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45 pages of results. 81. More Trouble for Frank's Mini-comets Theory [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1998:2 (Dec 1998) Home | Issue Contents More Trouble for Frank's Mini-comets Theory 11 Sept 1998 From Andrew Yee <ayee@nova.astro.utoronto.ca> Public Information Office American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Avenue, N.W . Washington, D.C . 20009 Tel (202) 462-6900 / FAX 202-328-0566 September 8, 1998 Contact: Harvey Leifert AGU RELEASE NO. 98-31 (202) 939-3212 For Immediate Release hleifert@kosmos.agu.org "Snowball comets" are just camera noise, Berkeley researchers say after analyzing dark pixels in Iowa data WASHINGTON, D.C .- Researchers at the University of California ...
82. "As Above, So Below" Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Straight-Line Phenomena [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... past each other, or collide, stresses are caused in the rocks. When the stresses are too great for the strength of the rock, the rock slips. This slip can occur gradually or suddenly. If it occurs suddenly, the earth shudders and earthquake results. Landsberg [1978:228] considers the prediction of natural forces in geophysical events to "lack good theoretical foundation." He tabulates sixteen geophysical fields where the status of predictions is rated as to high or low confidence levels. Those in soft fields, activities mainly in the atmosphere and the tides, are rated high; those in hard fields- earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, solar effects- are of ...
83. Hoerbiger (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... . 18 | Conclusion | Notes | Bibliography | Index | Chapter 4: Hoerbiger It may seem odd that the name of Hoerbiger should head a chapter in a work of this kind, for he never wrote a book about Atlantis. Yet he is the man who has made further progress, real progress, possible by providing us with a geophysical basis which allows us for the first time to assay the Atlantis myth for its content of fact. A chapter on Hans Hoerbiger is a feature of all my mythological books. It is designed to give new readers an introduction into part of the thought-world of the Viennese cosmologist. But also friends of long standing may not find the perusal ...
84. The Fracture Zones In Deep Polar Ice Cores [Journals] [Aeon]
... Antarctica (1966-1968), and Dye 3 in southern Greenland (1979-1981). Numerous articles have been published about these three deep ice cores, and they will be cited as the occasion arises. Two very useful books containing a number of papers relevant to this subject are Langway, Oeschger, and Dansgaard, editors, Greenland Ice Core: Geophysics. Geochemistry, and the Environment (Washington: American Geophysical Union, 1985), and Isotopes and Impurities in Snow and Ice (Publication No. 118, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 1977). These two books will hereafter be cited as "LOD" and "IISI," respectively. The Thick Layers at Dye 3 ...
85. The Slip Of The Crust Under Meteoritic Impact [Books]
... is not very well known. It is supposed that the combined effects of the temperature gradient and the pressure at the depth of 100 km. should produce a temperature of about 1200 C., taking unto account the rise of temperature due to compression. This may be sufficient to bring the rocks to a state of low viscosity. Some geophysicists even believe that the liquid state could in fact be reached at least locally. 2. It may be objected that the huge pressures supposed to exist at great depths would prevent the material from reaching a low viscous or liquid state. For this to take place the material must be allowed to expand, and this may be impossible if ...
86. Epilogue (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... to be even higher- 800 degrees Fahrenheit; currently Venus's surface temperature is measured at nearly 900 degrees Fahrenheit, some 300 degrees higher than the temperature at which lead melts. In 1962 radio astronomers discovered that Venus rotates retrogradely (i .e ., in the opposite direction from all the other planets). At the meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December 1962 a scientist commented: "Maybe Venus was created apart from the other planets, perhaps as a secondary solar explosion, or perhaps in a collision of planets." In October 1975 two Soviet probes landed on the sunlit side of Venus. An article in Aviation Week and Space Technology, "Data Show Venus Young ...
87. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... superstition because there are no ready explanations. He deals in detail with ground noises, earthquake lights, the change of colour and flow rate of Springs and wells, sulphurous smells, unusual states of the sea and peculiar fogs and clouds. Tributsch does not stop at just collecting observations and reports, however. He is led into speculation about geophysical and chemical states that could explain this wide variety of phenomena. There are chapters on the Earth's magnetic and electrical fields, and the state of seismology at present. The seismologists are able to measure with great accuracy changes in the electrical resistivity of the Earth, deformation of the ground and changes in radioactivity in ground water at the time ...
88. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... animals fared during times of reversing polarity, it seems they only note the angle of the field and not its polarity, so as long as the reversal is a complete 180 degrees they will not be affected. Even the problem of how they managed during the hundreds or thousands of years of a slow reversal is gone; a team of geophysicists investigating lava flows in America declare that reversals happened so fast that if a reversal happened today we would virtually be able to see a compass needle move. The problems of Auroras New Scientist 23.11.91, p. 23; 7.3 .92, pp. 25-30; 14.3 .92, p. ...
89. An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC. Part II: The Geological Evidence [Journals] [SIS Review]
... smoothed geomagnetic field variation has appeared to investigators in the past to have a cyclic variation. A number of investigators have come to the conclusion, however, that the cyclicity of the geomagnetic field apparently should be discounted [49]. The following statement has been made as part of the US National Report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1979-1982 [50]: For at least 40,000 years prior to 5000 BP, the dipole moment has generally been smaller than the present day value. A specific statement has been made that high dipole moments during the last 4000 years thus appears to be an unusual feature of the geomagnetic field, and speculations about 8000 year cycles ...
90. Did Cosmic Impact Change Earth's Tilt? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... , where some researchers suggest episodes of snowball Earth where the entire globe ices up and I realized that the same solution could solve both problems. Jenkins of Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences explains his solution in two papers presented today (Dec. 14) and tomorrow (Dec. 15) at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco. The papers are "The high obliquity solution to understanding Archean climate and the faint-young sun paradox," and "Climate model solutions to late Proterozoic glaciation," written with Steven R. Smith, a recent Penn State meteorology graduate. According to Jenkins, tilt is the key to both events in Earth's past ...
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