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165 pages of results. 121. Forum: In Defence of the Saturn Theory C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... I would like to address the main points of James's critique. Why was Saturn so important to the ancients? This question, which James concedes is one of the most baffling mysteries of ancient astronomy, history, and religion' [1 ], formed the subject of his article. He began by enumerating the various mythical motifs surrounding the Greek god Kronos and analogous Saturnian figures from other cultures, such as China and Mesopotamia. Included here are the following motifs: King of the Gods, Ruler of the Golden Age, first law-giver, banished god, ruler of the Elysian Fields, Originator of Time and Genie of the Pivot'. It is James' opinion that the ...
122. Metron [Journals] [Kronos]
... statements that are verifiable by measurement. The precision of the measurements involved is the standard of the probable truth of a scientific theory. Philosophers of science have recognized that this conception of science may be traced to Plato. But the historian must be concerned with the context out of which there grew Plato's formulations. The most radical statement of all Greek thought is Protagoras' "Man is the measure of all things". Werner Jaeger observes that Plato's philosophy could be summed up in one sentence, intended as a reply to Protagoras: "God is the measure of all things." These two thinkers disagreed on the metaphysical foundations of measurement, but they agreed on the proposition that ...
123. Indra: A Case Study in Comparative Mythology [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon II:4 (1991) Home | Issue Contents Indra: A Case Study in Comparative Mythology Ev Cochrane In an earlier monograph devoted to Heracles we outlined a comprehensive theory of the mythology of the hero. (1 ) The Greek strongman was chosen for analysis because he reflected the most familiar example of the figure we have designated as the warrior-hero, and because his career offers a classic model against which the careers of other heroes might be compared. (2 ) For example, we documented numerous parallels between Heracles and Gilgamesh, the latter being the most conspicuous hero in Near Eastern literature. In itself this was nothing new; the same point had been ...
124. The Intellectual Context of Velikovsky's Thought [Articles]
... same year that Velikovsky published his "Worlds In Collision" in which practically everybody else fell: Lyell, Darwin, and Newton. I want to talk today about the fall of these great men because Western Civilization has been almost a continual battle between, on the one hand, our Judaic tradition and, on the other hand, the Greek tradition, In the 13th century, for instance, the Greek tradition seems to triumph, in the 17th century, the Judaic. Again, in the 19th, the Greek, and there is about to be a swing back to the Judaic tradition if Velikovsky's works are accepted. There is a problem as we swing from one tradition ...
125. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... endeavors to make religion come before mythology. The origin was with the Mother, who preceded the Father and who had produced the first Seven Great Stars of the Bear as early Forces born out of space or chaos, called Creative Forces by all ancient peoples. These by the Christians were termed "The Virtues of God ;" in the Greek and Roman churches they were the Seven Archangels, which belong also to the Parsee scriptures. They had under their care and protection men, animals, fire, metal, earth, water and plants. The original Seven have a common origin in Egypt, Akkadia, India, Britain, and New Zealand. Jacob Boehme says of the ...
126. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... , 44) which (according to F. Lenormant) was described in the Sanchoniathon fragments as a star which fell from heaven and was picked up by Astarte. But Herodotus speaks of two columns, the one of gold, the other of which shines by night mightily."14 [The Brontes, Cerauniae, and Ornbriae of the Greeks and Romans are dealt with later on.] The Loadstone. Abel Remusat, in the Memoires which he published in 1824, said that the polarity of the loadstone had been discovered and put into operation front the remotest antiquity in China, and this the Abbe Hue endorsed.15 But the earliest use of the magnetic needle in China ...
127. Language and Thought in Ancient Egypt (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... flatly erroneous. One such argument, on p. 28, is that "the idea that Coptic goes back to the time of the Pyramid Texts is about as cogent as the notion that English is rooted in the language of the Navajo Indians". In fact, Coptic (the very name of which is a procopized variant of the Greek word Aiguptiakos, "Egyptian") is the latest form of the same language of which Old Egyptian is the earliest form. The appropriate analogy here is not one which derives English, fantastically, from Navajo but one which derives Modern English, quite accurately, from Old English, alias Anglo-Saxon. (Just as it makes no substantive ...
128. From Creation to the Death of Isaac [Books]
... this garden, he commanded ;hem to take care of the plants. Now the garden was watered by one river, (3 ) which ran round about the whole earth, and was parted into four parts. And Phison, which denotes a multitude, running into India, makes its exit into the sea, and is by the Greeks called Ganges. Euphrates also, as well as Tigris, goes down into the Red Sea. (4 ) Now the name Euphrates, or Phrath, denotes either a dispersion, or a flower: by Tiris, or Diglath, is signified what is swift, with narrowness; and Geon runs through Egypt, and denotes what arises ...
129. The Scandal of Enkomi [Journals] [Pensee]
... . For all we could say, the whole burying-ground may have been the work of a century." "From first to last there was no question that this whole burying-ground belonged to what is called the Mycenaean Age, the characteristics of which are already abundantly known from the tombs of Mycenae . . . and many other places in the Greek islands and in Egypt." So far so good. But the pottery, porcelain, gems, glass, ivory, bronze, and gold found in the tombs all presented one and the same difficulty. From the Egyptological point of view many objects belong to the time of Amenhotep III and Akhnaton, supposedly of the 15th to the ...
130. The Cosmic Double Helix [Journals] [Aeon]
... Axis .. ." Jocelyn Godwin, Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival (London, 1993), p. 149. The Elusive Caduceus The image of the caduceus is well-known and in fact deeply entrenched in current symbolic iconography. Any dictionary will reveal that the caduceus was the magical staff of the Greek Hermes, the Roman Mercury, the divine messenger. It is usually depicted as a vertical staff entwined by two serpents. So far, so good. Needless to say, the caduceus has a mythological foundation, but it still lacks an obvious point of reference and its origins remain shrouded in mystery. The conundrum is really quite easy ...
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