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34 pages of results. 41. Europa braided furrow [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... of 10 km wide, is the apparent braiding of the ridges - particularly near the top of the picture. In earlier postings I have described how I thought the ridges and triplebands were formed. If you can imagine Europa as a ball inside one of those novelty shop plasma spheres, where discharges snake between the central sphere and the outer glass envelope, then imagine 3 spheres in a line inside the glass envelope with the discharges occurring between the two end spheres. The sphere in the centre would have the discharge filaments snaking across its surface. It represents Europa, which must have periodically gotten in the way of Jupiter's thunderbolts. (Europa presently orbits Jupiter in about 3. ...
42. Rocks From Where? [Journals] [Horus]
... that the only force believed to be powerful enough to cause this to happen is the high-energy impact of a large asteroidal fragment on the surface. According to ballistics theory, she goes on, the only rocks that would be accelerated to escape velocity are deep-seated target rocks at ground zero, and aft material at ground zero would be melted to glass by the shock. Unfortunately, sample ALHA81005 is neither deep-crust material nor shocked to glass, but is a mixture of the material typically found in the shallow lunar soils. The dilemma posited by the article is that either: a) meteorite impact dynamics have to be totally re-examined, and possibly revamp the range of objects defined as meteorites ...
43. Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times -- Part II [Journals] [Kronos]
... , and in obscuring chronology by contaminating burned substances through mixing, as in radiocarbon dating. However, it will be of interest to apply long-term dating techniques such as the potassium-argon method if only to check whether the test gives an impossibly old date to a recent volcanic event. Where uranium minerals have been used to give colour to artifacts of glass, the fission-track technique may provide reliable dates and a check on radiocarbon dates. If an artificial glass is subjected subsequent to its manufacture to combustion temperatures of over 600 degrees centigrade, the fission-tracks may be partially or entirely erased, permitting the date of the new calcination to be determined from the tracks now present. Tracks in volcanic glass ...
44. The Burning of Troy [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , and in obscuring chronology by contaminating burned substances through mixing, as in radiocarbon dating. However, it will be of interest to apply long-term dating techniques such as the potassium-argon method if only to check whether the test gives an impossibly old date to a recent volcanic event. Where uranium minerals have been used to give color to artifacts of glass, the fission-track technique may provide reliable dates and a check on radiocarbon dates. If an artificial glass is subjected subsequent to its manufacture to combustion temperatures of over 600 degrees centigrade, the fission-tracks may be partially or entirely erased, permitting the date of the new calcination to be determined from the tracks now present. Tracks in volcanic glass ...
45. Arabia. Ch.7 Deserts And Oceans (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... observed, or, as in the case of the stones of the harras, their scorched and broken condition, together with their occurrence in large fields, speak for their extraterrestrial origin. Larger bodies than the stones of the harras fell on Arabia, too. In Wobar in the desert there is a meteoric crater with meteoric iron and silica glass spread around it.5 Large rivers that disappeared, numerous volcanoes that burned and were extinguished, blackened stones that fell in areas each of them a hundred times larger than any volcanic eruption could have covered, and meteoric iron spread around a large craterall of these bespeak great upheavals in nature in recent as well as earlier ages, to ...
46. Thera and the Exodus: the Cause and the Effect [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... drowned before the ninth plague, of darkness. The cause and degree of darkness is simply explained by observations made during the Krakatoa eruption. Darkness is caused by the fall of the smaller particles of tephra, i.e ., pumice and volcanic ash' (a misnomer). This last consists of tiny broken concave fragments of volcanic glass bubbles made of silicate material. These can be ejected to a great height together with the eruption gases. Carried away laterally by winds, they are washed out of the atmosphere by condensation of steam from the eruption column, or returned to the surface by the pull of gravity. Obviously, the large, heavy, dense, particles ...
47. The Youthful Planet Venus [Articles]
... the response of the establishment at that time? They used vilifications of all kinds aimed at Galileo and we all know what happened to Galileo. they had to invent ad hoc hypothesis after ad hoc hypothesis in order to support their Earth-centered theory. The Moon suddenly not only had mountains on it; over the mountains was a layer of pure glass so that the Moon then became a perfect body, perfectly round, a; world wrapped in glass. This was one of the ad hoc explanations to save their theory. They then abandoned the Ptolemaic theory and took on the theory of Tycho Brahe that the Earth was still the unmoving center of the Universe. The Moon went around ...
... 5 degrees C per kilometer [of altitude]. So except in an inversion, when the upper air is relatively warm [er than the surface] convection maintains the 6.5 degrees C per kilometer profile, which is why mountain tops are cool. The reason it is warmer inside than outside a greenhouse is mainly that the [glass] roof keeps the warmed-up inside air from floating away by convection .. .There is no lid on Venus and the dense carbon dioxide is free to convect. "7 The super hot air of Venus, therefore, must rise and carry away the surface heat of the planet to the upper atmosphere where there is no covering. ...
49. The Moon In Upheaval [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , and, thus, are apparently related to slight, tidal forces exerted on the Moon by the Earth. What is most significant about these quakes is their location; they do not originate randomly about the lunar interior, but are localized within the nearside hemisphere, where we find the maria, the bulge and mascons. Billy P. Glass indicates: "Most of the deep-seated moonquakes appear to fall along three belts up to 2,000 [kilometers] long, on the lunar near-side that lies along arcs of great circles." (23) This, of course is similar to the great circle arcs of maria and mascons. This evidence indicates that whatever force created ...
50. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Review]
... other manufacturers. Processed to the highest standards in the industry, these globes are made to provide years of mesmerizing performance. From 12" to 30" in diameter ($ 800 - $19200), numerous color combinations (blue, red, green, magenta, and white). Lightning Tubes: By combining the shapes of blown glass with different gases and electronic circuits, an endless variety of tube effects are possible. Lightning tubes can be made to produce intense, fast moving, white lightning, or a slow, undulating display that wraps and unwraps around the inside of the tube. Lightning tubes, although straw-like in cross-section, can be formed to almost any shape ...
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