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447 results found.
45 pages of results. 261. "Deus Ex Machina" Redux and Planet X Update (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... Table I and Table II, work by the writer between July 1978 and March 1981 on the TPS is included. Work since March 1981 is found in Table III. For a number of reasons,(22,30) the Case B solutions appear to be the most likely. All of my orbit derivations, from several sources of geophysical anomalies and solar system periodicities, are fully described in conference proceedings and published reports(8 ,9 ,21,22,24,33) available from the Library of Congress or at cost from the writer. All of my mass estimates, however, are derived from Harrison's presumption regarding the cause of the pulsar period derivatives. ...
262. Planet in Crisis: the Earth's Last 12,000 Years [Journals] [SIS Review]
... itinerant star, a massive meteor swarm, or a former moon - dated, equally variously, from as long ago as 25,000BC to as recently as just a few centuries before the birth of Christ - none of these agents, except the stellar candidate, seemingly possess the capacity to affect Earth to the degree that field evidence and geophysical theory demand. Nevertheless, if it was an errant star the incineration of Earth and its planetary neighbours would surely have followed but this did not occur - although widespread traditions about a vast world conflagration long ago suggest that a fiery end may have been threatened - so an astral agency may be dismissed. Yet even a relatively small portion ...
263. The Greenland Ice Cores [Journals] [Kronos]
... some fifteen more years- that is, until the Dye 3 deep core drilling was completed in 1981. An account of the deep core drilling at Dye 3 has recently appeared in book form. Edited by C. C. Langway, Jr., H. Oeschger, and W. Dansgaard, it is entitled Greenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochemistry, and the Environment (Washington: American Geophysical Union, 1985). This book, which contains seventeen papers by participating scientists, will be referred to hereafter as "LOD". Before we consider the Dye 3 deep core itself, however, let us examine some of the findings that emerged from the study of earlier ...
264. Minds in Chaos [Books] [de Grazia books]
... serious rebuttal. '[ 9 ] Atomic scientist Harrison Brown disdained to list the errors in fact and conclusion' that he estimated would fill a letter thirty pages in length. ' Instead, in his review of Worlds in Collision in the Saturday Review of Literature [10], Brown assured his readers that the combination of modern astronomy, geophysics, geochemistry, paleontology, geology, and physics can state the following: The earth did not stop rotating 3,500 years ago. [Brown, too, disregarded Velikovsky's alternative explanation for the visual effect of an arrested sun.] Venus was formed much earlier than 3,500 years ago. Indeed, it is probably about ...
265. Mass Movements in Level Areas [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... This process of energy transformation occurs in wave patterns. An analogous case can be observed when the brakes are used on a moving train. A shock wave may result, known as the box-car effect'. The analysis of such wave patterns is based on a number of physical and mathematical considerations. Detailed descriptions can be found in handbooks of geophysics, such as Dobrin (1960), Egyed (1950), and Szorokin e.a . (1953). In bodies of deformable material, ranging from liquids to solids, four basic wave patterns are distinguished: A longitudinal or press wave is a succession of compression and tension (or dilatation) in the direction of movement ...
266. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... pp. 57-64). The results of a survey carried out by Antoni Hoffman and Matthew Nitecki, published in Geology in 1985, showed that at that time the impact hypothesis was accepted by 9% of British palaeontologists, 10% of Soviet geoscientists, 14% of German palaeontologists, 16% of Polish geoscientists and 31% of American geophysicists. A further 27% of British palaeontologists, 35% of Soviet geoscientists, 25% of German palaeontologists, 40% of Polish geoscientists and 15% of American geophysicists accepted that there had been an extraterrestrial impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, but considered that the mass extinctions had been caused by other factors. In Extinction, Stanley criticises ...
267. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... in the time of Merenptah the same person as the scribe who set up the Apis Stele in the time of Osorkon II? Anthony Chavasse, London SW2 Action of Tides on the Earth's Crust Dear Sir, A factor which we consider is possibly of great importance in connection with catastrophic events, but has been given little or no attention by geophysicists, is the cumulative effect of solid tides over a long period of time. Although tidal forces are small, the Earth's crust is relatively thin and flexible enough to experience an appreciable change of level due to these forces. "Typically, an observer on the Earth's surface will move up and down in twelve hours by as much as ...
268. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , is a review of Mankind in Amnesia by a former editor of Scientific American, Paul Hoffman. It should be entered into the annals of the Velikovsky Affair as yet another derogatory review of Velikovsky's works, written with gay abandon and the merest sprinkling of fact. Hoffman writes: "I want to say at once that there is no geophysical or astrophysical evidence for Velikovsky's scenarios." And then he follows up with: "His physics involves leaps of logic worthy of Evel Knievel." From these highlights to the conclusion, sparing other slights on the way, for in conclusion Hoffman writes: "Today nuclear weapons threaten to annihilate the human race. Mankind in Amnesia is ...
269. Thoth Vol III, No. 10: July 30, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... temperatures sounds very much like an episode of Earth's relocation in the solar system to an orbit closer to the Sun. That is a simple cause and effect relationship. Unfortunately for the climatologists, the rules of their game don't allow it at present. I would like to know where all of the sand came from too. Wal Thornhill American Geophysical Union Public Information Office 2000 Florida Avenue, NW Washington, D.C . 20009 (For Immediate Release: July 7, 1999) Sahara's abrupt desertification started by changes in Earth's orbit, accelerated by atmospheric and vegetation feedbacks WASHINGTON- One of the most striking climate changes of the past 11,000 years caused the abrupt desertification of ...
270. Should the European Oak Dendrochronologies be Re-examined? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Royal Society of New Zealand) F. Hassan & S. Robinson, 1987: High-precision radiocarbon chronometry of ancient Egypt, and comparisons with Nubia, Palestine and Mesopotamia', Antiquity 61, pp. 119-134 K. Kigoshi & H. Hasegawa, 1966: Secular Variation of Atmospheric Radiocarbon Concentration and Its Dependence on Geomagnetism', Journal of Geophysical Research 71(4 ), pp. 1065-1071 H. S. Jansen, 1962: Comparison Between Ring-Dates and C14-Dates In A New Zealand Kauri Tree', New Zealand Journal of Science 5(1 ), pp. 74-84 idem, 1970: Secular variations of radiocarbon in New Zealand and Australian trees', in I. Olsson ...
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