark Ages 4. The Dark Age in Asia Minor 5. The Homeric Question 6. The Allies of Priam 7. Aeneas 8. Olympic Games in the Iliad. Chapter II: Mute Witnesses, 1 ...
124. Dating the Trojan War [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... fact that the orientalizing period of Etruscanology takes place in the middle of the 9th century. I am still debating and questioning to confirm the date of the war.- Marvin Arnold Luckerman. 1. E.g . in his Mycenaeans and Minoans, London: 1961. 2. See G. S. Kirk, The Songs of Homer, Cambridge, England: 1962, 17. 3. I. Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, "When was the Iliad created?" Abacus edition, 238ff. 4. Worlds in Collision, "The Year -747," 206f. 5. Pindarus, Olympic Odes, 3,11; 6, 67ff.; Diodorus ...
125. Some Notes on Catastrophism in the Classics [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the guilty person to bring about his own downfall. There is an overturning ( 'katastrophe') of the situation. Oppressed people would address prayers to Zeus, who was generally ready to hear complaints of tyrannical injustice. "Deeds of violence cry out to the iron firmament." ODYSSEY XV 329 The vault of heaven is described by Homer at one time as iron, at another as bronze. The gates of heaven were kept by the Hours, who controlled the thick cloud around them. Homer, ILIAD 5, 749. The mechanisms by which men and gods operate are not entirely pre-ordained. Tyche' (Latin fortuna') chance, plays a part, alongside ...
126. On the Idenrification of Denien with Athenians and the "Double T" in P-R-S-TT [Journals] [Kronos]
... Dnyn with the "Athenians," the more traditional interpretation of the word as "Danaeans" = "Greeks" would not adversely affect the context of Velikovsky's argumentation at this point of Peoples of the Sea. Within the context of his reconstruction of history, Velikovsky seems to avoid the traditional interpretation because the word "Danaeans" is "Homeric" or "Archaic" (p . 53). However, the Homeric tradition was so well kept up among the Greeks, the epics being universally a cornerstone of education, that there is no reason why this venerable word might not have been transmitted by Greeks to the Egyptian scribes at the point in history required by Velikovsky's reconstruction ...
127. Quotes [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandments. He died before he reached Canada. Solomon had three hundred wives and seven hundred porcupines. The Greeks were a highly sculptured people, and without them we wouldn't have history. The Greeks also had myths. A myth is a female moth. Homer was not written by Homer but by another man of that name. Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock. After his death, his career suffered a dramatic decline. Eventually, the Romans conquered the Greeks. History calls people Romans because they ...
128. Ancient Mysteries (Book Review) [Journals] [Aeon]
... Seattle, 1996), pp. 83-85; see also idem, "Paradise- The Lost Frontier: Early Voyages to the Forbidden Isles," AEON V:6 (August 2000), pp. 73 ff. [11] F. Vinci, Omero nel Baltico (Rome, 1998); see also, idem, "Homer in the Baltic," AEON VI:2 (December 2001), pp. 95-109; plus the reviews in "More on the Baltic Homer," in the Vox Popvli section of the present issue. ...
129. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Newsletters (100i, 2000 reports); Society for Interdisciplinary Studies; TedHolden's. Books: Bulfinch's Mythology: the Age of Fable Or Stories of Gods and Heroes; The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus; The Papyrus of Ani (The Egyptian Book of the Dead) translated by E.A . Wallis Budge; The Iliad by Homer translated by Samuel Butler; The Odyssey by Homer; The Song Celestial or Bhagavad-gita, The Popol Vul, The Bible, Works from Greek authors such as Plato, Hippocrates, etc. Availability (From Dec 1998): Catastrophism Archive Project: Man, Myth and Mayhem in Ancient History and the Sciences. On CD-Rom disc for PCs ...
130. Worlds In Collision And Recent Finds In Archaeology. Ch.17 Supplement (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... B) was made by Michael Ventris, an English architect. Contrary to what had been thought concerning this script, it was found to be in the Greek language. This fact startled the scholarly world, as the texts had been erroneously referred to a time before the twelfth century. It had been generally thought that in the days of Homer, about 700 BC, the Greeks were illiterate, and that at about that time the first attempts at writing were made in the adopted Phoenician (Hebrew) letters. The decipherment of the Minoan script forced the conclusion that a syllabic alphabet was used in Greece six hundred years before Homer. But amazement still persists, for no literary ...
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