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165 pages of results. 81. Black Holes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the stubbornness with which recalcitrant facts are somehow fitted into the increasingly shaky orthodox chronology is that, as Gardiner acknowledges, historians fear to cast adrift from our only firm anchor', rather than mere pique at Velikovsky's effrontery in challenging orthodox views. The more one thinks about it, the amazing it is how the revelation that Linear B is Greek was calmly accepted without anyone thinking it put in question the concept of a Greek dark age' which was required by the conventional chronology ". THESE THOUGHTS are taken from a letter by Geoffrey Gammon to Martin Sieff during discussions last July on the formation of the Ancient History Study Group. There are of course many anomalies in the accepted ...
82. In Defense Of The Saturn Thesis [Journals] [Aeon]
... his attention specifically to Saturn, himself stating that "a clearly recognisable pattern emerges from the beliefs about Saturn in a number of widely separated cultures." [31] In attempting to explain why Saturn was described by the ancients as having once radiated a light as bright as the Sun, James had occasion to state that: "The Greeks referred to Saturn as the star of Helios, ' Helios' being the Greek name for the Sun." What he failed to mention is that the Greek name "Helios" originated as a name for the planet Saturn, something that Franz Boll pointed out back in 1919, and only later was the name transferred to the Sun ...
83. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Issue Contents FORUM Letters Venus: Whose Baby?I was particularly interested in the articles on Aphrodite by PETER JAMES. I have some comments which may be of interest - all of them, unfortunately, muddying the situation rather than clearing it. First of all, both Aphrodite and Athene are very ancient goddesses - both much older than the Greeks, and older than the time (ca. 1500 BC ) when Velikovsky says that Venus first appeared. Rose (Handbook of Greek Mythology, p. 122) states that Aphrodite was very ancient and her cult was not Greek. Athene is also pre-Greek according to W. K. C. Guthrie (The Greeks and their Gods ...
84. Dating the Trojan War [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History VIII:1 (Jan 1986) Home | Issue Contents INTERACTION Dating the Trojan War Arie Dirkzwager The history of Classical Greece can be divided into several periods, the first of which is called the Mycenaean Age. It started with the entry of Greek tribes into Greece (~ 1900, or in L. R. Palmer's system, [1 ] ~1600 B.C .) . During the following centuries we meet such semi-historical events as the exploits of Heracles, the expedition of the Argonauts, and the Trojan War. Some decennia after that war the descendants of the Heraclids or the immigration of the Dorians, another Greek tribe, ...
85. Astronomy and Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... the Hyksos; also, contradicting himself, he identified Moses with the rebellious priest Osarsiph, of much later times, who called to his help the lepers of Jerusalem in his war with his own country. In composing his history of Egypt and putting together a register of its dynasties, Manetho was guided by the desire to prove to the Greeks, the masters of his land, that the Egyptian people and culture were much older than theirs and also older than the Babylonian nation and civilization. Berosus, a Chaldean priest and a contemporary of Manetho, tried to prove to the Greeks under the Seleucid rulers, the antiquity of the Assyro-Babylonian history and therefore he extended that history into ...
86. Paired Sets in the Hebrew Alphabet [Journals] [Aeon]
... ), syllables (syllabic script), or phonemes (alphabetic script). Each of these types of script and combinations thereof have been employed at various times and places in the world and, curiously, one of the most practical scripts, employing what has come to be known as the alphabet (after the names of the first two Greek letters, alpha and beta), has its origins in the Semitic Near East. It is here that the Hebrew alphabet- a collateral relative of most European alphabets- evolved; an alphabet reflecting in the traditional semantics and symbolism of its letter names some of the magical, divinatory, interpretive, and cryptographic purposes to which it has ...
87. Sargonids and Achaemenids [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... work is precisely matched by that of the late Achaemenid period. Late Sargonid work does not resemble early Achaemenid work, which it however should if textbook chronology is accurate. Both Sargonid and Achaemenid figurative art begins with highly-stylised forms and gradually develops an increasing realism – so much so that much of the later Sargonid and Achaemenid work could almost be Greek. Take for example the lion's head (fig.16) from the time of Tiglath-Pileser III, and compare with that of the early Achaemenid epoch in fig.17. It is immediately evident that the parallels are exact and that these two belong to a single artistic style. Now look at the striking realism of the lion's head ...
88. Hittites and Phrygians [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History IV:2 (July 1982) Home | Issue Contents Hittites and Phrygians Phillip Clapham Sites associated with the 9th and 8th century (B .C .) kingdom of Urartu in the mountainous Transcaucasus that became the later Armenia of the Greek and Roman worlds appear abruptly in the archaeological record as fully developed iron-using societies. Robert Hewsen1 has highlighted a number of discrepancies in the orthodox time scheme that can best be explained by Velikovskian revision. Archaeologically, Urartu, like archaic Greece and Phrygia of the early first millennium B.C ., is a paradox, for it is preceded by a dark age that is culturally and physically bereft of signs ...
89. Chapter 13 Scythian Princes in the Royal Tombs of Ur [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and Medes which — according to Herodotus — brought about the downfall of the Empire Assyrians . . . were the same as the Qutheans, Sumerians and Mitanni of mainstream [historians]. Thus I — as do mainstream [historians]— spoke of an alliance between Qutheans and Sumerians. I identified these two peoples with Scythians and Chaldeans of Greek historiography, and I still do. Dwardu, however, turned the alliance into an identification." Cardona: "I did not turn the alliance Heinsohn speaks of into an identification. It was Heinsohn himself who directly identified the Sumerians as Scythians when he identified the Sumerian Royal Graves at Ur and their contents as Scythian graves and THEIR ...
90. The Methodology of Patten's Martian Scenario [Journals] [Aeon]
... , however, Patten found himself accepting the same sources, and the events they describe, as evidence of these supposed calamities. Thus, in the main, Patten continues to follow Velikovsky in drawing heavily on the books of the Hebrew prophets and other chronicles of the Old Testament, to say nothing of tangential forays into the works of Classical Greek and Roman authors. In this respect, it can safely be stated that all of the criticisms and objections levelled at Velikovsky's postulate re the supposed Martian catastrophes of the 8th and 7th centuries B.C . stand also to undermine Patten's hypothesis. (1 ) Unless and until Patten can successfully refute these criticisms, his work must remain ...
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