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63 pages of results. 231. Velikovsky: Science or Anti-Science? [Journals] [Pensee]
... by Whiston in the 17th century, and Horberger, Bellamy, and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Whiston, in fact, originally had proposed gravitational effects of comets to explain the Flood, parting of the Red Sea, etc., with the whole-hearted support of Sir Isaac Newton himself. When it was shown that gravity was insufficient, he turned to electrical and magnetic forces. Hence, Velikovsky's "interdisciplinary studies" aren't even original. . Many of the arguments against Whiston's hypothesis are still valid and in some cases strengthened by modern observations. They apply to Velikovsky as well. It is clear that gravitational, electrical, and magnetic forces, as they ...
232. The Origin Of Craters On The Moon And Large Lunar Boulders [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... boulder fields which have been discovered by the Orbiters (and Surveyors) to occur also in complete flatlands of the lunar surface- boulders which under no condition could possibly have rolled down from anywhere in the vicinity."(3 ) The fundamental problem facing the astronomers regarding these giant-sized boulders, weighing up to several tons even in the reduced gravity at the lunar surface, is that of their origin. These boulders could not have arrived from space because the velocities of such incoming meteorites would be so great that most, if not all, the solid material of which they are composed would be converted to dust at impact, by the conversion of kinetic energy to heat energy. ...
... in the two hemispheres. Our autumn and winter last 179 days. In the southern hemisphere they last 186 days. This seven days, or 168 hours of difference, increase each year the coldness of the pole. During 10,500 years the ice accumulates at one pole and melts at the other, thereby displacing the earth's centre of gravity. Now a time will arrive when, after the maximum of elevation of temperature on one side, a catastrophe will happen which will bring back the centre of gravity to the centre of the figure, and cause an immense deluge. The deluge of the North Pole was 4,200 years ago; therefore the next will be 6 ...
234. Could an Explosive Volcanic Eruption be Produced by the Nearby Passage of a Cosmic Body? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , externally and internally. In consequence, the material comprising the interior of even a solid' planet will flow like a fluid given sufficient time. As gas, dust, debris, and meteors of stone and iron composition came together to form proto-Earth, the young planet became heated from the kinetic energy of collisions, its compression due to gravity and the decay of its radioactive elements. Internal sorting led to the heaviest elements (e .g . iron) sinking to become the core, the less heavy ferro-magnesian elements forming the mantle, and the lightest elements combining into the wide variety of sedimentary rocks which form the crust. Even today, forces acting on the planet are ...
235. The Birth and Death of Memory [Books] [de Grazia books]
... also the establishment of scientists as a social system lays down the rules of what is to be watched for, what is to be ignored, and what is to be distorted. The Homerids were the practitioners and teachers of "accurate memory" as defined to protect society against its anxieties. The intensity of remembering is directly proportional to the gravity of a trauma. By intensity is meant sharpness, detail, and durability in conscious and unconscious form. By gravity is meant how deeply and adversely one is affected in the major regions of his life: his physical being, his cherished ones, his group, his wealth, his control, his beliefs about good and the true ...
236. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... ineluctably lead to volcanism. According to Roger J. Phillips and Michael Malin, "hot spots . . . would take over the heat transfer formerly carried out by seafloor [sic] spreading. The hot spots would grow in vigor, frequency, and magnitude to provide the required heat transfer. Regions such as Iceland, the North Atlantic Gravity High, and Hawaii would be more common; features larger than these might be expected, and there would be a denser background of small-scale hot spots (capped by individual volcanoes)." (79) These scientists say that if there were no plate tectonic motions and Venus' crust became frozen, as Morrison suggests, then large ...
237. Thoth Vol II, No. 17: Oct 31, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... system going on virtually forever. (In fact, however, the Saturn model is NOT dependent on long duration of any phase in the dynamic evolution of the system.) The physicist Robert Driscoll, who has spent much of his life working with electromagnetic principles, also expressed interest in collinear equilibrium. Under Newton's laws, the force of gravity varies with the inverse square of the distance between two bodies. And interestingly, the lapse rate of magnetic force between the poles of two magnets follows the same inverse square principle. But when two objects, both possessing dipolar magnetic fields, talk to each other dynamically, there is something more.. With the interaction of two sets ...
238. The Method of Science [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... measurable physical phenomenon in the real world. Mascons are caused by another such miracle, in which (p . 60) "the passing protoplanet Venus pulled mass toward the surface on the side of the Moon nearest Venus....This is explicable only in terms of a tidal distortion." But there are no mathematical models of gravity effects that show this preferential attraction phenomenon and the author offers none, nor any footnotes. This is another explain everything miracle. This is central to the argument on page 63, that tidal distortion of the passing Venus "raised one hemisphere of the Moon more than 2 kilometres," a bizarre image in which the reader must ask ...
239. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... it is he's trying to do, and will entirely overlook the simple way. If you want to find out how to do it simply, go out and ask a farmer or an engineer - they have to do things." The difficult way of doing things in astronomy, according to Dr Milton, was to use the force of gravity, which had led to "the most revolting concept that has come out of astronomy" - that of Black Holes. "This is quite a drastic postulate which uses a super-heavy object in order to do things in a hurry using gravity. You take the weakest force you can find (gravity), and then you get a ...
240. Velikovsky and his Critics by Shane Mage [Books]
... km/sec, requires that Venus have been propelled with kinetic energy "on the order of 1041 ergs, which is equivalent to alt the energy radiated by the sun to space in an entire year' and which "would have completely melted it"; moreover, the difference between the escape velocity from Jupiter and that from the sun's gravity at the distance of Jupiter is so small that there is only a narrow and therefore unlikely range of velocities which is consistent with Velikovsky's hypothesis." Secondly he argues, according to "comminution physics" (the mechanical consequences when a body is pulverized) the birth of Venus should have been accompanied by the creation of so many smaller ...
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