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63 pages of results. 171. Seeing Red: Book Review [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... "twin" is identifiable because it seems that galaxies are born in pairs on opposite sides of the parent galaxy. Arp's book exposes many of the creaking underpinnings of modern physics. Quantum theory has nothing to offer by way of a physical model to explain the redshift jumps across entire galaxies. And since there is no real model of how gravity works, there is no sensible explanation of how inertial mass can increase with time, nor of its link with gravitational mass. It is not surprising that the consequences of the total destruction of all their present smug certainties is too horrible for astronomers to contemplate. They react to the evidence ". .. like people viewing a grisly ...
172. The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology, by Charles Ginenthal [Journals] [SIS Review]
... bar magnets is the vector sum of the attractive and repulsive forces, so this sum will rapidly diminish with distance apart, roughly as the inverse cube. Electrical force is more important than magnetic because 2 charged bodies generally act like monopoles and the force of attraction or repulsion varies as the inverse square of their distance apart. The force of gravity is also proportional to the inverse square of the distance apart, so the effect of bodies with a fixed charge is to add to or subtract from the force of gravity by the same percentage amount whatever the distance apart. If the charge leaks away or increases, then the resultant force between the bodies will vary from the inverse square ...
173. The Stormer Of The Walls, Part 2 Mars Ch.4 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... their migration in opposite directions. According to this theory, thermal convection is the mechanical cause of this migration, with magma supplying the heat. Still another theory supposes that there are great mountains and deep valleys on the inner surface of the crust, facing the magma. The sliding of huge rocks along these mountainous slopes under the pull of gravity is presumed to be the cause of earthquakes. The mountainous western coast of North and South America, or the shore of the Cordilleras, and the eastern coast of Asia stretching into the East Indies form the area of greatest earthquake activity, with 80 per cent of the entire mechanical force released in earthquakes concentrated there. Another area stretches ...
174. Obituary: Melvin Cook (1911-2000) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that the Sun's wrong way' thermal gradient points to an external power source [1 , 2] and Cook was a major contributor to a discussion in Pense on the role of electricity in the cosmos [3 ]. Then at the SIS 1978 Glasgow Conference, Robert Bass devoted a large part of his lecture to Cook's electrical theory of gravity, which is a sophisticated idea based on the cohesion or negative pressure which is found in plasmas and yields a number of fundamental and interesting predictions [4 , 5]. Bass also commended Cook's work on radioactive dating in Prehistory & Earth Models [6 ] and I wrote a review of this for the SIS in 1988. In ...
175. The Electric Universe CD by Wallace Thornhill [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Thornhill's CD compares close-ups of sunspots to Birkeland currents- the distinctive twisted filaments that plasmas form because of their long-range attraction and close-range repulsion. He speculates that sunspot activity, as well as the size and color of a star, is a function of the strength of the galactic plasma field it is embedded in. In this viewpoint, even gravity becomes a variable, dependent on the electrical field in which an object is orbiting. Of course, no new theory can stand without predictions against which to test it, and Thornhill's predictions are no less outrageous than the rest of his theory. ". .. there are no supermassive stars. The masses of close orbiting stars, ...
176. Energetics of Tippe-top Inversions [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... spin. In this case the diminution of primary spin is virtually undetectable by visual observation". Eric Crew tested and validated inversion of a floating ball [3 ]: let us now consider why the effect of this motion on the primary spin rate is undetectable. A floating ball inverts as the relatively heavy inflation valve is pulled down by gravity. This downward force and the upward force of buoyancy form a couple that produces the secondary rotation. The ball loses potential energy as its c.g . falls; this lost energy reappears as the rotational energy of inversion, to be dissipated by drag when the valve is below water. No torque is being drawn from the primary ...
177. Collision Split Earth, Moon [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Prospector. Similarities in the mineral composition of the Earth and the Moon indicate that they share a common origin. However, if they had simply formed form the same cloud of rocks and dust, the Moon would have a core similar in proportion to the Earth's. A third theory suggests that the moon was captured fully intact by the Earth's gravity. Based on information first gathered during the Apollo era, scientists suggested that the Moon was formed when a Mars-sized body hit the Earth during its earliest history. "This impact occurred after the Earth's iron core had formed, ejecting rocky, iron-poor material from the outer shell into orbit," Binder explained. "It was this material ...
178. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Following the formal business Mr Thornhill introduced a guest, Mr Ralph Sansbury. Mr Sansbury is the Editor of a new journal, the Journal of Classical Physics, and he told the audience of the considerable overlap between Velikovsky's 1946 paper "Cosmos Without Gravitation" and some papers recently printed in the Journal of Classical Physics. In particular he mooted gravity as a sort of electrostatic phenomenon: although this was tentative, he expected verification eventually, and in detail. He suggested that the dipolar nature of matter could be taken to the sub-atomic level, and that all atoms could be considered as dipolar, from an electrical point of view, and arranged so that attraction exceeded repulsion. This ...
179. A Rage to Deny: The Roots of the Velikovsky Affair [Books]
... (15) Heavenly motion is a perfection which "the running of no clock ever approached in precision" and this "majestic order prevails universally." (16) Every moving body in space falls under this scheme-"The theory of the motion of the moon is so perfect that its position can be computed for every instant," gravity acts "With extraordinary exactness" and even comets were placed by Brahe into "the orderly domains of celestial bodies," permitting scientists to compute the path of Halley's Comet "with perfect certainty." (17) So perfect is this knowledge, being founded on "an infallible basis," that "Mere words cannot do justice ...
180. Varves And Bok Globules (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... . Photographic examples of these condensed globules can be seen in The Cosmic Serpent, by Victor Clube and Bill Napier (London, 1982), pages 38 and 39. These pictures show "interstellar comets" with extended tails many times the size of the Solar System. A single very large mass could not possess such a tail since the gravity would be too strong to allow any gas and dust to escape from the surface. These "interstellar comets" must consist of a collection of small objects that could only have condensed from a Bok globule. Such a condensed, or partly condensed, globule would be almost impossible to detect at any distance unless it was illuminated by a ...
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