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34 pages of results. 91. A question for Wal (and Amy and...) [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Mars' field and oriented at varying angles in different locations. This could throw a significant spanner in the geological works because the same findings on Earth have been interpreted in terms of polar wandering and continental drift. Mars shows no signs of tectonic activity (continental drift). I expect patterns of radioactivity, isotopic anomalies, remanent magnetism and glass surrounding craters and the great "volcanoes" that can be easily explained by their formation in a plasma arc. My suggestion is that laboratory experiments be performed using clays similar in composition to Martian rocks and soil and subject them to electric arcs and sensitively measure the effects. If that can be done before experiments are performed in situ on ...
92. The Atlantis Blueprint [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... degrees at Giza - breaking the spell that hides Thoth's Holy Chamber. Chapter Five: 6,000 Degrees Celsius. Nine skeletons in the Libyan Desert - the mystery of tektites - bore holes and high temperatures - Lord Rennell contacts Hapgood - 6,000 degrees Celsius - powdered metallurgy - Shawn Montgomery introduces Rand to Brown's Gas - alchemy and glass - Jules Verne's prediction - Yull Brown escapes the Iron Curtain - Shawn interviews Brown - gold mining in the Americas - portable forges - Dr. Oswaldo Rivera and the age of Tiahuanaco. Chapter Six: Ancient Voyagers. Stone balls of Costa Rica - ley lines - ancient Japanese pottery in America - David Kelley and the Mayan calendar - ...
93. Footprints. Ch.14 Extinction (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... changes could take place. Sometimes we see imprints of animals that chanced to walk over freshly laid concrete. While the substance was soft, a dog or a bird or a large insect might have walked on it and left impressions recognizable when it hardened. Also, heated sand, turning into a viscous substance on its way to becoming hardened glass, could receive and preserve imprints. The vestiges could also remain in muddy, unheated ground that was soon covered by lava which filled in the imprints and later disintegrated on being weathered away. In historical times, in the volcanic destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum lava and volcanic ashes filled the wheel tracks in the streets of these cities and ...
94. Catastrophism And Planetary History [Journals] [Kronos]
... , and the heliostat; and, more valuable than any other element in the military case, it was an instance of Apache against Apache, for our troops were led by Apache scouts, who faithfully and heroically served the Government. Yet Geronimo armed his band with the best of modern breechloaders and ammunition, and even equipped them with field glasses taken from us, and drew his supplies from wherever he would, and inflicted incalculable damage on the country of both of his enemies, and carried on his last campaign successfully for five months. There is not, probably in the history or traditions or myths of the human race another instance of such prolonged resistance against such tremendous odds ...
95. Life Itself: Accident or Design? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... February 1991, pp. 100-109) with the words: "Thirty-eight years ago what is arguably the greatest mystery ever puzzled over by scientists - the origin of life - seemed virtually solved by a single, simple experiment. Stanley L. Miller, then a 23-year-old graduate student at the University of Chicago, re-created the primeval earth in sealed glass apparatus. He filled it with a few liters of methane, ammonia and hydrogen (the atmosphere) and some water (the oceans). A spark-discharge device zapped the gases with simulated lightning, while a heated coil kept the water bubbling. Within a few days, the water and glass were stained with a reddish goo. On ...
96. The Wabar Meteorite Crater in the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have reached the outside world. With hindsight, it is astonishing that there was ever any argument about the origin of tektites, because here the evidence that they are terrestrial objects formed in impacts is overwhelming. They lie around the craters in close proximity to meteorite fragments. The tektites were formed when desert sand was melted and formed the black glass, which did not splash very far from the craters. Philby began his desert exploration in 1918, when he skirted the northern border of the Empty Quarter from east to west. On that trip he learned from one Jabir ibn Faraj of the Murra tribe of Bedouins about mysterious ruins in the depths of the desert where a great block ...
97. Notes and Queries [Journals] [SIS Review]
... volcanic material. . Marble predominated in the earliest production in Crete and the islands. Steatite, which was easier to work, was popular in many areas and in all periods. Porphyry and alabaster were used less frequently as raw material for Cretan stonework and with no historical unoformity. Even more rare was the use of obsidian (natural volcanic glass) and rock crystal, or lapis lacedaemonius of any considerable size. Andesite and basalt served as materials for everyday utility vessels for grinding or pulverising certain foods, spices, drugs, pigments, etc. ' Useful references are A. Lucas, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries (4th ed., rev. by J.R . ...
98. Venus years - An explanatory note [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to the earth for its apparent declination to vary slightly when viewed from different locations. Conjunctions of Venus (and Mercury) with the sun can occasionally be observed directly but only with the help of observing equipment to reduce the glare of the sun. This may have been unknown to the ancients (although it is surprising that finds of tinted glass, or an equivalent glare suppressing device, appear never to have been reported at archaeological observatory sites - close observation of the sun is frequently all but impossible without the help of this). The ancients could have observed such planetary conjunctions (or eclipses) on occasion but they might not have recognised them for what they are, as ...
99. William H. Stiebing, Jr., and Immanuel Velikovsky [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... from the breakdown of potassium-40. "The accumulation of A40...from decay of K40 corresponds to the estimated age of the solid Earth, of about 5 billion years." (29) Therefore, if Venus is as old as the Earth, it should have approximately the same amount of argon-40. However, Billy P. Glass states that, "the ratio of the mass of radiogenic 40Ar to the mass of Venus is smaller by a factor of 15, the value for Earth." (30) Again, Why should a planet as large and as ancient as Earth have so little argon-40, unless it is a newborn planet? One cannot have one ...
100. Chapter 5 Pottery Dating, Faience, and Tin [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... competent archaeologists and historians apply a double standard to evidence which contradicts their chronological expectations. This material is taken directly from Velikovsky's Ramses II and His Time, pages 237 ff, sometimes without attribution. Here all the reasons employed to mitigate and remove inconvenient evidence by the investigator are clearly observed. Scarabs are models of beetles made of ceramics, glass, stone, and metal, and may have the names of kings or ordinary people on them. Sometimes these were used as seals. They were commonplace objects in ancient Egypt that 1 D. Wilson, op.cit., pp. 33-35 158 VELIKOVSKIAN Vol. VI, Nos. 1, 2, 3 might be used ...
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