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34 pages of results. 61. Trisms and Planetary Iconography [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... trism and our scope of inquiry. I believe that the trism may be considered either as the triadic form of planetary bodies with an auroral configuration between them or as the object between planetary bodies. The following representations also show trisms appearing suspended in space between two celestial objects: Figures 16a and b are my sketches of sections of a stained glass window from Chartres Cathedral in France, dating from the 13th century. The top section of the window (16a) depicts the Battle of Roncevaux (8th century AD), highlighting the battle by showing a joust between two knights (representing the celestial objects), between which a form descends from the heavens. These three figures reflect ...
62. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Six [Books]
... the garbled nature of the Wichita myth and its kind owe to imperfect verbal transmission from generation to generation (eg arising from an improper understanding of the myth being passed on). I can imagine how odd anomalies could arise in transmission, and this point was brought home to me by a curious example I came across just recently: Cinderella's glass slipper. I had always found it peculiar that the slipper should be said to be made of glass, but according to Brewer's "Dictionary of Phrase and Fable" this came about via a mistranslation of the phrase "pantoufle en vair" (a fur slipper) as "a glass slipper" (pantoufle en verre). I ...
63. Scientific Dating Problems: The Radiometric Dating Of Earth's Rocks [Journals] [SIS Review]
... A thin glassy crust, resembling a coat of varnish, is formed; its thickness is usually not more than an eighth of an inch, and it may be colourless, white or yellow. .. . The minerals of the rock below beneath are in some cases partly fused, but the more refractory often appear quite unaffected. The glass has arisen from the melting of the most fusible ingredients'. F2: is commonest in dry sands and takes the shape of vertical tubes which may be nearly half an inch in diameter. Generally they are elliptical in cross-section, or flattened by the pressure exerted by the surrounding sand on the fulgurite at a time when it was still ...
... longer held in a regular ordered pattern- the solid melts, and forms a liquid (Fig. 4). A liquid 1. Different materials expand to varying extents for a given rise in temperature: they have different coefficients of expansion. We make use of that in practice: if the metal lid is "frozen" on a glass jar, we do not want to apply too much mechanical force (with a pair of pliers or a vise) for fear of breaking the jar. So we immerse the jar and lid in hot water- b and behold, the lid can now be unscrewed. The metal has expanded more than has the glass (the coefficients ...
65. "As Above, So Below" Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Straight-Line Phenomena [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... are frequent events: fortunately their destructiveness does not no parallel their frequency of occurrence. The seldom referenced book of Kelly and Dachille [1953] provides the first attempt to investigate these events scientifically. There is much information here on collision mechanics and what can be done to prevent impacts- something unique in scientific literature. The research team of Glass and Heezen [1976:33] announced that evidence from the exploration of the world's ocean floors suggests "that the earth has been subject to massive cosmic collisions at fairly frequent intervals." We differ with their use of the term "frequent," since they rely upon the long ages derived from the totally inaccurate radioactive dating methodology ...
66. The Ark in Action [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the electrical turbulence of the Exodus period, a condition that was deduced from many circumstances and the Bible itself by Jerry Ziegler (1977), in his book YHWH. The Leyden jar collects electricity. In its simplest form it consists of a pointed metal aerial conducting rod that is insulated from the ground by being immersed in water inside a glass jar, An electrical charge accumulates on the rod and will discharge to any grounded conducting element that touches it or comes close enough for the charge to jump the gap with a spark. (see figure 9) A similar device will add a conductor to load the opposite ground charge. A jar is coated with a metal foil on ...
67. Astroblemes of the Earth [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of the meteorite usually are absent; this they attribute to removal by glaciation. However, we maintain that no fragment need have fallen to produce such a crater. A crater produced by the shock from an explosion resembles one produced by material impacting at high energy, both exhibiting phase transitions that produce high density crystals from the resident minerals. Glasses produced by heat also are common in both settings. Craters satisfying Beals and Halliday's criteria result when great electrical discharges reach the surface (Juergens, 1974;1974/75). Figure 24. Possible Astroblemes in Arizona. A section of an official relief map showing a portion of Arizona at a scale of 1:2 000 000 ...
68. The Origin of the Devil (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... Of all religious systems ever conceived Mosaism is by far the rest, and its flower Christianity the most sublime. Systematically all coarse, gross, primitive traits were eliminated or spiritualized, until at last there came into being that lofty building of thought, which well-nigh reduces the mythologist to despair. Inspecting the substructure of the great edifice with magnifying glass and chisel, he may isolate fragments of true mythology; pondering over his big Bible, he may catch glimpses of earlier meanings between the lines and behind the words. But, when he tempts to arrange his findings and interpret them, the theologian is not amused. Yahweh, the Dragon-Slayer, is not a good text for a ...
69. Lunar Rocks and Velikovsky's Claims [Journals] [Pensee]
... Reconsidered I" Home | Issue Contents Lunar Rocks and Velikovsky's Claims Derek York An associate professor of physics in the geophysics division, University of Toronto, Dr. Derek York is analyzing lunar samples as a Foreign Principal Investigator, Apollo Project. In 1896, a 44-year old French professor, Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium compounds emitted rays which penetrated glass and paper and blackened photographic plates. Becquerel had discovered what we call radioactivity. Uranium atoms are unstable and a group of them will very slowly (that is over hundreds of millions of years) spontaneously change into the stable element lead. This transformation is accompanied by the emission of the rays which Becquerel detected. The important thing about ...
70. Philologos | The Legends of the Jews: Volume IV [Books]
... to her nobles and said: "If you have not beheld the lion, at least you have seen his lair, and if you have not beheld King Solomon, at least you have seen the beauty of him that stands in his presence." Benaiah conducted the queen to Solomon, who had gone to sit in a house of glass to receive her. The queen was deceived by an illusion. She thought the king was sitting in water, and as she stepped across to him she raised her garment to keep it dry. On her bared feet the king noticed hair, and he said to her: "Thy beauty is the beauty of a woman, but ...
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