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1643 results found.

165 pages of results.
51. Pallas Athene, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... " When she was born, the vault of the sky- the great Olympus"- began to reel horribly," "earth round about cried fearfully," "the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves, while foam burst forth suddenly," and the sun stopped for "a long while."(1 ) The Greek text speaks of "purple waves"(2 ) and of "the sea [that] rises up like a wall," and the sun stopping on its course.(3 ) Aristocles said that Zeus hid the unborn Athene in a cloud and then split it open with lightning,(4 ) which is the mythological way ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 186  -  03 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/worlds/1090-pallas-athene.htm
52. Aphrodite Urania [Journals] [Aeon]
... aspects of the mother goddess' cult have been absorbed by the worship of the Virgin Mary. [1 ] Robert Graves was surely right when he wrote of the mother goddess that she is "deeply fixed in the racial memory of the European countryman and impossible to exorcize." [2 ] Among the ancient cultures, it is the Greeks who have preserved some of the most compelling portraits of the goddess. Mere mention of the names Aphrodite, Medea, Scylla, Hecate, Ariadne, and Athena is enough to evoke images of archetypal significance. Each of these figures represents, as it were, a face from the ancient gallery of the mother goddess, offering respectively a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 182  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0502/43aphro.htm
... . CH Classical Handbook (Appleton-Century, 1962) C-SEI Crowfoot, J. W., and G. M., Samaria-Sebaste - Early Ivories. CKS-SB Crowfoot, J. W., Kenyon, K. M. and Sukenik, E. L., Samaria-Sebaste - The Buildings. C-GUA Cook, R. M., The Greeks until Alexander, 1962. C-HP Ceram, C. W., Hands on the Past, 1966. C-SH Ceram, C. W., The Secret of the Hittites, 1956. D-BGA Demargne, P., The Birth of Greek Art, Translation by Gilbert and Emmons, 1964. D-GP Davidson, D., The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 182  -  19 Jun 2005  -  URL: /online/no-text/exodus/index.htm
... of the Peoples of the Sea THE SOLDIERS of the Peoples of the Sea, the Tjeker, the Shekelesh, the Teresh, the Weshesh, and the Sardan, were from the Asia Minor region. The Denien, however, are referred to by Ramses III as "Peoples of the Islands". The conclusion that these soldiers were archaic Greeks has already been arrived at by scholars who explain the events narrated and illustrated by Ramses III as a Greek invasion of Egypt that took place soon after the fall of Troy: more properly these particular warriors would be described as Mycenaean Greeks and their confederates or, if one prefers the classification, as Homeric Greeks, the Trojan War having ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 180  -  04 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/peoples/103-art.htm
55. Child of Saturn (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... It should, at the outset, be remembered that Velikovsky based his theory of Venus' ejection from Jupiter on the mythological record, and the mythological record alone. In fact, his only foundation for the event is Hesiod's tale of Athene's birth from the head of Zeus,(1 ) a tale that was very popular among the ancient Greeks. Athene's identification as the planet Venus was ably shown by Velikovsky;(2 ) and more recently, Peter James has added valuable information which further cements this identification.(3 ) As for Zeus, the Greeks themselves admitted that he personified the planet Jupiter. Even so, how solid a basis is Hesiod's tale for the event ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 178  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0701/056child.htm
... , so likewise there is a Genius peculiarly improper for every one: and as to Philosophy, which is the contemplation of the works of nature, al the Providence that governs them, there is no temper or genius, in my mind, so improper for it, as that which we call a mean and narrow Spirit and which the Greeks call Littleness of Soul. This is a defect in the first make of some men's minds, which can scarce ever be corrected Afterwards, either by learning or age. and as Souls that are made little and, incapacious cannot enlarge their thoughts to make in any great compass of times or things; so what is beyond their compass ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 176  -  04 Mar 2006  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/sacred/index.htm
57. Heracles and the Planet Mars [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon I:4 (Jul 1988) Home | Issue Contents Heracles and the Planet Mars Ev Cochrane The name of Heracles has conjured up images of strength and heroic valor for some 3,000 years, the fame of the Greek strongman being unrivaled by that of any other legendary figure. And while there have been literally hundreds of attempts to explain the hero's original significance, it is fair to say that no consensus has been reached and a mystery remains. Our purpose here will be to present the outlines of a comprehensive theory of Heracles' origins, one capable of accounting for the vast majority of the hero's characteristics. Of the canonical 12 labors we will ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 174  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0104/089herac.htm
... | Vol II | Vol III | Vol IV | Vol V | Vol VI Contents: p.1Section 1- Exodus p.6 Section 2- Isaiah p.13 Section 3- Luckenbill p.16 Section 4 - breasted p.20 Section 5- Ipuwer p.25 Section 6- Ginzberg p.46 Section 7- Greek & Roman p.78 Notes & Corrections on Part 1. Section 1. Exodus. One of the central themes of WIC is V's interpretation of the Exodus story, In particular, of the ten plagues in terms of the events accompanying the approach of the Venus Comet. For the record, the ten plagues were as follows . ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 171  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vel-sources/source-1.htm
59. Crazy Heroes of Dark Times [Books] [de Grazia books]
... when the city of Troy was. Supposing Pylos to have been consumed by an atmospheric disaster, and Troy VIIA by the same (for it was indeed incinerated), it is possible still then that the end of Troy VI, which was wrecked by earthquake, might have marked the end of the Trojan War and the departure of the Greeks. We recall two stories of the war: Poseidon battered down the famous Achaean defensive wall near the sea after the Achaeans departed; further, the breech in the Trojan Wall was made to admit the Trojan Horse, which may have been the symbol of Horse-Tamer Poseidon, whose tides swept over all barriers like charging steeds. If such ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 167  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/degrazia/love/ch07.htm
... 1885, I published a picture of my conception of the "Polar Star-hole", in the 1902 edition of that volume, page 174, with the following explanation: POLAR OPENING "I have here illustrated what I must more fully explain in another volume the vaulted enclosures of the northern sky, the last form of every falling worldbelt The Greek quotation is taken from the writings of Diogenes Laertius, and is the Moabite Stone' of this problem Though variously translated it simply tells us that the Arctic stars once revolved in a tholos'. Now a tholos is a vaulted enclosure, a space inclosed by an arched roof or dome. The writer I have quoted tells us that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 167  -  19 Jun 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vail/heavens.htm
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