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34 pages of results. 11. Falling Dust and Stone [Books] [de Grazia books]
... says something about the fear of falling skies, which absurdly seems to grip even the savants in their obsession with foisting it upon their perceived ancestors and their descendents. In the most ancient legends it is common to find references to more than comets and deluges of water. Deluges from the sky consist also of dust, loess, stones, glass, tar, oil, salt, gold, iron, ashes, carbohydrates - all of them sometimes hot and sometimes aflame. They are invariably tied to catastrophes. Donnelly collected some of the stories: We read in the Ute legends... that when the magical arrow of Ta-wats struck the sungod full in the face, the ...
12. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... de La Caille, "the true Columbus of the southern sky," in his Memoires of 1752 and his Coelum Stelliferum of 1763, introduced fourteen new groups, " to which he assigned the names of the principal implements of the sciences and fine arts"; (It is interesting to know that La Caille's observations weremade with a half-inch glass.)while a few others were formed by Pierre Charles Le Monnier from 1741 to 1755, and by Joseph Jerome Le Frangais (de La Lande) from 1776 to 1792, the 3d edition of La Lande's Astronomie containing a total of eighty-eight constellations. Lastly, in 1800, Johann Ellert Bode published nine new figures in his Uranographia ...
13. The Scandal of Enkomi [Journals] [Pensee]
... "From first to last there was no question that this whole burying-ground belonged to what is called the Mycenaean Age, the characteristics of which are already abundantly known from the tombs of Mycenae . . . and many other places in the Greek islands and in Egypt." So far so good. But the pottery, porcelain, gems, glass, ivory, bronze, and gold found in the tombs all presented one and the same difficulty. From the Egyptological point of view many objects belong to the time of Amenhotep III and Akhnaton, supposedly of the 15th to the 14th centuries. From the Assyrian, Phoenician, and Greek viewpoint the same objects belong to the period of ...
14. Timna and Egyptian Dates [Journals] [Aeon]
... It must have been roughly contemporary with Timna's so-called Midianite Stratum II which exhibits such a rich metallurgical assemblage. Timna's true hiatus, therefore, must be located in the Hellenistic and earlier Roman periods. The relocation of Timna II (and, at least partly, III) in the Persian period would also be supported by its rich yield of glass: "Site 200 yielded a great number of glass fragments, most of which are related to its Egyptian phase. There are over 150 fragments of 50-60 cored vessels, and also fragments of a small inlay piece and of a bracelet or ring stand." (33) It has always been a something of an enigma for historians ...
15. Showers of Glass [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol VII Part A (1985) Home | Issue Contents Focus METEORITE STUDIES Showers of Glass A button-shaped Australian tektite (3 ½ times actual size). The flanged shape and smooth ridged front surface are clear evidence of high speed flight through the atmosphere. Estimates for the formation of the australite field based on 14C dating range from 16,000 to as recently as 5000 years before the present. Some advances seem to be happening in the study of tektites - the small, glassy, meteoritic allies of catastrophism which are often found in the same geological horizons as evidence for geomagnetic reversals, faunal extinctions, volcanic maxima and sea-level changes. An excellent summary ...
16. When Was the Lunar Surface Last Molten? [Journals] [Pensee]
... ,000 years ago: otherwise the glaze would have been eroded and dusted over by slow bombardment of the moon by cosmic dust. On the other hand, the event must have taken place some thousands of years ago, not only because it was not observed historically, but also to allow enough time for the metal-plating process to coat the glass." The event was observed historically; however, it was not due to the sun becoming a nova for a second or so, but to the repeated disturbance in the moon's motion and the near-encounters in the celestial sphere described in Worlds in Collision, part II, "Mars." With the knowledge attained in attempting to reconstruct ...
... waters plac'd above the highest Heavens, or super-celestial waters; and have been willing to make use of them for a supply, when they could not find materials enough under the Heavens to make up the great mass of the Deluge. But the Heavens, above, where these waters lay, are either solid or fluid; if solid as glass or crystal, how could the waters get through them to descend upon the Earth? If fluid, as the air or, or ęther; So how could the waters rest upon them, for in water is heavier than air or ęther? so that I am afraid, those pure regions will prove no fit place for that element ...
18. Scientific Prehistory [Books]
... .2 cm top of flask into 0.6 cm (d ) tubing, and into head of eye-dropper. Shows forward and backward plasma detonations in tubing and blast wave out of eye-dropper. Photo 5-5 Four successive frames of a d.g , plasma from Dithekite-13 ( D-13) in an Erlenmeyer flask exploding out 1.2 cm glass lute with blast wave creating diffuse cloud (a Beard). (5 ) The pulses along the comet's tail were registered also in the solar atmosphere with the same periodicity seen along the tail before the explosions. Pulsations along the comet's tail and in the solar atmosphere following the impact explosions can be explained only by very high pressures exerted ...
... PART IV : Appendixes I | II | III | IV | Acknowledgements | Notes And References | Appendix III The slip of the earth's crust under meteoritic impact TABLE 1-YOUNG'S MODULUS MATERIAL YOUNG'S MODULUS in dynes per sq. cm. CAST IRON 10 X 1011 MILD STEEL 20 X 1011 COPPER 9.5 X 1011 TIMBER 1.1 X 1011 GLASS, CROWN 7 X 1011 GLASS, FLINT 5.5 X 1011 BASALTIC ROCKS from 8 X1011 to 7 X 1011 GRANITIC ROCKS from 1.5 X 1011 to 11 X 1011 TABLE 2 - RIGIDITY MODULES OF SHEAR MATERIAL RIGIDITY MODULUS OF SHEAR in dynes per sq. cm. CAST IRON 3.5 X 1011 MILD STEEL 3 ...
... Voyager spacecraft) shows: "[ An] internal heat source- estimated at 1014 W- needed to drive this volcanism is two to three orders of magnitude [100 to 1000 times] greater than that expected from normal radionucleides..." (8 ) Io is the most volcanic body in the solar system. According to Billy Glass: The volcanic eruptions [on Io] appear to be comparable in intensity to the greatest terrestrial eruptions which are rare on the Earth...Io appears to be volcanically more active than the Earth. This has made mapping Io difficult because the active regions undergo radical changes in short periods of time. In the four month interval ...
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