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626 results found.
63 pages of results. 141. The Velikovskian Vol. IV, No. 3: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... : Measurements Of The Electromagnetic Properties Of "space" The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology (A Special Issue of The Velikovskian, by Charles Ginenthal) Hard cover, 154pp, ISBN 0-9639759-0-3 Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion & Cosmology presents a revolutionary explanation of celestial motion which challenges Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity and Isaac Newton's view that gravity and intertia are the only forces which generate celestial motion. Employing Electro-Gravitic Theory, Charles Ginenthal maintains that celestial bodies exhibit systematic behavior not explained by traditional theory. This theory posits the concept that electromagnetism is a counter force to gravity which can be fully tested in space. This cosmological theory challenges nearly all the established explanations for the birth ...
142. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part III) [Journals] [Kronos]
... [* Cf. H. Tresman and B. O'Gheogan, "The Primordial Light?", SISR II:2 (Dec. 1977), pp. 35ff.; I. Velikovsky, "On Saturn and the Flood", KRONOS V: 1 (Fall 1979), p. 3. - LMG] 6) gravity is not the sole force governing the cosmos. Electrical effects generally produce only subtle effects, but occasionally they may dominate the workings of the solar system. 7) major Earth altering events (caused by gravitational and electrical effects) may occur when large comets pass nearby. Part II (APPENDIX II) proposed numerous experimental results of upcoming ...
... only for a limited time, and by aid of the contraction of many muscles. If the vertebral column formed the axis of the human body, and supported the head and all the other parts in equilibrium, then might the upright position be a state of repose : but, as the human head does not articulate in the centre of gravity, as the chest, belly, and other parts press almost entirely forward with their whole weight, and as the vertebral column reposes upon an oblique base, a watchful activity is required to prevent the body from falling. Children who have large heads and prominent bellies can hardly walk at the end even of two years ; and their ...
144. Index of Authors
... Core Evidence Charles Ginenthal, In the Beginning- A Review Charles Ginenthal, Is Space A Superconducting Medium? Charles Ginenthal, James Hutton: A Non-inductive, Theological Catastrophist Charles Ginenthal, Mars in Upheaval Charles Ginenthal, Neptune's Magnetic Field Charles Ginenthal, Oberg's Unscientific Method Charles Ginenthal, Pendulums and Sunspots Charles Ginenthal, Proof of A Celestial Counterforce to Gravity Charles Ginenthal, Pseudo-scientists, Cranks, Crackpots and Henry Bauer Charles Ginenthal, Reflections Of The Persian Wars Charles Ginenthal, Reply to Earl Milton Charles Ginenthal, Response To Raspil Charles Ginenthal, Scientific Dating Methods In Ruins Charles Ginenthal, Scientists, Journalists and Editors As Suppressors Charles Ginenthal, Scientists, Journalists and Editors as Suppressors (Part II ...
145. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... already knew the answer to this question before he arrived to confront Velikovsky. We will see, over and over again, that evidence plays no role to an individual such as Huber, as it does to an Einstein. Mulholland, on this question, has shut his mind, while Einstein has not. Einstein apparently employed the theory of gravity and came to the conclusion that Velikovsky's theory is not inconsistent with celestial mechanics. Mulholland is going to prove that Velikovsky was wrong and that Einstein was incompetent. Therefore, let us hasten to examine Mulholland's evidence. To begin, Mulholland argues, "The occurrence of supernaturally long days and nights pervades folklore all over the globe, and ...
146. Planetary Differences in Impact Melting [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Contents Planetary Differences in Impact Melting 17 April 1998 Planetary differences in impact melting. R.A .F . Grieve* & M.J . Cintala. Advances in Space Research, 1997, Vol.20, No.8 , pp.1551-1560. *Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0Y3, Canada. Surface gravity is a major variable in determining crater dimensions in impact events but it is not a factor in impact melting. This leads to differential scaling between crater and melt dimensions. The extent and effects of differential scaling are examined through model calculations and compared, where possible, with observational data Compared to smaller impacts on the same planet, relatively ...
147. To Begin the World Over Again [Journals] [Aeon]
... , and dynamics of stars and planets will be upset. Celestial formations we can scarcely imagine (mechanically), but which space instruments are now observing, can be explained electrically without the ad hoc subterfuges proliferating among conventional theories. A universe bursting with plasma instead of speckled with isolated billiard balls explains: Why the spiral arms of galaxies defy gravity and rotate at near-constant velocity. Why galaxies in clusters move too fast (or sometimes too slow) to stay in (a gravitational) orbit. Why globular clusters float around the periphery of galaxies without moving much at all. Why polar jets from both stars and galaxies are coherent over great distances, are sometimes braided into a pair ...
148. Did Worlds Collide [Journals] [Pensee]
... graciously responded that he was surprised, intrigued, and would like to receive Ransom's paper. The Case for Stability The motions of the planets can be predicted very satisfactorily (except for minor effects such as the precession of the perihelion of Mercury by 43 seconds of arc per century, which has been most satisfactorily explained by regarding Newton's law of gravity as an approximation to Einstein's general relativistic theory of gravity) by regarding the planets as idealized point particles subject only to Newton's laws of motion and Newtonian gravity. In this model the only forces in operation are the inertias of the particles and their mutual gravitational attractions. Ignoring dissipative forces (such as tidal friction), the N-body problem ...
149. Frequently Asked Questions Archive [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Home | Issue Contents Frequently Asked Questions Archive Holden and Megafauna Ted Holden, a catastrophist, has claimed that dinosaur sauropods would be too heavy to carry themselves about in current gravitational conditions. He proposes that the "felt effect of gravity" was reduced in the not-too-distant past, allowing such large beasts to walk around. This FAQ explores Holden's claims. Woolly Mammoths: Evidence of Catastrophe? An examination of the catastrophist claim that preserved mammoth remains indicate the occurrence a great catastrophe (as described by catastrophist Immanuel Velikovsky). Is Venus Young? Is Venus the young planet ...
150. The Saturn Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... configuration of planets. Wal Thornhill accepted Charles's view that these kinds of things would occur in the magnetotail of the earth and other planets when they were under particular electrical stress. It is a way of transferring charge from one object on an inner orbit to another on an outer orbit, preferentially along the plasma tail. That affects the effective gravity of each body and hence their orbits. The result seems to be the spacing apart of planets on the least interaction principle, minimising charge transfer - resulting in Bode's Law. It is this mechanism that gives the false impression that the solar system has been stable for aeons. In fact, conventional gravity acting alone will not produce a ...
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