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626 results found.
63 pages of results. 211. Index of Titles
... Evidence Ginenthal, Charles: In the Beginning- A Review Ginenthal, Charles: Is Space A Superconducting Medium? Ginenthal, Charles: James Hutton: A Non-inductive, Theological Catastrophist Ginenthal, Charles: Mars in Upheaval Ginenthal, Charles: OBERG'S UNSCIENTIFIC METHOD Ginenthal, Charles: Pendulums and Sunspots Ginenthal, Charles: Proof of A Celestial Counterforce to Gravity Ginenthal, Charles: Pseudo-scientists, Cranks, Crackpots and Henry Bauer Ginenthal, Charles: Reflections Of The Persian Wars Ginenthal, Charles: Reply to Earl Milton Ginenthal, Charles: Response To Raspil Ginenthal, Charles: Scientific Dating Methods In Ruins Ginenthal, Charles: Scientists, Journalists and Editors As Suppressors Ginenthal, Charles: SCIENTISTS, JOURNALISTS ...
212. Thoth Vol III, No. 4: Feb 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Thornhill's CD compares close-ups of sunspots to Birkeland currents- the distinctive twisted filaments that plasmas form because of their long-range attraction and close-range repulsion. He speculates that sunspot activity, as well as the size and color of a star, is a function of the strength of the galactic plasma field it is embedded in. In this viewpoint, even gravity becomes a variable, dependent on the electrical field in which an object is orbiting. Of course, no new theory can stand without predictions against which to test it, and Thornhill's predictions are no less outrageous than the rest of his theory. ". . . there are no supermassive stars. The masses of close orbiting stars, ...
213. Solar System Studies (Part 2) [Journals] [Aeon]
... cratered, has extensive smooth basaltic plains and crustal rifts, but shows no sign of crustal shifting. Although dormant volcanos are few and small, many surface features are indicative of lava flows. Many craters appear to have been caused by meteoric impacts, and ejecta sprays are common. Maximum ejecta spray velocities are high enough to overcome the Moon gravity, and meteorites have been found on Earth that almost certainly originated on the Moon. The Moon always turns the same face towards the Earth. Surface temperatures on the Moon range from 374 K at the subsolar point, to 213 K along the terminator, to 120 K at the center of the dark side, but temperature swings are ...
214. Thoth Vol III, No. 9: June 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... "twin" is identifiable because it seems that galaxies are born in pairs on opposite sides of the parent galaxy. Arp's book exposes many of the creaking underpinnings of modern physics. Quantum theory has nothing to offer by way of a physical model to explain the redshift jumps across entire galaxies. And since there is no real model of how gravity works, there is no sensible explanation of how inertial mass can increase with time, nor of its link with gravitational mass. It is not surprising that the consequences of the total destruction of all their present smug certainties is too horrible for astronomers to contemplate. They react to the evidence ". .. like people viewing a grisly ...
215. Discussion Comments From the Floor [Journals] [Aeon]
... 53. Also, it should be noted that snowfall is so sparse in Antarctica that annual layers cannot be counted there beyond a few decades so in this case they have to rely on averaging to date ice. On other matters: The bulge that Hall refers to has no relevance in these discussions because the ocean-continent dichotomy is gravimetrically invisible and gravity anomalies do not correlate with land forms because of isostasy. If the assemblage of continents were as significant as Hall thinks, then we'd expect the continents to be either distributed equally with respect to the equator, or to be moving toward such a state. Neither of these conditions obtain. Consider Goldreich & Toomre's remarks in a landmark paper ...
216. The Origin and Decay of the Earth's Geomagnetic Field [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... ,000 miles. This was seldom longer than 40 hours at a time. For geomagnetic purposes, three independent aspects need to be kept in mind in order to understand why the Earth's field was boosted, or recharged (" cable-jumped") during the closer flybys. These three aspects each begins with the letter "G ": Geometry Gravity Geomagnetic Grappling. Geometry. We will start with a late-October flyby case, at 30,000 miles, like the Long Day of Joshua. For a period of a couple of hours, when Mars is 40,000 to 50,000 miles distant, the Earth's rotation synchronizes with the trajectory of Mars. Some point on the ...
217. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Monitor Electromagnetism-Gravity Link?source: New Scientist 26.3 .87, p.30 "A scientist at Imperial College, London, is questioning some of Einstein's most important work. Richard Wayte has remodelled the application of general relativity to gravitational effects. His results predict that space-time curvature will no longer be needed to explain the force of gravity, and that black holes do not exist after all (Astrophysics and Space Science, vol.91, p.345)." We suspect that some profound similarity has been "discovered" between the forces of electromagnetism and gravity because New Scientist goes on to report: "Wayte's approach has close similarities to our understanding of electromagnetism ...
218. Thoth Vol V, No 2: Jan 31, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... the mighty Coma Cluster would have been located where it fits perfectly, as a northern arm to the Virgo Supercluster. And if the Coma Cluster actually is where it appears to be (as opposed to where the redshift places it), then astronomers would never have reached the conclusion that this cluster needs 10-100 times more mass in order for gravity to prevent it from flying apart. Dark matter was invented to solve that problem for the Coma Cluster, and has been used as a fudge factor to reconcile discordant observations ever since. But the question raised by this article is galactic alignment. In a big bang universe, distances are determined by redshift and distribution is homogeneous, especially ...
219. Thoth Vol V, No 3: Feb 28, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... [ Home ] THOTH A Catastrophics Newsletter VOL V, No 3 Feb 28, 2001 EDITOR: Amy Acheson PUBLISHER: Michael Armstrong LIST MANAGER: Brian Stewart CONTENTS QUESTION GRAVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mel Acheson PARADIGM PORTRAITS VIII: COMET TALES . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Acheson THE ELECTRIC SUN & THE HERTZSPUNG-RUSSELL DIAGRAM Part 2 . . .Don Scott EROS NOT SO MYSTERIOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wal Thornhill- From the EPH point of view, the period of orbit is ...
220. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the emergency exit! If not, I have only one possibility to offer. Jupiter must have exploded. AN EXPLOSION OF A CELESTIAL BODY need not necessarily mean the end of that body. It could also be an event where only some fragments reach escape velocity, while the main part of the material finally returns to the common centre of gravity, which keeps on travelling along its orbit as if nothing had happened. This may seem strange the first time you hear about it, but we can take an example from terrestrial mechanics to illustrate it. If an anti-aircraft shell misses its target and explodes in the air, its centre of gravity will follow the original trajectory even after ...
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