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165 pages of results. 181. The Lost History of Ireland: an enquiry into the pre-Christian History of the Gaels' by Emmet J. Sweeney [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... | Issue Contents REVIEWS The Lost History of Ireland: an enquiry into the pre-Christian History of the Gaels' by Emmet J. Sweeney Emmet Sweeney has done what too many scholars forget to do: he has turned his attention from analysis of events long ago in far away countries to their counterparts on his own doorstep. Instead of Egyptian, Greek and Assyrian gods, myths and histories, he has investigated the legends and artifacts left by the people of Ireland, to see what implications these have for ancient history and what record these have of upheavals and catastrophes affecting the Earth. He dates the arrival of the Gaels from Spain to about 750 BC, when they invaded Ireland and ...
182. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Three [Books]
... were thought of as weapons of the gods, or as heavenly missiles, and both were subsequently symbolised by arrows and throwing sticks. The sickle shaped throwing stick' of the Cabasite emblem has already been mentioned and a number of Letopolis-associated names similarly contain hieroglyphics in the shapes of arrows or throwing sticks. Again, Wainwright notes: "The Greek goddess Leto, who gave her name to the city, was Apollo's mother, and both he and her other child, Artemis, were famous archers, and both were omphalos and meteorite deities." (p .161) Next, it is not hard to see how the ancients would come to associate heavenly missiles with the idea ...
183. Thales: The First Astronomer [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol 3 No 4 (1997) Home | Issue Contents Thales: The First Astronomer William Mallen In what sense might I dare to claim that Thales was the first astronomer? There are three main obstacles, I think, to granting him, as the ancient Greeks did, this lofty title.1 In giving these obstacles full weight, I shall also be marshalling evidence to overcome them. But even if this evidence is less than fully compelling to you, my real aim is simply to convince you of the magnitude which is at stake. Whether Thales was the first astronomer might in itself be viewed as a problem for specialists in early Greek philosophy ...
184. The Olympian Rulers [Books] [de Grazia books]
... a Jungian archetype, a Velikovskian buried memory, a product of the Renaissance-connected genius of Durer? In 1515, Durer drew the first star map. Jupiter is a god-name that the Romans took from their Etruscan neighbors. "Jove" was an exclamatory form of Jupiter, whence we take Jovea here to denote the period. Zeus was the Greek equivalent. He was Marduk of Babylon; Shiva of the Hindus; Mazda of the Persians; Thor or Donar of the Teutonic peoples; Amon and Horus of the Egyptians; Zeden and also Yahweh (Jehovah) of the Hebrews. Pausanias gives 47 appellations of Zeus. A most common appellation has to do with his lightning-hurling. Shiva ...
185. Apollo of the Wolf, the Mouse and the Serpent [Journals] [Kronos]
... heaven which Velikovsky connected to Mars.* [* But see D. Cardona, "The Archangels," KRONOS VIII:2 (Winter 1983), pp. 22-23, 25, 27-31 and "The Hamon-Gabriel-Mars Connection" in KRONOS IX:2 , pp. 85-96. - LMG] More than two hundred years later, the Greek historian Herodotus was given the Egyptian version of the same incident by the priests of that country. According to this version, the Assyrian army had been defeated when their camp was overrun by a ravaging horde of field-mice. The mice devoured the soft parts of the Assyrian weaponry, rendering them useless. Herodotus was even taken to the temple ...
186. Kronos, Minos, and the Celestial Labyrinth [Journals] [Kronos]
... find in myth a key to history. While other scholars have also considered myth to be a reflection of history, Velikovsky's originality lies in the identification of planetary agents as the fundamental protagonists of ancient myth. Thus, according to him, it was the celestial fireworks associated with Athena as the planet Venus that inspired several of the greatest of Greek myths. There can be little doubt that Velikovsky's acumen in this area will one day revolutionize the study of ancient religion and history. I too believe that many ancient myths originated in, and describe, a cataclysmic celestial past. For the past several years I have been pursuing research into the reinterpretation of Classical myths along Velikovskian lines. ...
187. "Worlds in Collision" and the Prince of Denmark: II. Hamlet and Meso-American Myth [Journals] [SIS Review]
... our origins as thinking beings. Bankside and Globe Theatre in Shakespeare's day The earlier part of Dr Wolfe's examination of the mythical content of the Hamlet story is concerned with the Old World precursors of the play. As our interest lies in the parallels with Meso-American traditions, this section is here summarised. HAMLET AND ORESTES Dr Wolfe first turns to Greek mythology and the Orestes legend. In a book first published in 1913, Gilbert Murray (13) pointed out that Orestes was an established figure in religion and epic long before he was introduced into Greek poetry and tragedy, just as the Hamlet story had a long history in Scandinavian folklore, and traced 21 parallels between the Classical and ...
188. Night of the Gods: Axis Myths [Books]
... the brine was churned into the foam which has given their German name to Meerschaum pipes. As the spear was withdrawn, some of this coagulated matter, or curdled foam, dropped from its point, and was heaped-up until it became an island, the name of which means self-curdled, Onogoro. This Island has long been our property in Greek myth. Delos was the centre or hub of the Cyclades, which were called " from a wheel," and were situated around this very Delos and also meaning manifest, it was said that the island was so called because it became manifest, suddenly emerged from the sea. This seems a truly extraordinary parallel to Onogoro the " ...
189. Mythic Mountains by Isaac Vail [Books]
... CD-Rom Home Canopy Skies of Ancient Man Celestial Records of the Orient Eden's Flaming Sword A Glance at Compartive Mythology Golden Age Canopy The Heavens and Earth of Prehistoric Man The Misread Record or The Deluge and its Cause Mythic Mountains The Ring of Truth Mythic Mountains Isaac Vail THE WOLF MOUNTAIN, MOUNT LYCAEUS or BRIGHT MOUNTAIN Lyceon was a name in Greek for a light spirit. "Lukae" is light and "Lukos" is wolf, and in this day far removed from the day when these terms began their career, we have to determine according to their manifest relation whether light or wolf is meant. The epithet "wolf-born" is some times used by the Greek poets in ...
... compared to Ino's veil, and the fisher to the swineheard, dame Breide's templars would be Penelope's suitors, and angels are sent often, like Zeus's messengers. Yet many things take a different turn, more in German fashion, and incidents are added, such as the laying of a naked sword between the newly married couple, which the Greek story knows nothing of. The hero's name is found even in OHG. documents: Orendil . . , Orentil . . . a village Orendelsal, now Orendensall, in Hohenlohe . . . But the Edda has another myth, which was alluded to in speaking of the stone in Thor's head. Groa is busy conning her magic spell ...
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