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... . These steps were taken not once but twice, with success both times, leading to the discovery of Neptune in 1846 and of Pluto in 1930 (see, for example, Motz {i68j). 100 Beyond Velikovsky So Newton's approach served to link together phenomena that had not previously been understood to be effects of the same force, gravity. Newton's approach has been used since he first propounded it, in innumerable different applications, with never an indication that it might be faulty. Now Velikovsky asks that this unified approach be abandoned, that we regard the fall of bodies in the atmosphere as a quite different type of phenomenon from that of the moon's attraction to the earth ...
12. Rethinking Gravity [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:2 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents Rethinking Gravity Comments by Wal Thornhill Vol II, No. 14 Sept 15, 1998 Surely gravitation should be working!-Halton Arp, Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies. p 114 >From a New Scientist article this week, available in full at If the force is with them .. . By Charles Seife Gravity may not be working as advertised. Spacecraft hurtling through the Solar System have been behaving so bizarrely that some scientists wonder whether our theories ...
13. New Physics Supports Planetary Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... those scholars with pieces to the puzzle of planetary catastrophism, his passion is to assemble the big picture'. Summary The strongest conventional argument against planetary involvement in prehistoric catastrophes is that a Newtonian system should have some orbits showing evidence of recent encounters. It is argued that the fault in this argument lies in our misunderstanding of the nature of gravity. Evidence is presented that certain planets were much closer to the Earth in prehistory and the nature of that evidence lends support to a new model of gravity. The strongest conventional argument against planetary involvement in prehistoric catastrophes is that, if Venus once moved on an unstable path, we should expect its orbit to still show marked eccentricity - ...
14. Eros so Much Rock So Little Gravity [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:2 (Dec 2000) Home | Issue Contents Eros so Much Rock So Little Gravity CCNet, 25 May 2000 Mystery of tiny asteroid Eros- so much rock but so little gravity- detailed in Science report ITHACA, N.Y .- How could something so small have so much debris lying around? That is the puzzle presented by asteroid 433 Eros in the first major reports on the composition and history of the 21-mile-long body, the solar system's first asteroid to be subjected to close study. Writing in the latest edition of the journal Science (Sept. 22), Joseph Veverka of Cornell University describes tiny Eros as having a ...
... aside until I have shown still further the impregnable grounds upon which it is based. It is easy to demonstrate by a mathematical calculation that the above depth of atmosphere and rate of rotation are much greater than that which was actually necessary to produce annular formation about the earth. The analytical expression used by mathematicians to represent the whole force of gravity at the earth's equator is g+-^ where g is the visible force of gravity, or the space a body will fall at the equator during the first second of time; c is the chord of an arc over which a revolving body moves in one second, and D the diameter of the orbit of which c, ...
16. Scientific Prehistory [Books]
... , and in the preface of PEM, nothing written in those publications about the age of the earth's crust, the atmosphere and hydrosphere had anything to do with the age of the globular earth. The age of the earth is treated here for the first time. Chapter II is an updated treatment of radiocarbon dating with a calibration based on gravity anomaly dating. It verifies the non-equilibrium radiocarbon, NER, dating method and shows that the conventional equilibrium radiocarbon dating method of Libby is incorrect. Also it brings scientific dating into agreement with Bible dating of the Flood, and the separation of the continents "in the days of Peleg", or Continental Shift. (It occurred too ...
... the Sun's corona the nucleus is subjected to a powerful tidal strain and exposed to tremendous electrical energy which produces a considerable disintegrating effect. Before this solar contact has occurred and subsequent to it, the continued redirection of the nucleus to gases, whereby the solid particles are fused and driven into the tail, must affect the weight and consequently any gravity which it might appear to possess. But if a body has no gravity, since at every moment it is wasting its own substance, it is evident that it cannot possess an orbit. Howe remarks that a periodic comet, moving in an ellipse, " loses substance " at each perihelion passage and" must be wasted away in ...
18. The Celestial Dynamics of "Worlds in Collision" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and even disregarding things that Newton would have accepted, such as tidal friction, some aspects of the Velikovskian scenario are untenable. However, if we pass from the idealised mathematical celestial mechanics of point particles to bodies of finite size, which can then have the physical property of being non-rigid (deformable) and can involve other forces besides Newtonian gravity, then I believe that there is some possibility that most, if not all, of the Velikovskian scenario could be consistent with Newton's Law of Motion. However, there are some aspects of the Velikovskian scenario that I believe are not even tenable under these conditions; and we would have to add still further departures from Newtonian mechanics, ...
19. The Electric Universe [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Sun and on Jupiter's moon, Io. The model follows Hannes Alfvén's entreaty for scientists to work backwards from observations rather than forward from some idealised theoretical beginning. The Electric Universe takes full account of the basic electrical nature of atoms and their interactions. In conventional cosmology, it is the weaker magnetism and the almost infinitely weak force of gravity which rule the cosmos. The Electric Universe grew out of an interdisciplinary approach to science and the realisation that a new plasma cosmology and an understanding of electrical phenomena in space could illuminate work being done in comparative mythology. By using information from a wide span of human existence and knowledge, the Electric Universe can provide answers to many questions ...
20. Stars in an Electric Universe [Journals] [Aeon]
... by definition, is a myth, although it may be adorned with differential equations in accordance with the requirements of modern times." [2 ] The Electric Universe model does not assume that the Sun and its planets are genetically related. The conventional argument that capture is highly improbable does not apply in the new model because our understanding of gravity is flawed. It attempts to avoid being another modern scientific myth by the paradoxical use of comparative myth to provide information about how the sky looked many thousands of years ago. Comparative mythology is highly significant in the Electric Universe model because it allows the actualistic principle to be extended over a much longer period than in any earlier cosmology. ...
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