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165 pages of results. 31. On Mars and Pestilence [Journals] [Aeon]
... the literature surrounding these figures. That the gods were identified with the planets early on is well-known, of course, being a fundamental principle of Babylonian religion. The decisive question is how far back can this conception be traced? The Babylonian practice, in turn, is known to have had a significant influence upon the religion of the ancient Greeks. (63) Given Plato's identification of Aphrodite with the planet Venus, for example, one might compare the Greek traditions surrounding that goddess with Babylonian and/or Mesoamerican traditions associated with the planet Venus. Surprising correspondences crop up even under the most cursory investigation of this sort. Thus Aphrodite was represented as "bearded", as ...
32. VELIKOVSKY AND OEDIPUS [Journals] [Aeon]
... of the influence of Velikovsky's orthodox Jewish upbringing and well-known Zionist sentiments on his life's work and theoretical pursuits. Unconscious motivations aside, the central issue is how well Velikovsky's interpretation of the Oedipus legend stands up to scrutiny. OEDIPUS AND AKHNATON Velikovsky's thesis is as follows: the historical source for the tale of Oedipus as related by Sophocles and other Greek mythographers is to be found in the events surrounding the reign of the Egyptian king Akhnaton, traditionally assigned to the 14th century BCE by Egyptologists. The little that we know about Akhnaton, according to Velikovsky, closely approximates the mythical career of Oedipus; the more obscure circumstances attending the fall of Akhnaton and his family, in turn, ...
33. Tiryns [Journals] [Pensee]
... . 4 No 1: (Winter 1973-74) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered VI" Home | Issue Contents Tiryns Immanuel Velikovsky Copyright 1974 by Immanuel Velikovsky The same problem that caused the difference of opinions at the Heraion of Olympia and at the necropolis of Dipylon at Athens arose at other excavated sites in Greece. To demonstrate this on another case of Greek archaeology, I chose Tiryns, south-east of Mycenae. Tiryns was excavated by Schliemann and Dörpfeld in 1884-85. Along with Mycenae, it is regarded as a center of Mycenaean culture. On an acropolis, foundations of a palace were discovered. Together with Mycenaean ware and mixed with it, geometric ware of the eighth and seventh centuries and ...
... . CH Classical Handbook (Appleton-Century, 1962) C-SEI Crowfoot, J. W., and G. M., Samaria-Sebaste - Early Ivories. CKS-SB Crowfoot, J. W., Kenyon, K. M. and Sukenik, E. L., Samaria-Sebaste - The Buildings. C-GUA Cook, R. M., The Greeks until Alexander, 1962. C-HP Ceram, C. W., Hands on the Past, 1966. C-SH Ceram, C. W., The Secret of the Hittites, 1956. D-BGA Demargne, P., The Birth of Greek Art, Translation by Gilbert and Emmons, 1964. D-GP Davidson, D., The ...
35. Homeric Troy and the Greek Dark Age [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1990 (Vol XII) Home | Issue Contents Homeric Troy and the Greek Dark Age by Dwardu Cardona Dwardu Cardona is Senior Editor of Kronos and Founding Father (in absentia) of the Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. His writings have appeared in many publications including Topper, The Ubyssey, Pensee, Kronos, The Sourcebook Project, UFO Report, Frontiers of Science, C & AH, CSIS Newsletter, Aeon, and both C&C Workshop and Review. 1. Introduction I am as anxious as David Rohl to rid ancient Greece of its troublesome Dark Age. His proposed series of essays on early Greek history in relation to the ...
36. A Note on the "Land of Punt" [Journals] [Kronos]
... Kingdom, Hebrew and Arabic presenting a like phenomenon, I have replaced the usual Punt', Wawat', and Hatshepsut' by Pwene', Wawae', and Hashepsowe'."(6 ) Be that as it may, the phonetic values conveyed by these new renderings of Punt seem almost identical with those of a likely ancient Greek antecedent of "Phoenicia," a name that comes down to us by way of Latin in its spelling. The Greek word for Phoenicia was Phoinike, while "the adjective Phoenician' [Phoinix] for certain imported goods appears already in the Linear B texts as ponika (= phoinika), which also meant, along with the ...
37. Aphrodite The Moon or Venus? (Continued) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ). Reports Graves: "The later Hellenes belittled the Great Goddess of the Mediterranean, who had long been supreme at Corinth, Sparta, Thespiae, and Athens, by placing her under male tutelage and regarding her solemn sex-orgies as adulterous indiscretions." The Moon, to whom "the sun yields precedence" (4 ) in early Greek myth, has three phases - the maiden of spring, the nubile nymph of summer, and the crone of winter, to correspond to her three phases: new, full, and old. So she could be identified with Mother Earth's vegetative year, who produced first leaves and buds, then flowers and fruits, and then a ...
38. KA [Books]
... of personal letters. He called them notes. They were notes, yes, but like the "toying at the piano keys" of a maestro, they possessed authenticity, reflected a great repertoire, and hit upon original meanings in every direction a tone was struck. The notes began to modulate into cultures and tongues other than the classic Greek as the research continued. I should be remembered, perhaps, for not having said to him, "Please cease to send me your notes and compose instead a proper monograph: thesis, proof, basta." Rather, as the messages kept coming, I redefined for myself, and I hope for hundreds of readers to come ...
39. The Birth of Athena [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon II:3 (1990) Home | Issue Contents The Birth of Athena Ev Cochrane There are also stars that suddenly come to birth in the heaven itself... The Greeks call them comets. (1 ) By all accounts the birth of Athena from the head of her father was a tumultuous occasion. "Athena sprang from the skull of Zeus with an earth-shattering battle-cry, so that the heavens shook and the mother earth." (2 ) The account in the Homeric Hymn of Athena is of a comparable nature: And before Zeus the aegis-holder she sprang swiftly from his immortal head, brandishing a sharp-pointed spear. Great Olympos quaked dreadfully under the ...
40. The Lion Gate At Mycenae Revisited [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 1 The Lion Gate at Mycenae (photo: T. Palmer) The main entranceway to Mycenae, known as the Lion Gate, is surmounted by two sculptured and now headless feline figures - rampant, heraldically opposed and separated by a central column. As things now stand, this stone relief is the oldest extant example of monumental sculpture on Greek soil; and, in the words of Boardman, more than five hundred years were to pass before Greek sculptors could command an idiom which would again satisfy [the same] monumental aspirations in sculpture and architecture' [5 ]. In fact, the traditional time frame for this sculptural achievement is closer to 600 years [6 ] ...
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