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45 pages of results. 31. Catastrophic Theory of Mountain Uplifts (A Crustal Deformation Theory) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... . These and similar protestations that geographers have registered for more than a generation appear to run into a blank wall of dogma.5 Another elder statesman, this time in geophysics, has some interesting and similar conclusions: Scheidegger Thus, if the "deformation theory" applying to the Earth were properly defined, it would be, in principle ... Review of 150 Years of Thought We cite the observations and conclusions of two elder statesmen of the last generation, Richard Hartshorne, a geographer, and Adrian Scheidegger, a geophysicist. Hartshorne To sum up, it is almost inevitable to admit that the physiographic evidence regarding features on the Earth's surface is such that it must be assumed that some ...
... theory though most have been rejected for publication. But recently even the greenhouse advocates have begun to note certain problems. Suomi et. al. [in the Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 85 (1980), pp. 8200-8213] notes that most of the visible radiation is absorbed in the upper atmosphere of Venus so that the ... and nitrogen, so the water was probably there at the outset, but has somehow disappeared over geologic time." Thus, even when we accept the established views of geophysicists, we face a contradiction. Based on the established view, Venus should have enormous amounts of water vapor in its atmosphere, but this is not the case. ...
33. The Inexact Science of Radiometric Dating [Journals] [SIS Review]
... clocks, as instanced by the techniques first described in this paper, are indeed in chaos and that we must question the basic soundness of various sciences such as cosmology, geophysics and in fact the earth sciences in general. Radiocarbon Dating Radiocarbon dating is a measurement of the age of dead matter by comparing the radiocarbon content with that in living ... necessary to make explicit an understanding of the evidence of the rocks as presented by Earth Scientists. Consequently, geological eras have parameters measured in hundreds of millions of years. Geophysicists believe that Africa and South America, originally one continent, broke apart over 100 million years ago. From that time onwards, these two continents have been separating from ...
34. Ocean Basins [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Indian ocean bottom with main trenches. Possible Trans Asian and Trans-Euro-Mediterranean rifts are added to the drawing, which is adapted from O.G . Sorochtin, ed., Geophysics of the Ocean (in Russian), vol. II, fig. 17. The lithosphere (crust) is everywhere shallowest beneath the ridge lines. Thousands of ... rise occurred, along with many other bulges, then a considerable expansion might be demonstrated by survey without resorting to theoretical physics. The globe has many slight bulges. Russian geophysicists have recently described its shape as formed by at least two geometric networks of lattices, a many-faceted figure [9 ]. So there may even be a pattern to ...
35. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... think this evidence will be sufficient for these experts because they can simply respond that Venus never had an ocean based on some assumed concept like its ancient surface froze ad hoc geophysical condition in the early solar system. And I am perfectly willing to go along with this suggestion with the comment that it does seem to create problems with the nebula ... . . . Venus was formed more recently than the other planets', said Anders. " 'The statements [in the ad] are not accurate, ' said geophysicist William M. Kaula of the University of California at Los Angeles. As a Pioneer Venus co-investigator, I am not aware of any support in the scientific community for ...
36. Continuous Versus Discontinuous and Self-Perpetuating Versus Self-Terminating Processes [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... : 849-873. Holmes A., 1965: Principles of physical geology. T. Nelson, London. Howell Jr. B. F., 1959: Introduction to geophysics. McGraw- HrIl, Toronto. Lovering T.S ., 1935: Theory of heat conduction applied to geological problems. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am ... of a continuous nature, but generally of a much smaller magnitude than the intrusive anomalies. One must also note that the discontinuous heating will nonetheless leave a permanent record. Geophysicists refer to the two types of anomalies as transient and steady state anomalies. Agents of Erosion and Sedimentation; Uplift and Subsidence. Landslides, slumps, turbidity currents, ...
37. New Fashions in Catastrophism [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the National Center for Atmospheric Research. An exchange of letters followed. One notes that the inquiry strikes into two lines of study: the possibly catastrophic origins of mankind and geophysical catastrophism. Firor's letter stuck in Deg's mind as he wrote the chapters on exoterrestrialism and the atmosphere in Lately Tortured Earth. June 3, 1976 Dear Dr. Firor ... Frank Dachille. That is: Target Earth: The Role of Large Meteors in Earth Science. Also more daring and provocative, and also highly professional in method, is geophysicist Melvin Cook's work that I already mentioned, Prehistory and Earth Models, published obscurely in England a decade later, which employed purely terrestrial forces in explaining Earth's features. ...
38. Return to the Tippe Top [Journals] [SIS Review]
... other. Velikovsky and his supporters have tended to treat the reversals and the tilts as related but separate problems. In like manner, our conventional cousins in the world of geophysics have treated the problems of ancient and recent ice ages as separate matters. Their solution for the evidence of ancient ice caps in equatorial regions is to move the surface ... ages had been accepted as fact for 120 years. Continental drift, as it was still called in the 1950's, had not been accepted: "The position of most geophysicists .. . is that .. . there is neither indication nor even the possibility of continental drift"; "they know of no force capable of producing the ...
39. Mars in Upheaval [Journals] [Aeon]
... ? If this were the case, Mars' surface features could most certainly be extremely old. However, Henry J. Moore, et al, in the Journal of Geophysical Research, analyzed this question and concluded: "Bulk densities of surface materials of Mars cover the range found in natural terrestrial materials, ' ' (39) though ... as dust particles on the Earth are moving at greater velocities than on Earth. Furthermore, these storms occur periodically and last from three to six months. Space scientists and geophysicists were thus able to use well-known, experimentally-proven erosion equations to deduce the erosion rate on Mars. In a 1973 issue of Aviation Week and Space Technology, for example ...
40. "Worlds in Collision" and the Prince of Denmark: II. Hamlet and Meso-American Myth [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the corresponding events in Hamlet. It is almost as if Shakespeare had had the Quiche book at his elbow. We can also see that the Popol Vuh narrative is directly geophysical, anthropological and planetary in reference. It deals with worldwide events caused by disorders in the sky. If one wishes to suggest further planetary parallels between the Velikovskian and ... undergone a radical transformation. The contest between the twins and the rulers of Hell, which was provoked by Hell's murder of 1 Hunter and 7 Hunter, has ended one geophysical-astronomical era and paved the way for the next. At the same time, down below on earth, the survivors in the Popol Vuh, who have entered the fourth ...
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