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383 pages of results. 51. Velikovsky and Catastrophism: A Hidden Agenda? [Journals] [Aeon]
... during the last half of the nineteenth century. In a word, if Lyell and Darwin were correct about the history of geology and biology, the Bible was false. If speculation about the size and age of the universe, ... , we will be able to perceive that everything Velikovsky wrote- his scientific and psychological books as well as his historical reconstructions- may derive from one single over-riding impulse. This will place the entire Velikovsky story in a new light ... . The sciences such as archaeology, geology and biology, the Old Testament literary and philological criticism and even German historiography and philosophy were wheeled about and used to support the Bible, not destroy it. By being "scientific, ...
52. Velikovsky, Glasgow and Heinsohn Combined [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Velikovsky, Glasgow and Heinsohn Combined Emmet J. Sweeney Emmet Sweeney has an M.A . in Early Modern History and teaches in London He is a member of the SI5 council and is the author of several books on chronological ... It was then that the first serious dissension broke out. Various British scholars argued that the 200 year hiatus was historically insupportable. An SIS Conference held in Glasgow in 1977 produced what was then described as the Glasgow Chronology'. ... and it would then be Alexander who frees the people of Judah. This is the final hiatus. In Jewish historiography, in Hebrew history writing, there are no sources between about 300 and 500 BC, there is Ezra and ...
... 1977 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Sirius THE DYNASTIES OF Manetho were made the framework of Egyptian history; only his mathematical figures are not respected because they are considered "absurdly high".[1 ] Historians ... but -1321 in astronomical computations. (Unless otherwise indicated, all dates that are mentioned in this book are "historical" rather than "astronomical". The difference is that "astronomical" dating assumes that there was a year ... of which we can be absolutely certain within the margin of a few years either way".[3 ] Historiography divides the past of the world into two great parts: the period before the New Kingdom in Egypt in which ...
54. Velikovsky in America [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Exodus. Velikovsky's next step, then, was to find Egyptian corroboration of the Biblical account. The conventional histories all insisted that Egyptian documents are silent about the Exodus, the central event in the history of Judaism, and ... landwards." In essence, Freud had based his hypothesis on two lines of reasoning: psychological/folkloristic and historical/philological; and Velikovsky saw problems with them both. Freud's psychoanalytic approach to purely legendary stereotypes was invalid in ... of his master something that perhaps equally applied to himself: "If Freud is wrong he is wrong as a historian. He remains, however, in the right as a poet, ruling over his poetry by virtue of his ...
55. The Early Assyrian King List, The Genealogy of the Hammurapi Dynasty, and the "Greater Amorite" Tradition [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Proceedings of The Third Seminar of Catastrophism and Ancient History (1986) Home | Issue Contents The Early Assyrian King List, The Genealogy of the Hammurapi Dynasty, and the "Greater Amorite" Tradition Herbert A. ... Moreover, these royal genealogies were composed in a technique similar to that known in the Bible, of fictitiously linking historical personages to earlier eponyms in fact representing names of an artificial character, such as tribes or geographical entities as demonstrated ... two additional studies on this topic came to my attention: 1. W. W. Hallo, "Assyrian Historiography Revisited." Eretz-Israel, Vol. 14(1978), pp. 1-7. 2. John van Seters ...
56. A Return to the Two Sargons and Their Successors [Journals] [Aeon]
... Two Sargons and Their Successors Dwardu Cardona Recapitulation For years Gunnar Heinsohn had been proposing a reconstruction of ancient Near Eastern history in which, among other things, the conquest of southern Mesopotamia by the Akkadians around -2350 was shown to have ... place in a later section below. Ginenthal goes on with: "One of the earliest attempts at producing an historical chronology of the region was written by Berossus who lived long after the historical periods delineated. Based on his knowledge ... that of other historians of his time, he listed only four major civilizations previously dominating Mesopotamia- First Chaldeans, Assyrians, Second Chaldeans and Persians. There were not six or eight major empires, and no one ever recorded the ...
57. Chapter 16 Hittites ? Lydians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... an Egyptian record. On the basis of this unimpeachable connection, the Hittites were joined to the trunk of Egyptian history and placed in the latter to middle part of the second millennium B.C . However, in the previous ... p. 45] The Hittites' had in common with the Babylonians scholarly works, hymns, writings based on historical traditions, vocabularies, and other literary works. [H . Güterbock, "Die historische Tradition und ihre literarische ... bei Babyloniern und Hethitern bis 1200," Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, XLIV (1938), p. 45] "Assyrian justice, as far as civil laws were concerned, had much in common with the civil laws of the ...
58. Ezra and Nehemiah in Recent Research [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History XIII:2 (July 1991) Home | Issue Contents REVIEW ARTICLE Ezra and Nehemiah in Recent Research Herbert A. Storck The purpose for this paper is to highlight some recent Ezra/Nehemiah ... to form a very convincing case. In addition he brings to bear several single dated Elephantine Papyri and some indirect historical correlations that also tend to support his reconstruction. Much of Faulstich's argumentation, except for the arguments from the Elephantine ... . Notes 1 Baruch Halpern, "A Historiographic Commentary on Ezra 1-6: Chronological Narrative and Dual Chronology in Israelite Historiography," In The Hebrew Bible and Its Interpreters Biblical and Judaic Studies from the University of California San Diego ( ...
59. Astronomical Dating and Calendrics [Journals] [Aeon]
... Heinsohn I. The Debunked Masterpiece of astronomical dating: Sothic chronology A. The Pre-Sothic Dating Scheme of Comparative World History he most important and, at the same time, the most detrimental use of astronomical dating ever applied to ancient ... BCE to acquaint himself with a similarly flourishing Egypt a few decades later. Following the elimination of Abraham as a historical figure- a process that commenced in the late 19th century and was only completed in the 70's of the 20th ... . The Illahun Papyrus: This is a scrap of material, yet to receive full publication, on which the historiography of the so-called Middle Kingdom is made to depend. No pharaoh is named in it but, on the basis ...
60. On The Symposium Trail [Journals] [Pensee]
... 5: (Winter 1974-75) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered X" Home | Issue Contents On The Symposium Trail Duquesne History Forum Philosophy of Science Association The "Year of Velikovsky" has finally wound down to its conclusion, with the ... Ancient History." (Duquesne History Forum). This last, held at one of the nation's most prestigious historical conferences, was an especially noteworthy achievement. Here for the first time at a scholarly gathering Velikovsky's opus magnum, ... than calculating where an artificial satellite was three decades ago" --not even launched. Despite this fact, "modern historiography concerning the ancient world has been constructed on a framework of astronomical calculation." And not only history, but ...
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