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63 pages of results. 71. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... agrees that there was an error in the theory behind it. The experimenters assumed that rotation was a good approximation to linear motion but physicists now know that there is a fundamental difference between the two. Pellegrini believes that there is something fundamentally wrong with the application of the theory of special relativity to electromagnetic phenomena. .. .. and gravity New Scientist 29.4 .95, p. 18 Newton's theory of gravity is over 300 years old but physicists still do not know how strong gravity is. Three recent attempts to measure the gravitational constant turned up results markedly different from the accepted value, with two results lower and one higher. Bashing black holes and the big ...
72. On the Pendulum Experiment (Vox Popvli) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , 1957, New York. 4. Brown, T. T.: Electrokinetic Apparatus, U. S. patents #2 ,949,550; #1 ,974,483; #3 ,022,430; #3 ,187,206. 5. DePalma, B. E.: "The Effect of Gravity on Rotating Objects", and "Simple Experimental Test for the Inertial Field of a Rotating Real Mechanical Object", contained in Is God Supernatural? by R. L. Dione, Bantam Books, 1976, New York. 6. Baker, C. F.: "The Pendulum Experiment", Journal of Orgonomy, 11 ...
73. The Neglected Facts of Science by Dewey B. Larson [Journals] [Kronos]
... feeling that Larson is inventing "bizarre devices" - for his own theory just like the ones he says others have invented to get Relativity theory to work. These concepts concerning distributed scalar motion are introduced in his previous books; and through the use of these multidimensional distributed scalar motions, Larson is able to unify electricity, magnetism, and gravity. If the motion is one dimensional, it is electric motion; two dimensional, it is magnetic; and three dimensional, gravitational . Velikovskians will find his discussions of gravity interesting. Larson makes no mention of Velikovsky's theory that gravitation is an electromagnetic phenomenon. To Velikovsky there is no need for gravity to act instantaneously or to be ...
74. The Impossible Dinosaurs [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Impossible Dinosaurs TED HOLDEN described the problem of the size of dinosaurs in today's gravity. If size had been such an advantage, why had nothing evolved since to fill their place? Because there are size limits in animals that are designed to hunt, fly etc. A hundred years ago, it was thought that dinosaurs lived in water, but (a ) the area of their feet is too small to cope with muddy ground (b ) their teeth are suited to harder vegetation (c ) The snorkel idea of breathing is unworkable (d ) Fossilised tracks show that walking may ...
75. Giants In The Earth [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... more concrete evidence, any real way of knowing or of proving that the Saturn Myth scenario is actually required for any of the physical evidence of past ages? I believe that we do, that a careful study of the sizes of antediluvian creatures and of what it would take to deal with such sizes in our world- the felt effect of gravity being what it is now- indicates that something was massively different in the world which these creatures inhabited. I believe that something like the Saturn Myth is positively required to explain what turns up upon such a careful investigation and that there are, at least, four categories of evidence which suggest that the super animals of Earth's past could not ...
76. Seti's Foreign Connections [Journals] [Kronos]
... while a few grains of some other substance can end our lives in seconds. The differences are practically valid, and give the "objective view" of the universe much commonsense acceptance. In the electromagnetic realm, some materials are attracted to magnets, and others are not. Here again, we have no simple generalizations. But how about gravity? It doesn't care about anything except mass and distance. A brick, a bottle of gas, a pail of liquid, a plastic laminate, a rock, a human body, indeed anything to which a "mass" can be assigned, is affected by gravitation. All differences, except in mass, are irrelevant. Here ...
77. Geological Genesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... in the lower atmosphere via such electric fields [11]. Around Saturn, hydrogen extending outside the ring system glows faintly as it is excited by electromagnetic radiation from the Sun. The rings themselves lie in an area of low density plasma and are now thought to be influenced by electromagnetic forces. Ideas that their complexities are controlled by the gravity of shepherding moons have failed for lack of evidence [12]. Voyager results show that lightning discharges across the rings are of the order of millions of volts, 100,000 times the power of terrestrial lightning [13]. Within such a sphere of influence, the Earth would have been highly charged electrically and, because of ...
78. Thoth Vol II, No. 8: May 15, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... proportional to its mass - which in turn is determined by the measured gravitational attraction of the sun for the Earth, I believe we have a problem there too. As I mentioned in a more recent post, "our physics is lacking in some crucial areas." To put it bluntly, I do not believe that Einstein's view of gravity as curved space is correct or even helpful. There is an alternative classical model which shows great promise and relates the inertial and gravitational mass to induced electrostatic dipoles in nucleons. That means that the gravitational "constant', G, is neither constant nor universal. If that is so, we do not know the mass of the ...
79. The Origin Of The Moon [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... a wet dog that shakes water from its sides. This theory was highly respected and followed by over two generations of astronomers and is still advocated today by Tom Van Flandern. (3 ) In defense of the fission theory, Van Flandern states that the gravitational capture of one body by another is a virtual impossibility under ordinary circumstances. If gravity is the only force acting, then capture cannot occur unless some other body of appreciable size is involved; and even invoking tidal interaction with the Earth does not raise capture probabilities to a significant level. (4 ) Indeed, correlated evidence that supports the fission theory exists. In 1970, T. F. Gaskell explained and pointed ...
80. The Censorship of Velikovsky's Interdisciplinary Synthesis [Journals] [Pensee]
... that space is not empty, but is swept by particles and permeated with electromagnetic fields, and that when planets are in close approach they are greatly affected by electromagnetic interrelations, so that their subsequent paths are not determined solely by gravitational fields. As a matter of fact, in Worlds in Collision, Velikovsky has not only not denied that gravity plays a role in determining the motions of astronomical objects, but also showed in the epilogue how the historical events could have happened in the frame of the celestial mechanics in which gravitation and inertia are the only forces in action. Yet he admitted that in "searching for the causes of the great upheavals of the past and in considering ...
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