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383 pages of results. 111. My Kingdom for a Horse ... [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History X:2 (July 1988) Home | Issue Contents "My Kingdom for a Horse .. ." Tamara Futterman We have read about horses twice in history, the more famous account ... against his countrymen. When the war ended Joseph was given many treasures by the Roman conquerors, including the ancient historical archives of Jerusalem and Egypt. He was asked to record the history of his people- accounts which are, ... doubt, still in the Vatican today. In his 20-volume The Wars of Apion a controversial verse has long caused Egyptologists and theologians to argue about its meaning. The verse attempts to date the time of Joseph's tenure as Vizier of ...
112. The Founding of Rome [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History VI:1 (Jan 1984) Home | Issue Contents The Founding of Rome Alfred de Grazia See Note 1. For some time now, the founding of Rome has been accredited to truculent ... should be stricken from the record. These are the so-called Dark Ages of Greece, which were placed in the historical record in the first place to correspond with four hundred years of Egyptian chronology that were also non-existent. "The ... to adapt themselves to the Egyptologists."(2 ) This may still seem to be true to most ancient historians, but a generation ago Immanuel Velikovsky, in his Ages in Chaos, knocked out the Egyptian centuries at issue ...
113. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... animated by the idea of progress of which scientific knowledge seems so shining an exemplar, have sought to portray scientific history in terms of its success, its great men, and its moral object lessons that show reason triumphing over superstition ... Big Bang theory would be destroyed and that most prestigious theory could collapse (no pun intended). To be historically and sociologically accurate, all this took place in the 1980's, long after the hysteria of the cold war of ... The ideology of the scientific profession has emerged from the writings of three groups of professional observers, the philosophers, historians, and sociologists of science. Each of these three groups has imposed its own professional biases on its description of ...
114. The Founding of Rome [Books] [de Grazia books]
... time now, the founding of Rome has been accredited to truculent Latin rustics lost in the miasma of VIII century history. The more glorious legend of its establishment by Homeric heroes, particularly Aeneas, prince of Troy, has been ... should be stricken from the record. These are the so-called Dark Ages of Greece, which were placed in the historical record in the first place to correspond with four hundred years of Egyptian chronology that were also non existent. " ... to adapt themselves to the Egyptologists"[1 ]. This may seem still to be true to most ancient historians, but a generation ago Velikovsky, in his book Ages in Chaos, knocked out the Egyptian centuries at issue ...
115. Tutankhamen and Assyrian Art [Articles]
... in Dr. Velikovsky's PEOPLES OF TEE SEA. Millet's response was that I didn't know anything about first millennium art history and my thought process was just like Dr. Velikovsky's, which I considered to be highly complimentary, by the ... latest issue does contain material that will ultimately appear in The Assyrian Conquest. The future issues contain both scientific and historical material so there is no shortage there. To the best of my knowledge, and I don't say this with ... , I say this with disappointment, I still believe that I am probably the only art historian who has come out publicly on the side of Dr. Velikovsky If there are any others, I do not know about them and ...
... 821, 837 CHAPTER XXII. Observed effects of igneous causes Regions of active volcanoes 344 CHAPTERS XXIII. XXIV. History of the volcanic eruptions of the district round Naples Structure of Vesuvius Herculaneum and Pompeii 860, 375 . CONTENTS. ... the discussion of some matters which might fairly be regarded as common to both treatises ; as for example, an historical sketch of the early progress of geology, followed by a series of preliminary essays to explain the facts and arguments ... things. Geology is intimately related to almost all the physical sciences, as history is to the moral. An historian should, if possible, be at once profoundly acquainted with ethics, politics, jurisprudence, the military art, ...
117. The Dynasty Of Priests. Part 2 Ch.1 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents The Dynasty Of Priests IN PART II we shall endeavour to reconstruct the history of the dynasty that goes under the misnomer of Twenty-first. It is a period rich in documents, mostly legal ... sacerdotal, rarely of any historical content, and consequently it is admitted that historically it is one of the most obscure periods in Egyptian history; many efforts have been made to establish order in this succession of princely priests and to ... (Punt) corresponds in every detail to the description of the visit of Queen Shwa (Sheba) whom the historian Josephus described as Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia. The reader need only reread those pages in Volume I of Ages ...
118. Amenophis, Osarsiph and Arzu. More on the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a "friend" of the pharaoh at the age of five, and no mention is made of his subsequent history. One wonders if the pharaoh who bore the name of Ptah might not have entrusted his son to the priests ... to squeeze Amenmesse's 4 years and Siptah's 6 years in between Seti II and Setnakht. It is true that Egyptian historical claims are not to be trusted; for example, Herodotus was given a version of the XXVIth Dynasty that failed ... mention such "minor" details as that Psammetich was a puppet of Assyria or that the rebellion of Amasis was backed by an invasion of Babylonian troops. If, however, they coincide with Scriptural testimony and Assyrian records, they ...
119. ABC's of Astrophysics [Books] [de Grazia books]
... at the same time. If the hymns had originated so early, though, they went to prove a uniformitarian history of the heavens. Incompetent to challenge Chassapis' readings, Deg could but question the definitiveness of the poetic lines ... of course entirely convinced that the laws of gravitation and thermodynamics are much more positive proof against Velikovsky than are some historical events of which Velikovsky may have proof positive. (. .. ) Motz is going, obviously, by ... a universal law that regulated the universe and stabilized the Earth. Stecchini, Santillana, and Von Dechend, among historians of science known to Deg, were quite persuaded of the advanced state of the most ancient known science, so ...
120. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... and Festival Calendars 274 XXIX. The Mythology of Isis and Osikis 287 XXX. The Temple-Stars 304 XXXI. The History of Sun-Worship at Annu and Thebes 315 XXXII. The Early Temple and Great Pyramid Builders 325 XXXIII. The Cult ... at a later stage, but it is well that I should state here that those personages who preceded the true historic period are considered by De Rougé and others to represent "le type de l'antiquité la plus reculée." Let ... , although it is difficult to reconcile its emplacement in relation to the statues with the accounts given by the Arab historians. In January, 1893, Captain Lyons, R.E ., was good enough to accompany me to ...
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