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3826 results found.
383 pages of results. 81. Is Is Illig Right, and and AD Chronology Wrong? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... sense, experience a dark age' or collapse of civilisation. Therefore there is no reason to suppose that their histories should be in any way uncertain or unclear. Yet Byzantine chronology stands in total agreement with the conventional model, ... period in question to be considered one of civilisation'. True, but this information comes from Gibbon; a historical source, the reliability of which I and others would question. I had mentioned Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the ... Empire only because, as I told Peter, it seemed to give historiographic support to the archaeological/architectural evidence, which latter, I feel, must be given priority over written evidence. Gibbon may not offer support in other ...
82. The Thirteenth Theory of the Hyksos [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the Hyksos? Would it not be more appropriate to accept the fact that a solution to this enigma of world history lies beyond the scope' (Beckerath, 1964, p. 113) of scholarship? Yet, the author ... Hyksos What does comparative stratigraphy mean for the Hyksos of Syro-Palestine's Middle Bronze Age? Stratigraphically and, therefore, also historically they immediately preceded the Mitanni/Hurrians of the Late Bronze Age. If the Hyksos originated in Mesopotamia, as ... , 1975) and many other technologies point to the contemporaneity of Hyksos and Old-Akkadians. Yet, it is Old-Akkadian historiography which provides the decisive clue for the identity of the two nations. Manetho claimed that the Hyksos were the earliest ...
... judgment of this generation is pronounced it will be to establish the great fact that the geologic record is a time-written history of the reign and fall of earth-rings, as reflected in the unmistakable reign and fall of canopies. The " ... the Annular Theory 49 CHAPTER IV. The Geological Record Examined 82 CHAPTER V. The Earth's Annular as Demonstrated by Historic Testimony 77 CHAPTER VI. The Noachian Deluge 99 CHAPTER VII. Legends of the Flood 110 CHAPTER VIH. A ... waters above and waters below. Is it not a little remarkable that almost the first announcement made by the Hebrew historian is a positive declaration that " God made the firmament," or aerial expanse, " and divided the waters ...
84. The Charisma of Moses [Books] [de Grazia books]
... - that there were two Moses, separated by a century or so, and brought together later to rationalize Hebrew history. Who is rationalizing what? Freud was irrationally led to postulate two Moses, rather than descry a half-gentile, ... perhaps have taken advantage of the reconciliation achieved by the leaders of Egypt and Israel to advertise his works as an historical gift to the reconciliation. For the first time in 3400 years, some people were speaking well of the Egyptians ... instances. Perhaps the most enduring of Moses' scientific contributions has to do with the beginnings of popular records and historiography. Hardly had the Israelites left Egypt when Yahweh said to Moses: "Write this as a memorial in a ...
... I. The Chronicler's Tale 12 II. The Figure in Finland 26 III. The Iranian Parallel 36 IV. History, Myth and Reality 43 Intermezzo: A Guide for the Perplexed 56 V. The Unfolding in India 76 VI ... and Sothis, who in Ancient Egyptian are called by the names of old hieroglyphs, without anybody knowing, in historical times, what these hieroglyphs had meant, once upon a time. During the whole long history of these names ... meet attempts at interpretation." This last sentence goes for every ancient text, not only for the names contained therein: there is no end of commentaries on the Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts and the Book of the Dead ...
86. The Two Sargons and Their Successors (Part II) [Journals] [Aeon]
... would thus have originated with the Akkadians, for whom it was and remained named. 27. THE COPIES The history of Akkad has been compiled from textual copies originating in the first millennium B.C . No original texts from ... Their Successors (Part II)Dwardu Cardona The following is a continuation of a two- part article critiquing the historical reconstruction offered by Gunnar Heinsohn. The specific tenets of Heinsohn's thesis are cited in italics. 26. THE LANGUAGES ... does not imply they could not refer to an earlier one. To intimate that they do betrays an ignorance of historiography. To quote Hawkes: It was principally great rulers and great disasters that inspired writings about the past. One ...
87. The Rites Of Moloch [Journals] [Kronos]
... other Saturnian Baalim until the advent of their Babylonian captivity. Only then did Yahweh begin to assert himself. The history of religion needs to be rewritten. Saturn was not only the national god of the Scythians and the Phoenicians as ... it is quite possible that Hezekiah was not the sacrificed son and that later apologists, confused with the train of historical events, sought to explain Hezekiah's continued existence by a magical, or miraculous, intervention. Manasseh, king of ... If nothing else, the above, together with one of Ev Cochrane's recent papers,(77) should caution historians in accepting the traditional founders of ancient civilizations as real life persons. XVII The sacrificial slaughter of children in honor ...
88. EBLA -- A New Look at History (Review) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History XIV:1 (Jan 1992) Home | Issue Contents BOOK REVIEWS EBLA- A New Look at History by Giovanni Pettinato (translated C. Faith Richardson) The Johns Hopkins University Press: ... many place names cited in its archives. It is highly instructive for those who practise the "art" of historical geography, (i .e . locating ancient sites) to notice the many failed efforts locating Ebla before it ... patron deities of archaeologists, found Ebla in spite of their collective musings. As one who has an interest in historicalgeography I continually find the case of Ebla instructive and try to remember that precise identification of ancient sites without excavation or ...
89. Intensity, Scope and Suddenness [Books] [de Grazia books]
... undergo their own theoretical quantavolution. In this process, poorly equipped though we may be to move between geology and history, we shall have to reconcile the two modes of thought and bodies of fact. There ought to be no ... conflict between natural laws and historical events. Either historical occurrences-counting ancient voices, too, as historical events - will contribute to the affirmation or display of natural laws, or they are false or falsely interpreted. Either natural ... , once wrote at some length about the scientific justification of "if... then..." historiography. "If Lincoln had not been assassinated, then the U.S .A . would have become more ...
90. Epilogue: Questions And Answers (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... be so long-lived as to be a contemporary of Assurbanipal the Assyrian or Tirhaka the Ethiopian? In the revised-or synchronized- history, between the time the el-Amarna letters were written and Suppiluliumas, a contemporary of Assurbanipal and Tirhaka, over one ... question, How long did Ramses II reign? is pertinent and should be dealt with in the light of the historical events of the seventh and sixth centuries. The figure of sixty-six years is found in Eusebius' version of the ... dynasties. According to this version, in the Nineteenth Dynasty, Sethos reigned for fifty-five years and after him his son Ramses for sixty-six: thus the ruling years of the father and the son combined comprise one hundred and twenty-one years ...
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