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626 results found.
63 pages of results. 221. The Sun's Galactic Journey and Absolute Time [Books] [de Grazia books]
... accomplish change. These produce changes which are much more powerful and are highly selective. Electrical force, as measurable by the repulsion between two electrons, compares with the apparent gravitational attraction of the same two electrons in the ratio of 10 36 to 1 [20]. Conventional models of cosmic processes employ almost exclusively the trivially weak force termed gravity to produce and govern the Universe. Electricity is a greater sculptor of change because it operates more variably within a given cosmic setting. A simple lightning bolt can cause extensive surface damage, liberating megajoules of energy within a few meters of surviving observers. Only thousandths of a second are involved in the event. Yet, too, an ...
... of my work the hydrostatic reactions of any great or even small appulsion should be considered. I may remind the reader that the theories I have endeavoured to prove in regard to the past changes in this world are the following: (a ) A comet or series of meteors in striking the earth compel a readjustment of the earth's centre of gravity or axis, and this necessarily means a change in the Poles. (b ) Such applusion may be great or relatively great or it may be small. (c ) Its direct effects mean earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tempests, floods, and in many cases physical changes on a big scale. It may destroy numbers of existing ...
223. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... to the outer planets and the Pioneer Venus/ Russian Venera probes, the trend even among established astrophysicists has markedly turned towards catastrophism based on celestial events (these have been mainly variations on the "colliding asteroid" theory). In spite of this trend and a wealth of new data on electromagnetic phenomena, mainstream astrophysicists continue to maintain that gravity is the only force in the cosmos and to support long standing theories such as the Big Bang, the nebular collapse theory for the origin of the solar system, the greenhouse effect, the ice ball comet model, and General Relativity (all of which are shown to contain theoretical inconsistencies in this paper). As the data arrived ...
224. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... .98, pp. 3 & 12, 17.1 .98, p. 12 and pp. 39-42, 12.9 .98, p. 4, 13.6 .98, p. 11, Discover May 1997, p. 46, Scientific American May 98, p. 14 Scientists have a problem with gravity: they can't measure it accurately or consistently and even think it may be changing over time [NS 17.1 .98, pp. 39-42]. Further, astronomers are now wondering if a constant which determines the strength of the electromagnetic force may have been different earlier in the Universe. In other words has the speed of ...
225. Thoth Vol II, No. 4: February 28, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... . Modern science has failed to understand the role of electricity in organizing the physical world, from the molecular, to the global, to the intergalactic. 3. Astronomy took a wrong turn when scientists came to believe that planets have moved on their present courses for billions of years. This idea was possible because the theorists assumed that only gravity and inertia controlled the behavior of planets and moons. 4. A few thousand years ago, the Earth itself moved in a close congregation of planets. At times, these planets appeared as familiar, charitable, and kind sources of comfort. But at other times, these huge bodies loomed erratic and terrifying above ancient skyworshippers. 5 ...
226. The Birth of Planets [Journals] [SIS Review]
... smaller stars or sub-stars such as Jupiter, Saturn, and possibly Uranus and Neptune; sub-stars eject cores to produce small dense planets and moons. These latter bodies may eventually break down in direct collisions to produce asteriods and dust. Matter on the grand scale is generally assumed to be electrically neutral, and for that reason it is assumed that gravity is the dominant force, despite the fact that gravity is inherently an extremely feeble force, being of the order of 10^36 times weaker than electromagnetic forces. A small departure from the assumed electrical neutrality could therefore be of considerable significance. As well as providing a possible source of energy comparable with that attributed to black holes, ...
227. Aeon Volume I, Number 3: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... c ) 1988 and Published by: The Kronia Group, 12001 S.W . Steamboat Dr., Beaverton, OR 97005. USA IN THIS ISSUE The Solar System and Electro-Gravitic Theory In this third installment on his theory of celestial motion, Charles Ginenthal applies the previously-outlined concepts to recently-gained knowledge about comets and asteroids. Page 5. Is Gravity Necessary? By Earl Milton, professor of Physics at the University of Lethbridge. A friendly challenge to Ginenthal's theory, submitted with the proposal that it may not go far enough. Page 14 Reply to Earl Milton Ginenthal takes up the challenge in a preliminary rejoinder. Page 19 On the Nature of Natural Selection and Speciation A critical assessment ...
228. Thoth Vol V, No 10: August 31, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... hand, the Electric Universe proposes an electrical model for stars, based on the pioneering work of Ralph Juergens. It argues that Eddington's model, which treated the Sun as a ball of neutral gas, is wrong. The large difference in the weight of the proton, 1836 times heavier than the electron, ensures that in the Sun's strong gravity hydrogen atoms will form weak electric dipoles with their positive poles aimed at the Sun's center. (At temperatures near that of the Sun's surface, hydrogen is only weakly ionized). And since the electric force outguns gravity to the tune of 39 powers of 10, its omission from the Standard Solar model renders that simple gas model unrealistic ...
229. How the Gods Fly [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of change, plus a changeable electric charge; each is drawn invisibly and is electrically related to the center of the board (the Sun). If commanded to describe the scene, one might pray to God to restore order immediately by sending the bodies into nonintersecting circle moving around the center of the board according to a single law of gravity and with unchangeable speeds. Failing this, one might invoke the most skillful mathematicians and latest computers to tell us what is happening. But they would be distressed by the lack of data. "Give us some benchmarks," they would plead, "Give us parameters." At which point one would have to offer some fuzzy ...
230. The Saturn Myth: A Tentative Physical Model [Journals] [Aeon]
... but, with the remaining eccentricities of the proto-planetary orbits and their greater periods nonsynchronous with Earth's, close approach to Earth did not occur until capture was possible and did take place. Earth had become only negligibly charged by the gas cloud's friction on the outer atmosphere. The last was negligibly increased by capture from the cloud due to Earth's weak gravity compared with proto-Jovian planets. So only the gravitational forces of proto-Jupiter and proto-Saturn acted on Earth which, being near the symmetry plane of the gas cloud (which also was the orbital plane of the mass centroid of the proto-Jovian binary system), was thus also near the plane dividing the volumes of gravitational domination of the two proto-planets. ...
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