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447 results found.
45 pages of results. 311. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... retina of their eyes, which are sensitive to magnetic forces, indicate that the birds actually see the magnetic field. GEOLOGY Earth is a Nuclear Reactor (New Scientist, 7.8 .04, pp. 26-29) It is a bit of a mystery as to what is generating the intense heat in the Earth's core, but one geophysicist thinks he has the answer. He thinks that enough uranium could have sunk to the centre of the Earth when it was young and molten to form a huge natural nuclear fission reactor. But induced electric currents will also produce heat. Ice and Earthquakes (New Scientist, 14.8 .04, p. 13) Shrinking glaciers ...
312. Notes [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... 225, 840, 1970. Hills said "Because the initial conditions in these satellite systems which were studied are not likely to have been the same as in the planetary system, this suggests to me that Bode's Law may have resulted from a process of dynamical relaxation". 43. G. J. F. MacDonald, Reviews of Geophysics, 2, 467, 1964. 44. S. F. Singer, Science, 170, 438, 1970. 45. A G. W. Cameron, Nature, 240, 299, 1972. 46. L. Rose and R Vaughan, Velikovsky Reconsidered, 102, Doubleday, 1976. 47. L. Rose ...
... & Motz, Larrabee, and de Grazia, Juergens, and Stecchini, one of Velikovsky's closest supporters, a Malvern, Pennsylvania, Presbyterian minister named Warner Sizemore, began forming Velikovskian study groups. (10) University of California at Los Angeles chancellor, Franklin Murphy, was intrigued enough that in January 1964 he asked Louis Schlichter, the geophysics chairman, to organize an interdisciplinary commission to look into the matter; Schlichter, however, refused on the basis that anyone who claims that the terrestrial magnetosphere can reach as far as the moon can have no understanding of scientific possibility. (Later in the year Van Ness detected that the magnetosphere does indeed reach the lunar orbit, but ...
314. Bibliography (Immanuel Velikovsky's Jewish Science) [Books]
... Newell, Norman D. (1963). "Crises in the History of Life." American Scientist, 208 (Feb.), 77 ff. Ninkovich, Drayoslav and Bruce C. Heezen. (1965). "Santorini: Tephra." W. F. Whittard and R. Bradshaw, eds. Submarine Geology and Geophysics. Proceedings of theSeventeenth Symposium of the Colston Research Society held in the University of Bristol, April 5th-9th, 1965. London: Butterworths. Oberg, James. (1980). "Ideas in Collision." Skeptical Inquirer, 5, 1 (Fall), 20-27. Orlinsky, Harry M. (1952). "Chaos ...
315. Sagan's "Ten Plagues" [Journals] [Kronos]
... (but see S. Porter, Science 172, 375 [23 April 1971] concerning an episode of unusual activity at Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii, dated at about 4500 years ago). (3 ) Now Sagan is also a party to all this, having published, with two other authors, a paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research for February 20, 1976, supporting a connection between episodic volcanism and climatic change. But Sagan always seems to favor the statistical approach, and in this instance the announced wisdom concerns "major episodic climatic changes lasting from a decade to a century every 1,000 to 1 million years." Sagan phrases his remarks to suggest ...
316. Heretics, Dogmatists and Science's Reception of New Ideas [Journals] [Kronos]
... . . . it might be helpful to remind ourselves regularly of the sizable incompleteness of our understanding . . . of nature and the world around us. ''(14) At least one astronomer of no mean repute is consciously aware of the thrust of Hackerman's admonition. In a book review of P. S. Wesson's Cosmology and Geophysics for Nature, T. C. Van Flandern writes: "Moreover I was pleased to see explicit mention of the assumption underlying this entire discussion [of gravitation and the expansion of the Earth], that there may be as yet undiscovered laws of physics. This has always seemed to me an obvious point as long as our understanding ...
317. Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... in myth and religion and ancient history.(6 ) To counterbalance this self-imposed blindness, we develop alternative structures of belief to which we rationally adhere as a flight from our unconscious irrational knowledge of catastrophe. Velikovsky thus argued that certain portions of accepted science are incorrect because they have been unconsciously constructed to ignore the undesirable truth about the Earth's geophysical past. Conversely, he held that many portions of myth and ancient history are true. With these things set forth, we can now describe our task a little more precisely. We begin as I said with the question- What if Velikovsky is right? Suppose our planet has indeed been devastated by celestial disorder several times within human ...
318. Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilisations [Journals] [Aeon]
... may still get zapped by a thunderbolt. Like previous and present catastrophists, Matthews, too, invokes worldwide myths of a great flood and a judgment day which seem to indicate that something colossal must have ravaged the Earth in historical times. Answers as to what this earth-shaking catastrophe could have been need to be sought in archaeology, anthropology, geophysics, climatology, and celestial mechanics. The public, he has discovered, becomes greatly interested when science seeks to bring apparently unrelated pieces of evidence together . He therefore urged the scientists present at the Conference not to be self-effacing but to share their discoveries with the press. Saturday- July 12 Sources and Populations of Near-Earth Objects: Recent ...
319. 094book.htm [Journals] [Aeon]
... Vol. 2, No. 1; "Anomalous Occurrence of Crocodilia in Eocene Polar Forests," in SISR, Vol. 14. Hapgood has very strong circumstantial evidence of a major Holocene warming in Antarctica which partly overlapped the maximal advance of the Wisconsinan Glaciation 18,000 bp. Warm climates in polar latitudes cannot be reconciled with uniformitarian geophysics; they point to global catastrophe of some sort. Another amazing map is the Hadji Ahmed World Map of 1559, of Turkish origin, shown in Figure 58. By far its outstanding feature is the very modern configuration of North and South America. Also noteworthy is the "Beringia" or land bridge connecting North America and Asia. ...
320. The Countdown to a New Celestial Hazard [Journals] [Aeon]
... . So far as prediction is concerned, the problem has always been where these objects come from; and it was the Irish-Estonian astronomer Opik in the 1960's who first indicated that the Oort cloud was the likely source both of short-period comets and of Earth-crossing (i .e . potentially catastrophic) asteroids. Somewhat later, the American astronomer/geophysicist Urey was to associate short-period comets with mass extinctions and geological boundaries but a more general theory, combining both these proposals, was not obviously excluded. This led two British astronomers, Clube and Napier, to the suggestion that disintegrating large comets were mostly responsible for sustaining both the near-Earth asteroid and short-period comet populations and for controlling most aspects ...
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