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63 pages of results. 101. The Scars of Mars - II [Journals] [Kronos]
... of Mars. Three kinds of phenomena are brought to attention, which are: 1. Bulging 2. Rifting 3. Volcanism Most planets are not perfect spheres. Earth, for instance, is an oblate spheroid . . . fatter around the equator and flattened at the poles, and this is due to a compromise between centrifugal force and gravity. The Moon has a lump or bulge on one side. Mars has both, for Mars also rotates like the Earth, and at a similar rate ( 1 day of rotation is 24 hours 37 minutes). Mars is an oblate spheroid with a bulge region. The bulge region is known as the Tharsis Bulge. Figure 7 ...
102. Of Lessons, Legacies, and Litmus Tests: A Velikovsky Potpourri (Part One) [Journals] [Aeon]
... 1967). Bass's writing assumed undeserved importance because Velikovsky's orbital scenario was assumed to be valid. Cardona puts no quantitative controls on speculation and ignores crucial details of cited material- such as, that the 98 tilt of Uranus is considered to be the result of a hard impact billions of years ago, after which its satellites were pulled by gravity into the new equatorial plane. The situation at Uranus is irrelevant to the soft, near collisions in Worlds in Collision because gravitational torques are not comparable to hard impacts. Cardona also exhibits extreme naivete in discounting several orders of magnitude for the time scale of astronomical processes. For example, Van Flandern's exploding planet millions of years ago cannot ...
103. The Catastrophic Role of Fluid Pressure and Electromagnetic Phenomena in the Mechanics of Overthrust Faulting [Journals] [Kronos]
... thrust sole is the lowest thrust plane in an area of overthrusting, with layers above the sole commonly imbricated. Imbrication is frequently observed in association with instantaneous displacement, and plastic deformation is frequently associated with creep. The overthrust phenomenon becomes more enigmatic with this observation. Traditionally, geologists tried to interpret the phenomenon of overthrust faulting in terms of gravity sliding. However, in many cases the angle of the shearplane is too low (nearly parallel to the horizontal) to explain satisfactorily movements of the magnitude observed, even when a tectonic shock is assumed to have provided the triggering effect. For near-horizontal soil movements of much smaller dimensions, Terzaghi (1943) had already pointed to the ...
104. Noah's Flood: Mars Flyby [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... importance. While Mars was (momentarily) 14,700 miles from the Earth at its perigee (core to core), the closest surface of Mars was about 8700 miles from Tibet, the region directly under Mars at the perigee for about 10 minutes. On this closest surface of the Earth to Mars, the Tibet region, the gravity of Mars pulling upward was 15 percent as powerful as was the gravity of the Earth pulling downward, according to Windsor's calculations. The sudden, massive pull of Mars' gravity explains why the Tibetan Plateau was uplifted at this flyby time- including the Himalayas, the Trans-Himalayas, the Kun Luns, the Tien Shans, the Nan Shans ...
105. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... perspective by not looking at large scale galactic objects to see if there were any clues in their patterns to the much smaller features on planetary surfaces. The connection lies in the fact that galaxies are the largest visible electric discharge phenomenon in the universe. That may be a controversial statement when conventional astrophysics uses the weakest force in the universe, gravity, in a fruitless attempt to explain the dynamics of galaxies. It is a glaring indictment of the way science works when a compelling competing theory is neither mentioned nor tested against an accepted theory that requires ad hoc and mysterious "dark matter" and "dark energy" in order to appear to work. It has forced plasma physicists ...
106. BOOK REVIEWS [Journals] [Aeon]
... . This medium, in turn, is continuous throughout the universe, but where its density is altered by the proximity of matter. And, the matter ingredient, or MI, which comprises the smallest hypothetical constituent of a substance, is itself impervious to penetration by the C-gravitons, and these MIs can also eclipse the effects of CGs. Gravity itself has been assigned a limited range, although its velocity may be 20 times that of light and may indeed be nearly instantaneous. Here we have an alien and unfamiliar universe. And yet, this strange universe has overtones of familiarity about it, wherein relativity plays a lesser role by subjugating the velocity of light to the limitations of ...
107. Thoth Vol II, No. 6: March 31, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... new species. For example, the domain of validity of the familiar universal gravitation (F =GMmr^ -2) has shrunk to the confines of the solar system. Stars in the Milky Way more nearly obey F=GMmr^ -1. And with the discovery of intrinsic redshifts, galaxies in clusters obey F=0 . Gravity is going extinct! The universe is losing its "essential vertigo": Instead of falling apart in a Hubble recession, galaxies simply hang in space like some analogue of ball lightning. A truly universal theory is needed to replace the provincial and fundamentally occult idea of gravity. Perception, contrary to popular opinion, is not the opposite ...
... down the satellite's angular velocity. The satellite now became stationary, or rather quasi-stationary, again. The following consideration will help us to understand this apparently abstruse physical argument. At the stationary period, when the satellite was between six and seven terrestrial radii away from the centre of our Earth, the two bodies moved round a common centre of gravity which was probably situated about 625 miles below the terrestrial surface, or about 3332 miles out from the centre of our planet. If the Earth had been a perfect and well-balanced sphere the common centre of gravity would still have remained at that distance after the stationary period had come to an end, only it would have started moving along ...
109. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... it is faced with yet another hazard - large doses of ultra-violet and high energy particle radiation due to a drastic decrease in the magnetic field which usually keeps them at bay. There was the inevitable deafening silence on any Warlow-type reversal theory. At least Hindley mentioned magnetism and cosmic radiation. The Horizon programme stayed within the well-worn thought modes of gravity, plate tectonics and greenhouse effects. The supremacy and success of the dinosaurs and their sudden, inexplicable disappearance from the fossil record made a strong case for a major catastrophe and the events leading up to the impact theory of Alvarez and the dismissal of a supernova theory were then dealt with in some detail (see Workshop 2:4 ...
110. A Catastrophic Reading of Western Cosmology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... recent phase of the chain, which I have called Newtonian science. When I use this term, I am referring to the world view which begins with Copernicus, Galileo and Bacon, peaks with Newton and Laplace and has persisted as our major scientific dogma to the present, a period of 400 years. Its foundation is the theory of gravity and this leads to a coherent, well-worked-out system which every schoolboy knows and which everyone takes to be not merely truth but self-evident necessity. I will look at this segment of the cosmological chain now from a different point of view, which is to say I will approach Newtonian science as a human construct founded on desire, like its ...
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