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165 pages of results. 91. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... This poetical view subsequently gave way to one less poetical- namely, that the earth was supported by pillars; on what the pillars rested is not stated, and it does not matter. We must not consider this as ridiculous, and pardonable merely because it is so early in point of time; because, coming to the time of Greek civilisation, Anaximander told us that the earth was cylindrical in shape, and every place that was then known was situated on the flat end of the cylinder; and Plato, on the ground that the cube was the most perfect geometrical figure, imagined the earth to be a cube, the part of the earth known to the Greeks ...
92. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... North Vol. II Part 1 by E. Valentia Straiton With Symbolical Illustrations and a Glossary NATIONAL EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 597 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y . Copyright, 1927, by E. VALENTIA STRAITON Copyright in Great Britain All rights reserved Printed in U.S .A . ASTROLOGY The word Astrology is a compound of the Greek Astro-, -Logos i. e., the Light made manifest through the Sun arid Earth into material inversion, and ascending through Earth and Sun to its Serpent Source. The "Astro" in Astrology stands for Star or Stars. Astrology may be said to be the science of the Word or Primal Cause in its manifestation to ...
93. The Uses of Language [Books] [de Grazia books]
... a more variable combination than the other feet; they often embrace a "caesura," a pause or rhythmic division of the melody of the line. "All methods of imposing an order upon discourse by means of rhythm... are on a lower level, from the point of view of metric, than the oldest type of Greek verse, the Homeric hexameter." [2 ] Unfortunately, little is known about the rhythmic feeling of these measures or how dynamic and tonal accents were introduced as well. Furthermore, "we have no means of reading, reciting, or hearing Greek poetry as it actually sounded," [3 ] and can only form a ...
94. The Hermes Connection [Journals] [Aeon]
... conceived the mystical dualism of good and evil as Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, which became known as Zoroastrianism. In the Greek-influenced world there arose Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Heraclitus of Ephesus, and Pythagoras (7 )- polymaths drawing on such wisdom as the Vedic Upanishad (which had found its way into Egypt and Persia), forming Greek theories of "atoms" and "elements." In the Middle East, Nebuchadnezzar, the Chaldean king of Babylon, permitted if not encouraged the priestly class of the Magi, who spread their doctrines of incest and homosexuality. And, in Egypt, Pharaoh Necho II added to this age of exploration by sending a fleet of Phoenician ...
95. Chaos and Creation [Books] [de Grazia books]
... CHAPTER TEN Venus and Mars From the brow of Zeus, sang the Greeks, sprang Pallas Athene-fully armed and with a shout [1 ]. She was cometary Venus-fiery-faced, owl-eyed, helmeted and horned, with a long gown and hair trailing behind. Meanwhile, in Mesopotamia the Akkadians were also chanting hymns to Venus, going here by the name of Inanna:[2 ] By night she sends out light like the Moon does. At noonday sends out light like the Sun does. The mistress of Evening whose largeness is until the limit of Heaven... The Holy light that fills the Heavens. Inanna who shines as far as the Sun ...
96. Plato's Atlantis and Prehistoric Europe [Articles]
... word for it, it is basically an Egyptian story, and it's certainly worth looking at even for the remote chance that we have in it some traces of Egyptian ideas of history, i.e . ideas current in Egypt around the 6th, 5th and 4th centuries, and if the material is simply a concoction of Plato or some Greek source he worked from, well then we'll have an insight into what a Greek thought the Egyptian ideas of prehistory were, or even what they should be. Personally I find Plato's ideas about what the Egyptians thought about history as fascinating as those of our old friend Herodotus- garbled and confused as Herodotus' Egyptian history is, he ...
97. 'Worlds in Collision' After Heinsohn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in Mesopotamian texts to be used to anchor Mesopotamian figures in the correct centuries [8 ]. In Hebrew chronology the original sin is ancient - an artefact of the sequence of patriarchs and kings canonised in the Bible itself, with precise dates (many fitting suspiciously regular numerological cycles) used in antiquity to establish a comparative history of Egyptians, Greeks and Jews [9 ]. Finally, in Greek chronology Heinsohn follows Velikovsky in eliminating the Egyptian-based Dark Ages' separating Mycenaean from Archaic Greece but he also brings down the end of the Mycenaean Bronze Age to the -7th/6th century [10, 11]. This position has been substantiated by Peiser, who has shown that the ...
... the greatest port of EGYPT and especially that part where PROMETHEUS ruled, inasmuch as almost all the inhabitants were destroyed and Prometheus was near killing himself for very grief of heart. From the sudden and violent eruption of the waters the RIVER was called Aetos (Eagle). The most ancient name of this river was OKEANE, which in the Greek is called OKEANOS, but because of the violent eruption of the waters it was called Aetos. Later it was given the name of Egyptus after a king that reigned there. The last name it derived, NILE, is from Nileos, a king of those parts."1 Can we derive any substance from this apparent phantasmagoria of ...
99. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Five [Books]
... the enemies of David- long after the events of Sinai. On WIC p.99, V writes: "The earth, disturbed in its rotation, developed heat. The land surface became hot. Various sources of many peoples describe the melting of the earth' s surface and the boiling of the sea .. . Events underlying Greek and Mexican traditions are narrated in the Scriptures. The mountains shake with the swelling .. .. the earth melted. '" V here quotes from Is.46:3-6. Again, on WIC p.150, V writes of Atlantis that: "As if recalling what happened, the Psalmist prayed also: God is ...
100. Intimations of an Alien Sky [Journals] [Aeon]
... it evident that, originally, there was no differentiation between the names of planets and the names of gods since both were one and the same. For that reason it becomes somewhat difficult to discuss ancient astronomical lore without also discussing the ancient deities. But while, in Egypt, astronomy was not divorced from religion until the advent of the Greeks under the Ptolemies, other centers of civilization began to diversify much earlier when a new breed of intellectuals sought to devote their time to the study of the planets without recourse to theology. To be sure, the planets were not stripped of their divine character but, with the sophistication of mathematics, astronomical observation became more of a science ...
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