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1643 results found.
165 pages of results. 11. KA [Books]
... AND RESURRECTION Notes (Chapter Twenty: Sanctification and Resurrection) 21. THE DEATH OF KINGS Notes (Chapter Twenty-One: The Death of Kings) 22. LIVING WITH ELECTRICITY APPENDIX A APPENDIX B: READING BACKWARDS GLOSSARY Q-CD vol 12: KA, Ch. 20: Sanctification and Resurrection 235 CHAPTER TWENTY SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION WE have seen something of Greek and Roman sacrifices. Chapter Seven reviewed the Greek and Hebrew apotropaic practices- red-haired men being killed to avert the red Typhon, and the driving by the Israelites of a scapegoat into the wilderness. We have also studied the earthing technique (trench filled with water, sprinkling of water and blood, etc.), and details of ...
12. Before the Greeks: Professor Davis's Cretan Decipherments [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1988 No 2 (Jan 1989) Home | Issue Contents Before the Greeks: Professor Davis's Cretan Decipherments by Alan Dilnot In 1952 Michael Ventris in association with John Chadwick announced the decipherment of the Mycenaean' Linear B script as Greek. This discovery, which compelled a radical revision of our understanding of Greek pre-history, also raised hopes that the closely related Linear A script might soon be deciphered. Chadwick, in the Postscript to The Decipherment of Linear B, reported that two plausible theories' had emerged: the one, that the Linear A language belonged to the Hittite group; the other, that it had Semitic connections' [1 ...
13. KA [Books]
... "Apollo, ivy-crowned, Bacchic, mantle." Plutarch, in The E at Delphi, gives him three names; Apollo, not many but one; Ieius, One; and Phoebus, Pure. He came from the east. There are Hittite altars to Apulunas, discovered by Hrozny at Enni Gazi and Eski Kisla. Pule is Greek for a gate. His title Paian links him with a Cretan god of healing. The epithet Lykaios has been thought to mean: The god from Lycia (in Asia Minor); wolf-slaying, from lukos, a wolf; and the god of day, from luke, light. These different interpretations are not necessarily mutually exclusive. ...
14. Persians And Greeks Invade Egypt. Part I Ch.2 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... From "Peoples of the Sea" © 1977 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Persians And Greeks Invade Egypt Pereset: Philistines or Persians? IN WESTERN THEBES, more than three hundred miles up the Nile from the Delta, Ramses III built a sumptuous mortuary temple to himself. On its walls he had engraved for posterity the story of his military victories and the record was profusely illustrated with bas-reliefs.[1 ] The place, called Medinet Habu, is across the Nile from Luxor, under the cliffs that hide the Valley of the Kings with its royal sepulchres. Usimare-meramun- Ramesse-hekaon (Ramses III) defended and saved the country when it was in peril ...
15. The Greek Colonisation Movement - When and Why? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1990 (Vol XII) Home | Issue Contents Essay Two: The Greek Colonisation Movement - When and Why?Essays on Early Greek History in the light of the New Chronology by David Rohl David Rohl is a post-graduate researcher at London University, having recently obtained there his B.A . in Ancient History and Egyptology. He is Director of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences, and Editor of the Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum. He has been instrumental in developing the New Chronology', with articles etc in both C. & C. Workshop and Review. Having put forward, in the previous essay, the ...
16. Sicily, Carthage, and the Fall of Troy [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 2 (Winter 1983) Home | Issue Contents Sicily, Carthage, and the Fall of Troy Jan N. Sammer THE WANDERINGS AND COLONIZATION OF THE WEST Greek literary tradition recounts many tales of the "returns" of the heroic generation that fought at Troy- but few of the plunderers of Priam's citadel reached home safely, and those who did kept their thrones for only a little while; most were condemned to years of wandering in the far reaches of the known world until finally, in despair of ever again seeing their homes, they settled on distant shores from one end of the Mediterranean to the other. It was as ...
17. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... The rock in scriptions of Behistun and Per- sepolis are said to show Ahura Mazda thus represented. But the presentation .will, perhaps, prove to have also belonged to the earlier self-subsisting Zervan Akarana, the first principle of all things ; which produced the dual co-principles Ahura and Ahriman 2 and with whom, as Boundless Time, the Greek Kronos must be bracketed. This was long ago indicated by Eudemos (aped Darnascius, ed. Kopp, p. 384) ; and Zervan Akarana was already,, according to Bêr6sus, a mere legendary personage in the third century before our era. Such too seems to me to be the primary signification of the Pahlavi z6rvcfn ( ...
18. Chapter 15 Dark Ages Based on Dark Scholarship [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... CONTENTS 444 VELIKOVSKIAN Vol. VI, Nos. 1, 2, 3 CHAPTER 15 DARK AGES BASED ON DARK SCHOLARSHIP "I have myself . . . been deeply aware that the calendar dates for ancient Greece in the time-range 1000-600 BC are based on a very odd line of reasoning. Greek pottery in this period is dated by finds of such pottery made in Italy (in the Greek colonies in the west), and is based on the foundation dates' for these colonies given by such respected historians as Thucydides. But no one has ever explained to me why we should pin our faith on dates given by Thucydides for events some centuries before his own time. Nor ...
19. Menelaos in Egypt [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1992 No 1 (Aug 1992) Home | Issue Contents Menelaos in Egypt (Links Between Mycenaean Greece and Egypt) by Emmet J. Sweeney According to Herodotus, the first Greeks to reach Egypt came in the time of Psammetichus. The Father of History' tells us how a band of bronze-clad Ionians and Carians arrived in the Delta, began plundering the countryside, and were then recruited by Psammetichus as mercenaries [1 ]. With the help of these troops, Psammetichus was able to overcome his rival Dodecarchs, wrest Egypt from the Assyrian empire, and launch a great imperial epoch of Egyptian history. These events are generally dated to ...
20. The Saturn Problem [Journals] [SIS Review]
... one between planets: Saturn is said to have been put in chains by Jupiter to restrain his boundless course and to bind him in the network of the stars' [5 ]. Along with Saturn and Jupiter, three other planetary deities were important in Roman religion: Mars, Venus and Mercury (Ares, Aphrodite and Hermes to the Greeks). By comparison, the gods of the Sun and Moon (Sol and Luna; Greek Helios and Selene), though sometimes identified with the great gods Apollo and Diana, played practically no role at all in the rich mythology of the Romans and Greeks. Even in ancient Egypt, where the Sun-gods Ra and Aten were undoubtedly ...
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