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165 pages of results. 71. Troy and the Greek Dark Age [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 2 (Winter 1983) Home | Issue Contents Troy and the Greek Dark Age Jan N. Sammer Acknowledgements The early drafts of these articles were written under the supervision of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, and I am greatly indebted to him for allowing me to draw freely on the ideas contained in his as yet unpublished manuscript, The Dark Age of Greece. Edwin Schorr, who for a number of years worked as a research assistant to Dr. Velikovsky, and has pursued studies in classical archaeology at the University of Cincinnati, gave me liberal access to his copious notes. His article in Pensee IVR IX, "Applying the Revised ...
72. The Lion Gate at Mycenae [Journals] [Pensee]
... to be the oldest example of monumental sculpture in Europe (5 ), recent discoveries at Lepenski Vir in the Balkans have shown otherwise (6 ). Nevertheless, the Lion Gate remains a key monument in the history of ancient art serving, so to speak, as a kind of portentous prelude to the later sculptural works of the Classical Greeks (7 ). CHRONOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL CONSIDERATIONS Almost from the moment of its rediscovery, the Lion Gate and other adjacent material gave rise to "vehement disputes between 1880 and 1890 about the dating of the Mycenaean finds" (8 ). Dates were put forward assigning the monuments to either the years 1400-1100 B.C ., 800-700 ...
73. Historical Supplement [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... been set aside when the clues that eventually led to the publication of Ages in Chaos and Worlds in Collision were discovered. In Oedipus and Akhnaton, Velikovsky identified the legendary character, Oedipus, as the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhnaton and suggested that the so called Oedipus legend was not a legend, but possibly the life-story of Akhnaton as told by the Greeks. This work is almost totally independent of Velikovsky's other books. There is one major connection to Ages in Chaos and perhaps a minor connection to Worlds in Collision the latter being, that, if the equation is valid, it is one more indication that many of the ancient legends have some basis in fact. If the reconstruction of ...
74. The Spring Of Ares [Journals] [Kronos]
... was known to be a god while most commentators have proceeded upon the assumption that Kadmos was a mortal. But if, as I have suggested.(1a) Kadmos was originally a Theban god analogous to Dionysus, who was also associated with Ares, the added association of Kadmos with the same Ares raises fundamental questions concerning the origins of Greek religion and myth.(9 ) That Ares was originally a celestial body is suggested by a Homeric hymn in which the god is described as a fiery sphere among the planets.(3 ) This fiery nature links Ares to Mars, described as the fiery planet par excellence in both Babylonian and Greek astronomy. And, in fact ...
75. The Aristotelian Cosmos [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... am about to tell you may turn out to be shameless lies." 5 In retrospect, the Aristotelian cosmological model contains within it many of the facets that presently persist and as such is worthy of scrutiny to show, as Koestler states that, "neither ignorance nor the threats of an imaginary Alexandrine inquisition can serve to explain why the Greek astronomers, after having discovered the heliocentric [sun-centered] system turned their backs on it."6 Why did the Aristotelian geocentric [Earth-centered] paradigm come to dominate and paralyze the thinking of the western world for nearly 2000 years? Although the Aristotelian weltanschauung became the ultimate truth in science for religious, political, sociological and educational reasons ...
76. The Hebrew Patriarchs in Greek Tradition (Part I) [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1989 No 1 (May 1989) Home | Issue Contents The Hebrew Patriarchs in Greek Tradition (Part I)by Anthony H. Rees In C & C Workshop 1988:2 , pp. 7-9, this author presented a paper titled The Israelites and the 18th Dynasty'. It showed how some Jewish traditions could be construed as pointing towards an Israelite sojourn in 18th Dynasty Egypt. The details in those traditions seem to link Joseph's rise to power with the first regnal year of young king Amenhotep I, and Jacob's entry with his 9th year when severe earthquakes struck the land [1 ] and a significant new calendar was introduced [ ...
77. The Two Faces of Love [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the record. Our difficult task of astral-mythical correlation is to be made even harder by the requirement that we show that Aphrodite in the Love Affair is, if not certainly, then most likely, the Moon. However, we shall proceed to the task, taking four steps. First we inquire whether Aphrodite was tied to the Moon in Greek, Near Eastern and other sources in primeval and ancient times. Next we ask whether Aphrodite was the name of entities other than the Moon. Further, we ask whether she was possibly both the Moon and another entity. Finally, we ask whether Aphrodite stood for the Moon specifically in the Love Affair, in the song of Demodocus ...
78. The Tomb Of King Ahiram. Ch. 3. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... Ahiram In a preceding section I had occasion to discuss the question; Did Ramses II build the canal connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea, as the Egyptian sources state, or was it Necho (Necos) who started this work, as Herodotus says? Again, was it Seti-Ptah-Maat, the predecessor of Ramses II, who first employed Greek Mercenaries, or was it Necho's predecessor, Psam-metich of Herodotus? The reader may be depended on to solve a similar question without the help of the author. Byblos, the modem Jebeil, or Gebel, on the Syrian coast, north of Beirut, Gwal of the Old Testament and of Phoenician inscriptions, or K-b-ny in Egyptian, ...
... have been universal. Among nations the most remote from each other, from the torrid to the frigid zones, under one modification or another, this worship has existed. As Phre, or Serapis, among the Egyptians; as Bel, Baal, Belus, or Moloch, among the Chaldeans ; Mithras of the Persians; Apollo of the Greeks; Suyra of the Hindus; Odin of the Scandinavians; Baiwe of the Laplanders; or, as the chief object of adoration in Mexico and Peru, the sun has had its myriads of worshippers from the earliest dawn of tradition and history. Its worship spread over America as it did over Europe and Africa, and man's accredited birth ...
80. On the Idenrification of Denien with Athenians and the "Double T" in P-R-S-TT [Journals] [Kronos]
... ** Dr. Lorton Replies: It is a pleasure to respond to Mr. Dyen's comments. The identification of geographical and personal names which appear in several ancient languages is an important element in Dr. Velikovsky's syntheses, but the procedure is fraught with difficulties, and further comment and discussion is therefore useful. As to the rendering of Greek theta in Egyptian texts of the New Kingdom: I am not able to cite any Ramesside examples, but I have found the following instances from Dynasty Eighteen: = [Greek text], an island in the Aegean (reign of Amenophis III)1 . = [Greek text], a town in Palestine (reign of Thutmosis ...
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