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165 pages of results.
... PART FOURTH. THE HYPOTHESIS CONFIRMED BY ETHNIC TRADITION. CHAPTER 1. ANCIENT COSMOLOGY AND MYTHICAL GEOGRAPHY. The mistaken modern assumption The " True Key " General statement The " Mountain of the World " The same in Egyptian Mythology In the Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian In the Chinese In the Indo-Aryan In the Buddhistic In the Iranian In the Greek and Roman The Underworld Cautions as to interpretation The chorography of Christian hymns CHAPTER II. THE CRADLE OF THE RACE IN ANCIENT JAPANESE THOUGHT. The most ancient Japanese book Japanese cosmogony lzanagi's spear " The Island of the Congealed Drop " Sir Edward Reed places it at the Pole . Mr. Griffis reaches the same conclusion CHAPTER III. THE ...
22. Twelfth Or Fourth Century?. Part I Ch.1 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... population in these lands. What can Greece and the isles, Crete included, show for the period between - 1200 and - 750 or even - 700? After the end of the Mycenaean Age and the fall of Troy darkness envelops the history of these places and the first rays of light penetrate into the area with the beginning of the Greek, or Ionic, Age about - 700. Suddenly, as if out of nothing, comes the Homeric poetry, and the intimate familiarity displayed by the poet with the smallest details of the' life of the Mycenaean Age, five to ten centuries earlier, is a persistent cause for wonder among scholars, a theme for incessant debate ...
23. The Homeric Question [Journals] [SIS Review]
... We shall never know for certain whether or not Homer' was a historical person. Consequently, the question, when did he write the Iliad? ' is meaningless. Instead, I shall discuss the chronological problems related to the successive stages of the compilation and editing process of the Homeric epics in the light of my continuing research into early Greek history. This is a research task which can be achieved since we can base the assessment on real evidence. On several occasions I have argued that the origins of the Olympic Games should be synchronised with the beginning of the other Panhellenic festivals [2 ] and that the first Greek poets, the emergence of the polis and the Greek ...
24. Applying the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... constructed in the eighth century, and the end of the Mycenaean Age .. . cannot be associated with catastrophes of the eighth-seventh centuries B.C ." (5 ). Let us first define our terms. Everyone accepts "the Mycenaean" or "Late Helladic" or "Late Bronze" Age of Greece as the period of Greek prehistory contemporary with the reigns of the 18th and 19th Dynasties of Egypt; this alone is responsible for the absolute dates of ca. 1550-1100 B.C . for the "Mycenaean Age" (6 ). If Velikovsky is correct in lowering the Egyptian dates by 500-700 years, the Mycenaean dates must follow suit. If Stiebing is ...
25. Aphrodite - The Moon or Venus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol 1 No 1 (Jan 1976) Home | Issue Contents A secondary thesis of "Worlds in Collision" is that the astral nature of ancient religions has so far been largely ignored by scholars - in particular, the planetary character of some Greek deities has been overlooked. This article examines the identity of one of these and suggests an answer to the question: - Aphrodite - The Moon or Venus?Peter James IMMANUEL VELIKOVSKY's reconstruction of the solar system's recent history has thrown a completely new light on the question of the origin of religions. In "Worlds in Collision" he draws our attention to the Homeric Hymn to Ares" (1 ) ...
26. The Historicity of the Homeric Poems and Traditions [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1989 (Vol XI) Home | Issue Contents Essay One: The Historicity of the Homeric Poems and Traditions Essays on Early Greek History in the light of the New Chronology by David Rohl David Rohl is currently studying for his degree in Ancient History and Egyptology at University College, London. The Director of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Editor of the Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum, he is an authority on the New Chronology'. This series of essays (of which only the first is published here) is intended to introduce the reader to the major historical issues which dominate Early Iron Age Greek history. In ...
27. Aftermath of the Trojan War [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... [5 ] Thus there should be a redating of the Velikovskian catastrophes of the 8th century based on the new dates of the Hezekiah catastrophe and a redating of the Assyrian kings, the difference being 8 or 11 years. In this scheme the catastrophe behind the Trojan War should be that of 758 or 755, instead of 747. In Greek protohistory (or should I say mythologistory?) several heroes moved to Asia or Cyprus during or after the Trojan War. We hear, for example, of Mopsus and Teucer. Concerning Mopsus we learn that he went to Cilicia and founded a city, Aspendus, named after his son Aspendus.[6 ] According to Strabo[ ...
28. Ancient Greeks in America [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:2 (Apr 1998) Home | Issue Contents Ancient Greeks in America Alban Wall Following are some quotes of an account by the ancient Greek historian Plutarch relative to a sailing route by which seamen of that period seem to have sailed to the Western Hemisphere. In my opinion, this account presents very strong evidence that voyagers from Europe regularly made their way to the New World. The description of the way-marks of the journey, as recounted by Plutarch, seems so precise that it appears impossible to have merely been the product of an exceptionally good imagination. Mention of the three-island-group, the phenomenon of the short Arctic day, the exactitude in the placement ...
29. The Restoration of Ancient History [Articles]
... History Gunnar Heinsohn Did the historians of classical Greece merely leave us lies and fantasies about all the major empires, nations and events of antiquity? Or: How to reconcile archaeologically-missing historical periods with historically-unexpected archaeological strata of the ancient world I. Summary. II. The sequence of ancient empires with the center in Assyria as it was taught by Greek historians since the time of Hekateios ( -560/550 to -500/494). III. Archaeologically-missing history and historically-unexpected archaeology in major areas of antiquity. IV. How could historical periods wo well known from Greek authors be shown to be "elusive", whereas in the very same territories modern archaeology revealed sensationally ancient civilizations unknown ...
30. Cyrus The Mardian/amardian Dethroner Of The -6th Century Medes And Aziru The Martu/amurru (Amorite) Dethroner Of The -14th Century Mitanni [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol 3 No 1 (1997) Home | Issue Contents Cyrus The Mardian/amardian Dethroner Of The -6th Century Medes And Aziru The Martu/amurru (Amorite) Dethroner Of The -14th Century Mitanni Gunnar Heinsohn 1. The Restoration of Assyrian History in the Median and Achaemenid Periods In 1987, ancient Greek historiography and modern archaeological stratigraphy compelled me to bring down the conventional date of the Amarna Period ( -14th century), to the late -7th century. Thereby, the -14th century termination of the Mitannian Empire, witnessed in the Amarna correspondence, had to be equated with the end of the Median Empire of the -7th/ -6th centuries. In ...
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