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447 results found.
45 pages of results. 321. Letters [Journals] [Pensee]
... (December, 1972). 84-93. 2. T. B. McCord, "Dynamical Evolution of the Neptunian System," The Astronomical Journal, 71, no. 7 (September, 1966), 585-9. 3. T. B. McCord, "The Loss of Retrograde Satellites in the Solar System," Journal of Geophysical Research, 73, no. 4 (February 15, 1968), 1497-1500. 4. C. C. Counselmann III, "Outcomes of Tidal Evolution," manuscript in publication. Nature and Politics To the Editor: In recent issues of Pensée and in Velikovsky's own work ostensibly little, if anything, has been said which ...
322. Atlantis [Journals] [Pensee]
... while Isaac Asimov, employing warmed-over Gardner and a patronizing attitude, did the same in 1969 (8 ). The intervening years witnessed significant and relevant developments in the field of Atlantology, however, which Gardner and Asimov failed to avow. In 1960 Arigelos Galanopoulos, a Greek seismologist, presented a paper before the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics linking Atlantis to the islands of Thera and Crete and assigning its destruction to ca. 1500 B.C . (9 ). He arrived at this date by dropping a zero from the 9000 years which Plato had inserted between the last days of Atlantis and Solon. Neither one of Galanopoulos's ideas was original, yet the theories of ...
323. Sagan's second problem: Repeated collisions among the Earth, Venus and Mars (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... about the Earth and Venus, then there should remain some lingering remnant in some part of the orbital pattern of both bodies. Velikovsky reports that,'...a discovery was announced by P. Goldreich and S.J . Peale of the University of California, Los Angeles, and reported at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union on April 23, 1966. The surprising discovery dealt with the axial rotation of Venus, already known to be slow and retrograde. Every time Venus passes between the sun and the Earth, it turns the same face to the earth. Gravitationally, this phenomenon cannot be explained even if Venus were lopsided, as some science writers ...
324. 'Worlds in Collision' and the Prince of Denmark [Journals] [SIS Review]
... their universal and external appeal, not to arcane and shifting critical judgement, but to enduring popular taste, the truest measure of a narrative's relevancy to life and thus of its truth quotient. The truth I refer to is not psychological, nor sociological, nor metaphysical, nor theological, but physical. It is natural truth, anthropological and geophysical. It is what really happened to us and our world, what really makes us what we are and influences what we do. It is our collective racial past. Those works of art which have endured, which are classics, embody this truth, which is the deepest and largest cause of their attractiveness. It will quickly become ...
325. Venus and Mars [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the Mars incursions 700 years later) (see de Grazia, 1981). It is doubtful that C-14 is a valid and reliable clock, since its formation and absorption rates are so easily altered by changed environmental conditions, and so evidence of this nature, though favorable to the hypothesis, must be discounted. 3. Geosphere: Every geophysical process gives evidence of quantavolutionary stress. Widespread earthquakes are part of the destruction of towns to be referred to below. There occurred "a major westward shift in the Euphrates system of channels as a whole during Kassite times" (Paterson) (of this age, we believe). A set of natural disasters plunged the Harappan culture ...
326. Nova of Super Uranus and Ejection of the Moon [Books] [de Grazia books]
... equator, Greenland leading and Antarctica following. At this time the Earth had a continental crust everywhere. The continents that survive today were bunched around Africa, then located at the north rotational pole. In Figure 27 the land areas of the world today are drawn schematically as they related in Pangean (all-Earth) times. They accord with the geophysical and paleontological findings of the continental-drift school of thought [88]. Uranus Minor, moving from Super Uranus towards the Sun, encounters the outside edge of the Earth (the Pacific side) in passing (see Figure 28). An intense transaction occurs between the two. Electrical polarization distorts the shape of both bodies and their sacs ...
327. Astroblemes of the Earth [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and embedded into a corner of the Kaaba (Ka'bah) in Mecca (Abdul-Rauf, pp584ff). A local legend attributes the stone to he Archangel Gabriel who is associated with Venus (Velikovsky, 1950, p291), Moslems believe that the stone is the only extant piece of Abraham and Ishmael's House of God (Abdul-Rauf). The geophysics of crater identification is in its infancy; the very idea of the Earth having suffered extraterrestrial encounters has been resisted until lately (Ninniger), Craters from smaller than seven kilometers to seven hundred times that diameter are discernable under various geological formations at widely separated locations in continental North America and elsewhere (Saul). Ancient meteorite craters may ...
328. Venus An Interim Report [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ecliptic is 3 24'. "How Venus could find its rotation locked on to the Earth despite the fact that the sun's tidal force on Venus is some 104 times larger than Earth's is far from clear." (J . S. Lewis, American Scientist 59, 1971, p. 557) From a meeting of the American Geophysical Union came the comment: "Maybe Venus was created apart from the other planets, perhaps as a secondary solar explosion, or perhaps in a collision of planets." (The National Observer, December 1962) Many ad hoc explanations have been put forward, some of a catastrophic nature, but there is no consensus of opinion as ...
329. The Celestial Dynamics of "Worlds in Collision" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... dates in the fossil record and elsewhere, I probably would also believe that the Earth has not changed its position for thousands of millions of years. However, in another book, Prehistory and Earth Models (London: Max Parrish, 1966), Dr Cook has had the audacity and temerity to take on the entire historical, geological and geophysical establishments, and has reviewed in great depth and detail every radioactive dating method, short-term and long-term. After several years making up my mind, I have come to the conclusion that Melvin Cook is right and has established that there are enormous and inescapable fallacies in the uranium, thorium and lead dating methods; and I don't think it ...
330. Volcanism [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and uplifts, whence gases and lava have never escaped, are in the same fossil status. A major exoterrestrial encounter, the only event that can excite general volcanism, would reinvigorate the pattern of prehistoric and present volcanism insofar as the force vectors of the encounter prescribe, and would excite new volcanism wherever new stresses were imposed. Ultimately, geophysics should be able to locate as a set of overlays the total historical series of exoterrestrial encounters in fossil and live volcanism and go so far as to discover or substantiate the detection of their avenues of approach, their duration, and their energy. Neat surveys of past volcanism are not to be had. Rampino, Self and Fairbridge collected ...
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