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136 results found.
14 pages of results. 41. Planets in the Bible: I -- The Cosmology of Job [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Thus also the Egyptologist Cyril Aldred: "The king was the personification of maet, a word which we translate as "truth"or "justice", but has the extended meaning of the proper cosmic order at the time of its establishment by the Creator." (13) The work of Livio Stecchini and Charles C. Hapgood (14), among others, has revolutionised our ideas on the extent of scientific knowledge about the earth and the planets in ancient times. All we can do here is indicate the very existence of this vast subject, the nature and extent of knowledge in the ancient world, which has only begun to be adequately developed (15 ...
42. Thrusting and Orogeny [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and the interface will have a characteristic viscosity. The mass need not be solitary, even though it is definable; a limestone may be riding on a schist, or rock upon oil or water slurry, and so forth; hence there will be another set of variables for each definable component in a complex thrust. Melvin Cook and Charles Hapgood employ prior ice caps as a mechanism of sudden diastrophism. Accepting prior calculations and proof of the existence of towering ice caps at the poles in recent times, they weigh the ice and decide that enough mass is available to cause unbearable pressures laterally (Cook) and a lever effect (Hapgood). The ice mass avalanches upon the ...
43. Ice Core Evidence [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... at these same depths. Ever since publishing Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky, printed in late August, 1990, and distributed in October of that same year, I have stated my belief that the icecaps of Greenland and Antarctica were created recently- a belief based on information from ancient maps and the discoveries made by Arlington Mallery and Charles H. Hapgood.(4 ) I believe that the accuracy of these ancient maps, as confirmed by professional cartographers and by seismic studies carried out by professional seismologists, proves that the icecaps of Greenland and Antarctica cannot be as old as Mewhinney and Ellenberger indicate. Furthermore, I entirely disagree with Dolby, Ellenberger and Mewhinney that the icecaps of Greenland ...
44. For the Record. . . [Journals] [Kronos]
... persuasive reasoning, the theories of both Velikovsky and Lippman failed to budge certain bastions of uniformitarian thinking. In 1963, for example, Norman D. Newell, then curator of the Department of Fossil Invertebrates at the American Museum of Natural History in New York and professor of invertebrate paleontology at Columbia University, summarily dismissed the work of Velikovsky and Hapgood while not even giving Lippman so much as "dishonorable mention." Writing in the February issue of Scientific American (" Crises in the History of Life"), Newell stated the following: "Now that we have learned that the earth is at least five or six billion years old, the necessity for invoking Cuverian catastrophes to ...
45. How Good A Navigator was Columbus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS C & C Review 2004:2 Incorporating Workshop 2004:3 (August 2004) Home | Issue Contents How Good A Navigator was Columbus?Peter Fairlie-Clarke In his book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Charles Hapgood mentions that all surviving maps made in the 30 years after the discovery of the Americas place the islands of Cuba and Haiti to the north of the Tropic of Cancer, although at the present day they are around 2 degrees south of the Tropic. He showed some of these maps in his book and suggested that the navigators of the time had made an error with their latitude readings. However, navigators of the late 15th century had ...
46. Discussion [Journals] [Aeon]
... the result of an intelligent deduction based on Kepler's speculation. This is more than amply demonstrated by the fact that Swift himself paraphrased Kepler's Third Law in his description of the satellites. As Moss declared, this "should have been sufficient to dispel the wonder" of it all. Now it has since been brought to my attention that Charles Hapgood had already taken the Keplerian evidence into consideration and found it wanting.(19) Hapgood, however, did not delve into the matter in any great detail and his "four orders of improbability" against this solution were more than amply taken care of by Moss. Hapgood also states that Asaph Hall looked for the moons of Mars ...
47. Some Comments on "Still Facing Many Problems" (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... unlikely as any of Velikovsky's. (And, I might ask parenthetically, is there any evidence in the cores for the "universal" flood as recorded in the deep mud layers of Mesopotamia below Sumerian remains?) On a related topic, there is the relationship between the ice cores and the migration of the poles. For example, Hapgood(4 ) suggests three "rapid" displacements of the pole over the last 80,000 years before it settled into its present location in the Arctic Ocean. Although the last of these displacements (in Hapgood's scenario, 17,000 to 12,000 b.p .) occurs prior to the top 10,000 years ...
48. Velikovsky: astronomical evidence/Martian [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... mark@omnifest uwm.edu) writes: > There's an article in a November or December issue of the > 1985 Scientific American that presents evidence of a huge > shift of the entire crust of the planet. A Hapgood-like > explanation was invoked to account for this [1 ], [2 ]: > [1 ] Charles Hapgood did a highly detailed reconstruction > based on sea floor evidence and radiocarbon evidence that > explained the most recent periods of glaciation by 3 shifts > in the Earth's Crust....which conflicts with ice-core data, sea-floor sediment data, microfossil data... > [2 ] The Wandering Poles of Mars, I believe the ...
49. Catastrophism and Ancient History [Journals] [Aeon]
... Not Yet Created: An Account of Sumerian Cosmogony." M. A. LUCKERMAN, "A Different View on the Chronology of Hazor." III/1 . L. J. MITCHAM, The End of Mitanni and Scme Related Problems. A. DIRKZWAGER, "Pharaoh So and the Libyan Dynasty." C. H. HAPGOOD, The Punctuation Marks of Geological History." III/2 . B. FELDMAN, "Freud and Velikovsky, Part M' D. A. COURVILLE, "Are the Peleset Philistines or Persians?" A. DIRKZWAGER, "Herodotus on Thutmoses III and Amenophis II." IV/1 . B. FELDMAN, " ...
50. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... New York). It is a quite readable book, and he is quite negative about Velikovsky. While admitting that Velikovsky attempts to answer certain legitimate questions such as the similarities among myths of widely separated peoples, Leveson accuses him of carefully selecting the evidence to support his theories (p . 155, 158). He relegates both Charles Hapgood and Velikovsky to "the literature of fantasy" (p . 160); from the fact that Einstein "was taken with the ideas of both these men", he concludes that "even genius must be suspect outside its own field" (p . 159). I did not become interested in Velikovsky through reading Leveson. ...
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